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2016/10/28 11:30
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  • It is hard for me to get up in the morning.

今回は、こちらの質問で関係する、辞書で調べると出てくる、 wake upとget upの違いを含めて簡単に説明させて頂ければと思います。 wake up→起きる(体がベットの中にいても目が覚めていればOK) get up→起きる(体が起きて動ける状態) あとは、ニュアンスの問題なのですが、 冬場は目が覚めても温かい布団から出たくないですよね? なので、とりあえず、今回は、wake upを使わず、 ベットやお布団などから出て、活動できるように起き上がるという意味で、 It is hard for me to get up in the morning. もし、この文章に、朝早起きするのがつらいと付け足すならば、 It is hard for me to get up in the early morning. となります。 今回の解答から、違いなど、なかなかわかりずらい、ニュアンスなどが伝われば、 幸いです。 (ボキャブラリー) - 私にとって~が難しい: It is hard for me~ - 寒い早朝に起きるのがつらい:It is hard for me to get up in the cold, early morning. - 寒い早朝、ベッドから出るのが苦戦する:I struggle to get out of bed in the cold, early mornings.
  • I'm not a morning person.

  • I struggle to get up in the morning.

Someone who does not like to wake up early often says: I'm not a morning person. Someone who enjoys waking up early is often referred to as 'a lark' or 'a morning person.' A struggle is something that is difficult to do. I hope that helps!
早起きが苦手だったら I'm not a morning person. ということができます。 早起きが好きな人のことを lark とか morning person と呼びます。 struggle は、難しいとか困難なことを意味します。 参考になれば嬉しいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I can't get up in the morning

  • I often oversleep

I can't get up in the morning - this means that you have trouble waking...or maybe you wake up but feel too sleepy and then fall back to sleep again. To oversleep means to sleep longer than you intend to. Maybe you need to get to work or school or have something important to do...but you just stay in bed and fall asleep again!
I can't get up in the morning - これはちょっと朝起きるのが苦手なのか、起きるけど眠たすぎてまた眠りについてしまうのか、を意味します。 To oversleep は自分が思っていたよりも寝てしまう、つまり寝坊を意味します。例えば仕事や学校へいかなければならないのに、ベッドにいたまままた眠ってしまったりなどです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not a morning person

  • I love to sleep in

We use the phrase 'not a morning person' to describe someone that does not like to get up early and often has trouble getting out of bed. To 'sleep in' is to sleep until late into the morning, or even into the afternoon! :)
not a morning person'とは、朝早く起きるのが苦手で、ベッドからなかなかでられない人のことを言います。    'sleep in'とは、朝遅くまで、もしくは午後になっても寝ているという意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • It's so hard to wake up in the morning.

朝起きるのがすごく辛いよ! It is 形容詞 to 動詞... で (動詞)...することは形容詞だ。 という文が作れます。 よって、it's hard to understand that.と言えば それを理解することは難しいです。となり、 これを使えば簡単に「・・・するのはーーだ」という文が作れます。 It's so hard to wake in the morning ; 朝起きることはすごく難しい(すごく辛い)。 理由を付け足す場合は、it isの文の後ろにbecauseをそのまま付けて理由を言います。 ...because it's very cold and I am so sleepy. だってすごく寒いし、眠いんだもの。
  • It's hard to get out of bed in the morning.

「朝ベッドから出るのがつらい」の意味です。 普通に訳せば、get upですが、他にその回答を挙げてらっしゃる方がいるので、私はそれ以外で考えました。 目は覚めてるけど、寒いからずっとベットで布団にくるまっていたい感じなら、こういう表現もできます(^_^) ご参考までになれば幸いです<m(__)m>
  • I am not a morning person

  • I hate getting up early

  • The morning are a struggle for me, i am not an early riser.

example "I am not an early riser, mornings are a difficulty for me." or "I hate to get up early, I am not an early riser". or "I am not a morning person". or "I'm not a morning person, I don't like leaving my bed!".
"I am not an early riser, mornings are a difficulty for me."  早起き派じゃないんです。朝は苦手です。 "I hate to get up early, I am not an early riser"  早起きするのが大嫌いです。早起きする人ではありません。 "I am not a morning person".  朝型ではありません。 "I'm not a morning person, I don't like leaving my bed!" 朝型ではありません。ベッドから出るのが嫌なんです。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not a morning person and find it super difficult to wake up in the morning.

  • I have a hard time waking up early in the morning.

If you would like to tell someone that you are very bad at waking up in the mornings, you can say something like "I'm horrible at waking up in the mornings." or "I'm not a morning person and find it super difficult to wake up in the morning.". The term "not a morning person" means someone who does not like/prefer to wake up early in the morning and possibly prefers being a night owl instead.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I just cannot get up in the mornings!

  • I find it difficult to get out of bed in the mornings.

  • I am not a morning person! Getting up is very hard for me.

If you find yourself being grumpy in the mornings and you always snooze your alarm and get up at the last second, then you are described as someone who is not a "morning person."If you tell people that you cannot get up in the mornings, you do not mean it literally (otherwise you would not be there to tell them) you just mean that you sigh a lot when it comes to it. I hope the above sentences helps you!
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • I find it difficult to get up in the morning.

  • I hate early mornings!

  • I am not a morning person!

If you are a morning person then you usually prefer to get up early in the morning and go to bed early at night. However, if you are not a morning person then, given the chance, you would stay in bed later in the mornings and probably stay up later at night too. This is easily explained by saying either 'I am a morning person' or 'I am not a morning person'.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • It's hard to wake up in the morning.

  • It's tough waking up in the morning.

  • I have a hard time getting up in the morning.

「起きる・目覚める」は、"wake up" / 「起き上がる・立ち上がる」は、"get up"を使います。 「つらい」は、"hard" / "tough" "It's so hard to wake up on cold mornings." 「寒い朝に起きるのは本当につらい。」 "It's really tough waking up in the morning. It's freezing and I don't want to get out of bed. " 「朝起きるのが本当につらい。寒くてベッドから出たくない。」 "I always have a hard time getting up in the winter." 「冬はいつも(ベッドから)起き上がるのがつらいです。」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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