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2016/11/26 11:52
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  • I got this from a Flea Market Application.

I got this from a Flea Market Application called ○○. ○○というフリマアプリでこれをゲットしました。 というのが直訳となります。 買ったよというのは、I bought this.ということができます。 purchaseを使う場合には、冒頭をI purchased this at としてください。
Yuiko Manager Research & Administration, ECC Junior講師
  • I bought this 〇〇 with a flea market app.

「この服、フリマアプリで買ったよ」はこのようにも言えます: I bought this 〇〇 with a flea market app. 「買う」のbuyを過去形のboughtとなり、I bought this 〇〇は「この〇〇を買いました」という意味です。 例) I bought this shirt with a flea market app. 文のwithは「で・を使って」という意味です。 フリマ(フリーマーケット)は英語でそのままflea marketです。 アプリ(アプリケーション)はapplicationとなりますが、省略したappも使えます。
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • I installed a flea market app and made some purchases - clothes!

  • My new flea market app was useful when I recently bought some clothes.

You could say directly that, "I installed a flea market app and made some purchases - clothes." Or, you could mention this fact a little more subtly by saying: "My new flea market app was useful when I recently bought some clothes." The listener may well respond to you saying, "Oh, that's interesting. What's the name of that app?"
直接的に "I installed a flea market app and made some purchases - clothes." またはもっと以下のように曖昧にいうこともできます。 "My new flea market app was useful when I recently bought some clothes." 相手は、 "Oh, that's interesting. What's the name of that app?" それ面白いね、なんてアプリで買ったの? と反応をしめすでしょうね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I bought this from a online shopping application.

  • I go this from a online flea market app.

>I bought this from a online shopping application. Online shopping is shopping form an phone app where you don't have to go to a physical shop. >I got this from a online flea market app. Online flea market app is shopping from your phone or tablet and you do not go to a shop.
I bought this from a online shopping application. オンラインショッピンを使えば直接お店に行かずに買い物をすることができます。 I got this from a online flea market app. オンラインフリーマーケットを使えば、お店に行かずに携帯電話やタブレットから買い物ができます。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I bought these clothes on a flee market app

bought (buy) app (application) "I bought these clothes on a flee market app."
bought (buy:買う) app (applicationの短縮系) "I bought these clothes on a flee market app." フリマアプリでこれらの服を買った。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I bought some clothes on this flea market app.

  • I found some nice clothes on a flea market app.

  • I bought some clothes from a flea market app.

"I bought some clothes on this flea market app." can explain to someone that you were using a flea market app on your phone when you bought some clothes.
"I bought some clothes on this flea market app." このフリマアプリで服を買ったよ。 この例文では、服を買ったときに携帯のフリマアプリを使ったと伝えています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I bought clothes from a flea market app

  • I purchased clothes from a flea market app

  • I bought/purchased clothes from an online app

To buy/have bought or to purchase/have purchased is to get something by spending cash/money A flea market app is an online store/shop so you don't have to leave the house to buy clothes
何かを得るためにお金を使うことを、"To buy/have bought"(買う・買った)または、"to purchase/have purchased"(購入する・購入した)と表します。 ”A flea market app"(フリマアプリ)は、わざわざお店まで行かなくても洋服が買えるネットショッピングやネットショップの一つですね。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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