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2015/12/09 17:53
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  • You're a lightweight so be careful.

"lightweight" はお酒に弱いという意味です。お酒があまり飲めない人にも使える単語です。
  • Please don’t drink too much. You get drunk easily.

「たくさん飲まないでくださいね。すぐに酔っ払うんだから」 お酒が弱い・強いは weak/ strongで表現しません。 お酒が弱い I can’t drink much. I’m a lightweight. *lightweight (ライト級:ボクシングなどの) I’m a cheap date. (女子が言います) お酒が強い I can drink a lot. I have a high tolerance. *tolerance (耐性)
  • A) Please don't drink too much .

  • B) You can't hold your liquor please don't over do it.

A) Please don't drink too much . *Please - pleading /begging *Don't - do not *too much -an intolerable, impossible, or exhausting situation or experience. Example -"the effort proved too much for her" B) You can't hold your liquor please don't over do it. *Can't - can not *hold your liquor -To be able to drink a quantity of alcohol and have one's wits about them Example - She can hold her liquor at home, but not in public. *Over do it -do, use, or carry to excess; exaggerate. I hope this helps ! :-)
A) Please don't drink too much . 飲みすぎないでね。 *Please -依頼 *Don't - do notの省略形 *too much 多すぎる 例 -"the effort proved too much for her" 彼女は頑張りすぎた B) You can't hold your liquor please don't over do it. お酒に強くないから飲みすぎないように *Can't - can notの省略形 *hold your liquor -アルコールのたくさんの量を飲むことができ、対処できること 例- She can hold her liquor at home, but not in public. 彼女は家ではお酒に飲まれないんだけど、外で飲むときはだめなんだよ。 *Over do it -のみすぎ、やりすぎ 参考になると幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Do not drink too much. You cannot hold your liquor.

  • Do not drink too much. You're a lightweight.

Do not drink too much. You cannot hold your liquor. 'cannot hold your liquor' - this is used when someone gets drunk after consuming small amounts of liquor. Example A: Do not drink too much. B: Why? A: You cannot hold your liquor. ____________________________________________________________________________ Do not drink too much. You're a lightweight. You're (contraction) - This means 'you are' 'lightweight' - this term is used to refer to someone who gets drunk after a few drinks. Example A: Do not drink too much. B: Why? A: You're a lightweight.
Do not drink too much. You cannot hold your liquor. 飲みすぎないでね。お酒に弱いんだから。 'cannot hold your liquor' - ちょっと飲んだだけで酔っぱらう。 例 A: Do not drink too much. 飲みすぎないでね。 B: Why? なぜ。 A: You cannot hold your liquor. お酒に弱いからよ。 ____________________________________________________________________________ Do not drink too much. You're a lightweight. 飲みすぎないでね。すぐ酔うんだから。 You're (短縮形) - 'you are' 'lightweight' - ちょっと飲んで酔っ払う人。 例 A: Do not drink too much. 飲みすぎないでね。 B: Why? なぜ。 A: You're a lightweight. すぐに酔うからだよ。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • You get "lit" very easily!

  • You are a light drinker, so go easy!

"Lit" is slang for getting very drunk. "You are a light drinker, so go easy!" Meaning you can't handle too much alcohol, you get drunk very quickly, so do not drink too fast.
"""lit"" は「すごく酔っ払う」と言う意味のスラングです。 You are a light drinker, so go easy! ↑たくさんお酒を飲むとすぐ酔ってしまうから、急いで飲まないで、ゆっくり飲んでね、とう意味です。 ここでの""light""は軽い、普通以下の、と言う意味で使われています。 ""go easy""は気楽に、のんびりやると言う意味です。 "
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • 1. You can't take your drink, so drink sparingly!

  • 2. Drink goes straight to your head!

  • 3. If I were you, I'd drink moderately. You get tipsy very quickly.

1. Sparingly = in a restricted or infrequent manner; in small quantities. "The sharply flavoured leaves should be used sparingly. To take/hold one's drink = If you can't hold your drink, alcohol quickly affects you badly. 2. This means that alcoholic drinks affect you quickly. 3. "If I were you, I'd ....." We use this structure when giving advice to someone. "If I were you, I'd leave home earlier - then you won't be late for work."
1. Sparingly = 控えみに、小さめに、 "The sharply flavoured leaves should be used sparingly. きつい香料は、控えみに使われるべきだ。 To take/hold one's drink = アルコールをコントロールする。アルコールを自制する。 2. これは、アルコールがすぐ回るという意味です。 3. "If I were you, I'd ....." この文法は、誰かにアドバイスをいうときに使います。 "If I were you, I'd leave home earlier - then you won't be late for work." もし僕が君なら早く家に帰るだろうね、仕事にも遅刻しないだろうし。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't overdo it.

  • Please don't go too hard.

  • Please consider your tolerance.

"Please don't overdo it." overdo = to do more than what you can handle or what is necessary. "Please don't go too hard." This is a way to ask someone not to drink too much. "Please consider your tolerance." tolerance = the amount of alcohol an individual can consume before they become too drunk.
"Please don't overdo it." overdo =必要以上に、または自分でコントロールできない以上にやりすぎる、という意味です。 "Please don't go too hard." 飲みすぎないようにね、というときに使えるフレーズです。 "Please consider your tolerance." tolerance = そのひとの飲める分量 という意味です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Please watch your alcohol intake since you cannot handle a lot.

This means that you are advising them not drink a lot since their body cannot handle a lot.
これは、あなたの体はお酒をあまり取り入れることができないので、飲む量を加減してと忠告していることを意味します。 お酒が弱いので気をつけてねのニュアンスになります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Remember you have a low alcohol tolerance.

  • Don't have too much, you get drunk easily!

  • Too much drinking is not for you, your tolerance is low.

If you have a high tolerance for alcohol it means that it takes a lot of drinks to get you drunk, but if your tolerance is low, you get drunk easily and quickly. People with a low alcohol tolerance should be careful when they are out drinking because they might drop faster than their friends, they should drink at a slow pace. Tolerance: how much of something you can tolerate
 have a high tolerance for alcoholとは、たくさん飲まないと酔っぱらわないという意味で、  tolerance is lowとは、すぐに酔ってしまうということです。  アルコールに弱い人はすぐに酔ってしまうので気をつけるべきです。ゆっくりと飲みましょう。   Tolerance: どれくらい耐えられるかということ
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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