世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/11/18 18:41
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  • Do/would you mind ending/finishing/concluding the lesson 10 minutes early?

  • Please end/finish/conclude the lesson 10 minutes early.

10分早く終わってほしい時に「今日のレッスン10分早く切り上げてください」と言いたいならこのようになります。 Do you mind ending/finishing/concluding the lesson 10 minutes early? 「切り上げる」というのは to finish, to end, to conclude 等に訳せますが、conclude はfinishとendよりもう少し硬い言い方です。 「Please end/finish/conclude the lesson 10 minutes early」も言えますが、上記の「Do you mind ending/finishing/concluding the lesson 10 minutes early? 」より少し命令のように感じますので、「Do you mind ending/finishing/concluding the lesson 10 minutes early? 」の方が良いかもしれません。 「Do you mind」か「Would you mind」を文の頭に入れたら相手に気を使う質問の言い方です。
  • Could you end today's lesson 10 minutes early, please?

  • Could you dismiss us 10 minutes early today, please?

最初の文は「今日のレッスンを10分早く終えていただけませんか?」、2番目の文は「今日は10分早く解散にしてもらえませんか?」という言い方です。いずれも先生を相手にしているという想定で、丁寧語として「Could」を使ってみました。なお、「dismiss」は「解散させる」という意味ですが、「今日はこれで授業終わり!以上!」などと言いたいときに先生が「The class is dismissed!」という決まり文句として使うので、学校用語として覚えておくと便利かも知れません。お役に立てれば幸いです。
  • Could we ened the lessone early please?

  • I'd like to end the lesson early, please.

  • Would ity be possible to end the lesson early please?

You may maken a suggestion: 'Could we.........?' or, you could just state what you want: "I'd like to...." Or, if you would like to be extremely polite, you could ask: "Would it be possible to end the lesson early please?" "Would it be possible......." We use this construction if we want to make a very polite suggestion. You are asking for the listener's opinion rather than just stating what you want.
これらを使います: 'Could we.........?'または: "I'd like to...." とても丁寧に尋ねたい場合は: "Would it be possible to end the lesson early please?" "Would it be possible......."を使うことによってとても丁寧なフレーズにできます。自分の意見をいうのではなく相手の意見を尋ねています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please end today's lesson 10 minutes earlier.I have something urgent I need to attend to.

  • Could you please end the lesson at quarter past ten. I have something urgent I need to attend to.

Could you please end today's lesson 10 minutes earlier.I have something urgent I need to attend to.- This is a polite way to ask the teacher if you can end it earlier than usual because you need to do something important. Could you please end the lesson at quarter past ten. I have something urgent I need to attend to.- Since the lessons are usually 25 minutes long, if you ask the lesson to end at quarter past it means it has ended 10 minutes earlier.
Could you please end today's lesson 10 minutes earlier.I have something urgent I need to attend to.- これは大事な用事があるため早くレッスンを終わらしてもらえるようにお願いをしています。 Could you please end the lesson at quarter past ten. I have something urgent I need to attend to.-レッスンはだいたい25分間のため、end at quarter pastは10分前に終わらせるという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Is it possible to finish the lesson 10 minutes early?

  • Could we please finish our lesson earlier today?

Using phrases like "Is it possible...?" or "Could we please...?" is a polite way to requesting something.
"Is it possible...?" (~は可能ですか?)や "Could we please...?"(~できますか?)は、お願いをするときの丁寧な表現です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Is it ok if we finish early today?

  • Can we please end class ten minutes earlier today?

  • Would you mind closing class ten minutes early today?

There are many ways of asking if changing plans is possible at the last minute. It's good manners if you suggest a change in plans instead of demanding it. Usually a person will understand especially, if you express the reason why you have to change plans.
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • Please could we finish ten minutes early today?

As you are asking a favour it is polite to begin by saying please. By asking to finish 'early' you are explaining that you would like to end the lesson ten minutes before the usual finish time.
何かをお願いしているので"please"で始めると丁寧です。 'early'(早く)終わることを言う事によって、レッスン時間を通常の時間より10 分早く終わってほしい事を説明しています。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please finish the lesson 10 minutes early today?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「Can you please finish the lesson 10 minutes early today?」 =今日のレッスン10分早く切り上げてくれますか? (例文)Can you please finish the lesson 10 minutes early today? I have a meeting. (訳)今日のレッスン10分早く切り上げてくれますか?ミーティングがあります。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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