世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2016/10/31 15:07
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  • parishioners /Buddhist-parishioner /Shinto-parishoner

  • supporters  financial supporters of a temple

  • worshippers/ followers

parishioner は教区民と訳されます。教区は教会が置かれる地域、教会を設置するためにわけらられた区域のことなので、神道の神社の氏子と類似したものとして使えます。檀家は現在はその寺にお墓があるなどで定期的に金銭を納め、経済的に支える人たちなので financial supporters of a temple が使えそうです。ただ、宗教学の論文などでは 江戸時代の寺請け制度を踏まえてBuddhist-parishioner と言う用語が使われてわれているようです。 一方参拝客は 信仰心が問題ではない場合は visitor を使うようです。 Christian Bhuddist などの他の様々な宗教の信者を呼ぶときには、 worshippers/ followers を使います。 ちなみに、 「寺に参拝すると檀家としてカウントされ、神社に参拝すると氏子としてカウントされる」 は俗説で、実際は各宗教機関があげている信者数を合計しているので人口を上回っているということのようです。基本的には神道は神社の氏子区域に住んでいる人を氏子と考えているので、日本国に住む人はほぼ全員氏子としてカウントされます。これに加えて寺社墓地にお墓がある人は檀家となるので、人口は上回りますよね。 ご参考までに、正月の参拝客の合計は9千万人ぐらいだそうです。
  • house of Buddhism or Shinto

  • Buddhist Temple and Shinto Shrine

  • Buddhist / Shintoist

A religious building can be referred to as a "house of worship" or "place of worship" and can include churches, temples, mosques, synagogues, shrines, or other holy places. The term "House of God" is commonly used for a church, however, we would normally refer to a "Buddhist temple" or "Shinto shrine" when directly referencing these places. One could also say a place or building is holy or sacred to a particular religion : "This is a sacred place to Shintoists". Depending on the kind of place of worship and the followers, different terms will be used. In relation to Buddhism, we will have Buddhists (followers), monks and nuns (those dedicated to service), and will be led by a abbot. These terms are all borrowed from English Christian terms. In Shintoism, the followers are called Shintoists, but there is not much information on the leadership as the practice of Shinto is rather one of a collection of beliefs than organised religion. The phrase Kami is also acceptable. Shintoism (Japan's indigenous religion) is not the same as Buddhism, but the two religions do share some similarities. As such, it is completely acceptable to use the Japanese terms in an English conversation or discussion as long as you can explain the terms to those who are not familiar with them. In the case of most religions, the following terms can be used universally if you do not know the specific term: parishioner - follower congregation - community of followers (member of the congregation is also common) priest - leader (female - priestess) minister - leader (male and female) abbot - leader (male and female) nun - female dedicated to service monk - male dedicated to service If in doubt, one can simply refer to Buddhist or Shintoist followers or leaders.
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