世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/11/21 21:54
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  • Operated daily.

  • Service available every day.

運行対象が何か?にもよりますが、路線バスや公共交通機関などをイメージしての回答となります。 Operated daily=毎日運行(運用)というニュアンスです。 Service available every day.=毎日サービスは利用可能。 というニュアンスになります。 Hope this helps! Happy English!
  • This flight goes every day

  • You can take a plane to Barcelona any day

  • There is a daily flight to Barcelona

You have flown to Barcelona a few times and you notice that there is one at the same time every day from that airport. It seems to be a regular daily flight. "Excuse me, how often are their flights to Barcelona from here?" "This flight goes every day." "Does that include weekends?" "Yes, You can take a plane to Barcelona any day."
バルセロナに何度か訪れたことがあり、一日に一度、同じ時間にでている飛行機があることに気づく。 毎日でている便のようだ。 例 "Excuse me, how often are their flights to Barcelona from here?" すみません、ここからバルセロナには何便でているんですか? "This flight goes every day." 毎日です。 "Does that include weekends?" 週末も含まれますか? "Yes, You can take a plane to Barcelona any day." はい、毎日バルセロナへの便はありますよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This flight route operates every day.

  • This flight route operates on a daily basis.

In order to explain that a certain flight route flies everyday, you can say: This flight route operates every day. Flight route - This is the pathway taken by a plane. For example from London to Amsterdam to South Africa. Operates - runs or functions. Everyday - daily You can also say: This flight route operates on a daily basis. Daily basis - Everyday. To add basis is to emphasize that it runs everyday. I hope that helps!
毎日その便が飛んでいるかどうか調べるのであれば、このように言えます。 This flight route operates every day. Flight route - 飛行機のルートのことです。この場合、ロンドンアムステルダムー南アフリカ間など。. Operates - 運営される、機能する。. Everyday - 毎日 こうも言えます。 This flight route operates on a daily basis. Daily basis -毎日、basisiといれることで、毎日を強調します。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • The flight to "Tokyo" is available 7 days a week.

>The flight to "Tokyo" is available 7 days a week. ● Available=able to be used or obtained 7 days a week = This means everyday because there are only 7 days in a week. ................. This sentence clearly indicates that the flight to "Tokyo"happens every day.
>The flight to "Tokyo" is available 7 days a week. ●Available=入手可能な、使用可能な 7 days a week = これは毎日という意味ですね。1週間は7日間ですから! ................. この言い方で東京へのフライトは毎日あるとクリアーに伝えられるでしょう。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • This flight opreates on a daily basis

  • Regular as clockwork...this flight operates on a daily basis

"On a daily basis" happening each and every day... Some flight routes are so popular that they run on a dialy basis... These are normally domestic flights...and indeed many business people use short haul flights like buses;-) Hopping on to a flight that runs as "regular as clockwork" (idiom)
On a daily basis=毎日起こる 航空路線には、人気があって毎日運行されるものもあります... これらは普通国内便です...多くのビジネスパーソンが短距離フライトをバスのように利用しています。 時間ピッタリに(regular as clockwork)動くフライトに乗り込んで
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • The flight route operates every day

  • The flight route operates daily

  • The flight route operates on a daily basis

Whhen you are wanting to say something happens or is done every day you can say 'every day', 'daily' or 'on a daily basis' these all mean the same thing Operates means that it runs/happens Flight route is the plan which a plane journey takes (london to paris)
「毎日」は、”every day"・”daily”・”on a daily basis"などのフレーズで表します。 ”Operate"は「運行する」という意味です。 ”Flight route"は「航空路」のことです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Operates daily

  • Flies daily

  • Daily flight path

Operates daily. Flies daily. Daily flight path. The flight from Boston to Kentucky operates daily. The plane flies daily. Your destination is on a daily flight path.
Operates daily. Flies daily. Daily flight path. 【例文】 The flight from Boston to Kentucky operates daily. [訳]ボストンからケンタッキー行きのフライトは毎日運航しています The plane flies daily. [訳]この飛行機は毎日運航しています Your destination is on a daily flight path. [訳]あなたの目的地に向かう飛行機は毎日運航しています
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
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