世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/10/28 12:18
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  • I will be there before 8pm, so please wait there by 8pm.

I will be there before 8pm. 8時までにはそこにいるだろう(または着いているだろう)。 So please wait there by that time. だから、その時間まではそこで待っていてください。 関連 待ち合わせ場所に着いた時のフレーズ I am so sorry for keeping you waiting. お待たせしてごめんなさいm(_ _)m I should have texted you that I'd be late. 前もって遅れるだろうってテキストしておけば良かったよ。
  • Please make sure you are the at 8 o'clock sharp ,you will find me waiting for you.

  • I will be there before 8pm so please be punctual.

  • Be there no later than 8pm ,I will be there before that time.

Please make sure you are the at 8 o'clock sharp ,you will find me waiting for you. 8pm sharp = this means you expect them to be there on time and no later than 8pm "you will find me waiting for you "= this could give them comfort to know that you will be waiting for them or you could say this to let them know that tardiness is not an option. I will be there before 8pm so please be punctual. to be punctual = to be somewhere on time Be there no later than 8pm ,I will be there before that time. no later than =to let them know that you expect to see them on the designated time .
Please make sure you are the at 8 o'clock sharp ,you will find me waiting for you. 8pm sharp = this means you expect them to be there on time and no later than 8pm "you will find me waiting for you "= this could give them comfort to know that you will be waiting for them or you could say this to let them know that tardiness is not an option. 8PM Sharp=午後8時ぴったり。You will find me waiting for you=先に待っていること。 「午後8時丁度に着くようにお願いします。お待ちしています。」 先に行き待っているからと相手を安心させる、または、時間厳守を強調している、どちらにも解釈できる言い回しです。 I will be there before 8pm so please be punctual. to be punctual = to be somewhere on time Be puncutal=オンタイムで。「午後8時前には着いているので、オンタイムに来て下さい。」 Be there no later than 8pm ,I will be there before that time. no later than =to let them know that you expect to see them on the designated time . No later than=遅くても○○には、○○までには。 「午後8時までには来て。私は8時前には着いているから。」
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • A) Please make sure that you are there 8 PM sharp.

  • B) I expect you no later than 8 PM .

A) Please make sure that you are there 8 PM sharp. *Please make sure - please be there / be sure to be there / you have to be there. * 8 PM sharp - on the dot / not one second or minute after 8PM. B) I expect you no later than 8 PM . *Expect -regard (someone) as likely to do or be something. Example -"they were not expecting him to continue" *No later - you have to be there at 8PM and no later than that. I hope this helps :-)
A) Please make sure that you are there 8 PM sharp.8時ちょうどに絶対そこにいてね! *Please make sure 確かにする- please be thereそこにいてください / be sure to be there /そこにいることを確かにしてください you have to be there.そこにいなければいけません * 8 PM sharp 8時ちょうどに- on the dot時間きっかりに / not one second or minute after 8PM.8時を1秒も1分も遅れないで B) I expect you no later than 8 PM .あなたが8時以降に来るとは思っていない=8時にそこに来ていてくださいよ *Expect -何かをするだろうと期待する 例 -"they were not expecting him to continue"彼が続けるとは彼らは期待していなかった *No late~よりあとにr - you have to be there at 8PM and no later than that.あなたは8時にはそこにいなけえればいけない。8時より後じゃなくてね。 参考になると幸いです
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I'll be there before 8PM, so please be on time.

  • I'll be there early so I'll be waiting for you at 8PM sharp.

  • I'm going to arrive before 8PM, so please be on time so I don't have to wait.

You can be direct and say "I'll be there before 8PM, so please be on time", or you can imply by saying "I'll be there early so I'll be waiting for you at 8PM sharp." If your friend is always late you can say "I'm going to arrive before 8PM, so please be on time so I don't have to wait." It's a little bit direct, but it might be necessary as some people from other cultures do not take punctuality so seriously.
直接的に、"I'll be there before 8PM, so please be on time", 私は8時にはつくから時間厳守でね。または、 このように暗に示すこともできます。 "I'll be there early so I'll be waiting for you at 8PM sharp."私は早めにいくから、8時ちょうどにはあなたを待ってるわ もしあなたの友達がいつも遅れてくるなら"I'm going to arrive before 8PM, so please be on time so I don't have to wait." 私は8時に到着する予定だから時間に遅れないようにね。そうすれば待たなくていいからこれはちょっと直接的な言い方ですが、ある文化では、時間厳守が重要視されていなかったりするのでそういう場合にはこの表現は必要かもしれません。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • My ETA is 8pm so please be there for then

  • Please wait for my arrival around 8pm

ETA =The estimated time of arrival or ETA is the time when a ship, vehicle, aircraft, cargo or emergency service is expected to arrive at a certain place. However, in a wider context, especially military or even in civilian life you may use this expression..either seriously or as a joke. Alternatively, you could just say: "Please wait for my arrival around 8pm," which is perfectly clear.
ETA =到着予定時間。広義ではミリタリーや一般生活でもこの表現はジョークとして、またはシリアスな場面でも使われます。 またはこういうこともできます。 "Please wait for my arrival around 8pm," これも伝わります。 8時の到着まで待っていてね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please meet me at 8pm.

  • I will arrive prior to 8pm, please don't be a minute later.

  • Ensure you arrive by 8pm on the dot!

Please meet me at 8pm' is polite and professional. Sometimes this is all that is needed. Particularly if this is a business meeting. It is a fair assumption that the colleague you are meeting is going to be on time. If you know that they have a habit of being late you could say 'I will arrive prior to 8pm, please don't be a minute later'. By letting them know that you will be there before (prior), they know they have to arrive by 8pm. '...on the dot!' is an indicator of the minute hand on a clock. You are telling them that they can not arrive any later. It is firmer and much more direct to say 'Ensure you arrive by 8pm on the dot!'. Particularly useful if you know they have a habit of being late.
Please meet me at 8pm' (8時に待ち合わせしましょう) これは丁寧でプロフェッショナルです。 時々、必要な事はこれが全てです。 特にもしこれがビジネス上の打ち合わせだとすると。 これは同僚とあなたが時間通りにまちあわせる公平な仮定になります。 もし相手が待ち合わせに遅れる人だったら、次のように伝えることが出来ます。 'I will arrive prior to 8pm, please don't be a minute later' (8時前に行くので、お願いだから1分も遅れないでください) あなたが8時前に行くことを伝えることによって、相手が8pmにつかなければならないことが分かります。 '...on the dot!'(時間通りに) とは、時間を示すところの上を時計の針が重なっているという意味になります。 時間ぴったりに、遅れてはいけませんと言う事を伝えています。 次のように表現するととても強く率直な言い方になります。 'Ensure you arrive by 8pm on the dot!' (時間ぴったり8時までに間違いなく着てください) 特に遅れがちの傾向がある人使うにはとても便利な表現です。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • I'll meet you there before 8pm.

  • I'll be there before the meeting starts at 8pm.

  • I'll see you there before 8 o'clock.

"I'll meet you there before 8pm." explains to someone that you will arrive someone before the meeting time, in this case, 8pm.
"I'll meet you there before 8pm." (8時までにそちらに行きます) ↑ミーティングが始まる前(ここでは8時前)にそこに到着すると伝えています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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