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レストランに四人など複数名で行き、混雑時、「2人ずつ別々の席でもいいので」 や、「分かれても平気です」 と店員に伝えるときなんと言うのでしょうか?
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2016/10/30 19:34
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  • "We can sit separately"

  • "We don't mind sitting separately"

「別々」は Separatelyと言います。「別々の席でもいいです」は"We can sit separately"で、"We don't mind sitting separately"は「別々の席でもかまいません」という意味です。どっちでも使えます。
Yuujin 英語講師、英会話講師、トライリンガル翻訳者
  • We can sit seperately

  • We don't mind sitting seperately

  • We don't mind being split up

If you can't sit together then you may have to sit 'seperately' or in two groups of 2 So you could tell the clerk 'We can sit seperately' but you may want to say 'we don't mind sitting seperately' this suggests you are happy to all sit on different tables To be 'split up' means the same as being seperated
一緒に座れないのなら、二人ずつ、'separately'(別々に)座らないといけないかもしれません。 店員さんに、'We can sit seperately'(別々に座ってもいいです)と伝えることができます。ですが、'We don't mind sitting seperately'(別々に座っても構いません)と言った方がいいかもしれません。これは、別々のテーブルに座っても全く問題ないというニュアンスです。 'to be split up'は'to be separated'(分かれる)と同じ意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • We're happy to sit in two different groups

  • We don't mind being seated apart

At a restaurant. It's crowded. You are a group of four. You want to tell the staff that you can sit separately in two groups of two. In this scenario, either of the above statements should be adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You can divide us in groups of two if you need to.

  • You can split us up in groups of two if you need to.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that you do not mind separating the group you are in. In the second sentence you will see the term split something up. This means to separate or divide something. This is a term that is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、席は別々でも構わないと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 例文2では"split something up"という表現が使われているのに気が付いたと思います。これは「分ける/別々にする」という意味です。この表現は日常会話でよく使われます。ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Is there room to sit at separate tables?

  • Are there two tables for two instead?

"Is there room to sit at separate tables?" is a polite way of asking the person seating you whether it is ok for your group to sit separately, and if there is enough space for this. "Are there two tables for two instead?" is a bit more specific, and helps the person seating you to know exactly what it is that you are looking for, and to see if it is available. I hope this helped! :)
"Is there room to sit at separate tables?" (別々に座ることはできますか?) ここでは、スタッフに別々に座ってもいいか、それだけのスペースがあるかどうか丁寧に確認しています。 "Are there two tables for two instead?" (代わりに2人用のテーブル2つはありますか?) これはもう少し具体的です。何を求めているのかを明確に伝えて、それが可能かどうかスタッフに確認しています。 助けになれば!:)
Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • It is not a problem for our group to sit separately

  • You can split us up in groups of two if it is easier.

In order to explain this situation, you can tell the restaurant staff that "It is not a problem for our group to sit separately for one another". This lets them know politely that you are willing to accommodate for their needs and it is not an issue for this situation to happen.
以下のようにこの状況についてレストランのスタッフに説明できます。 "It is not a problem for our group to sit separately for one another". (私達のグループはお互いにバラバラに座っても大丈夫です) このように言うことで、レストランの都合に合わせて別々に座っても問題ないと丁寧に伝えることができます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Don't worry, we can sit on two separate tables if it is more convenient.

  • You can put us on two different tables if you like.

Don't worry' is a way that native speakers start a sentence when they feel they might be changing a plan. 'We can sit on two separate tables' means that the group can be split onto two different tables. 'If it is more convenient' is a polite way of recognising the effort the restaurant might be putting in to change the configuration of the tables. 'You can put us on two different tables' means that the group can be split up, and 'if you like' is a nice addition to make it sound more polite, and less demanding.
ネイティブスピーカーは予定を変更しても構わないときに、'Don't worry'で文の始めることがあります。 'We can sit on two separate tables'は「私達は2つのテーブルに別れて座っても良いです」という意味です。 'If it is more convenient'(都合が良ければ)は、レストラン側のテーブルを手配する手間に配慮した丁寧な言い方です。 'You can put us on two different tables'は「私達は2つのテーブルに別れて座っても良いです」という意味です。'if you like'を加えるとより丁寧で、押し付け感が弱くなります。
Jane Mary DMM英会話講師
  • We are happy to split up and sit at separate tables.

  • We are happy to sit at different tables if necessary.

  • If you dont have a table for four,we are happy to sit at two smaller tables.

When a restaurant is crowded, and you are a group that just want to have some food, and not necessarily hangout there, then using any of the above phrases will indicate to staff, that you are willing to be split us and not stay as a group.
Lossie DMM英会話講師
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