世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/02/24 22:05
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  • I'll wear this home.

  • I'd like to wear this home.

  • Can I wear this home?

ニュアンスの違いとしては、 I'll wear this home. 「これ着て帰ります」 I'd like to wear this home. 「これ着て帰りたいんですけど」 Can I wear this home? 「これ着て帰ってもいいですか?」 お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください!
Alex Nomura 日英バイリンガル/Spark Dojoトレーナー
  • Can I wear this?

多分、お金を払ったタイミングでシンプルにこう言います。 タグ(値札)を取ってもらいたければ、 Can you take the tag off, please? 「タグ取ってもらえますか。」 と聞けばいいですね。
DMM Eikaiwa バイリンガルチーム
  • I will wear them now

  • I am going to change into these now

Example "don't worry about a bag, I am wearing these out now". or "I am changing into these now". or "I am going to wear these now, thanks".
例文 "Don't worry about a bag, I am wearing these out now". 袋のことは気にしないで下さい、今着て帰りますから "I am changing into these now". 今着替えて帰ります "I am going to wear these now, thanks". これから着て帰ります、ありがとう
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I think I'll wear these home!

  • I just need a bag for the clothes I came in originally!

  • I'm going to keep this dress on!

Yes, sometimes you feel so good in something (and you are wearing the clothes anyway as you tried them on) so you may as well just keep them on and look great for the rest of the day, or while you are in the city! "That dress looks wonderful on you madam!" "Yes, I think I'll take it. In fact, I'll keep it on now! "Certainly madam." "I just need a bag for the clothes I came in."
時々何か着た時に、すごく良い気分になって、着たままその日一日や街中にいる時ってありますよね。 "That dress looks wonderful on you madam!" そのドレス、すごくお似合いですよ。 "Yes, I think I'll take it. In fact, I'll keep it on now!ありがとう。頂くわ。早速着たいと思うんだけど。 "Certainly madam." もちろんです。 "I just need a bag for the clothes I came in." じゃあ着てきた服のバッグがいるわね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I wear the new clothes now?

  • Can I change into my my clothes now and wear it home?

  • Can you please remove the tags I would like to wear the clothes now.

>Can I wear the new clothes now? This is asking if you can wear the new clothes immediately. >Can I change into my my clothes now and wear it home? This is asking the person if you can put the new clothes on so that you can wear it home. >Can you please remove the tags I would like to wear the clothes now. New clothes have price tags and you are asking the person to take it off because you want to wear the new clothes home.
Can I wear the new clothes now? 新しい服をすぐに着たい時に使う表現です。 Can I change into my my clothes now and wear it home? 新しい服を着て家に帰っても良いか尋ねる時の表現です。 Can you please remove the tags I would like to wear the clothes now. 新しい服を着て家に帰りたいので、料金のついたタグをとることを尋ねる時に使う表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I will be wearing these (point at the clothes) home today.

  • I will keep these on.(new clothes when trying them on)

  • I have decided to leave the store with my new clothes on.

It is a polite way of letting the store clerk know your intentions. This ensures that they wont confuse you with someone trying to steal the clothes. In some places of the world is common for theives to put on clothes and walk out with them so you have to make sure the store clerk knows your intentions.
店員に対して自分の意図を伝える、丁寧な言い方です。こう言えば、服を盗もうとしていると勘違いされないで済みます。 海外には、服を着たまま店を出てそのまま盗んでしまう事件が頻繁に起こるようなところもありますので、店の人にはきちんと自分の意図を伝えておきましょう。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • I will put this on when I get home.

  • I would like to put this on now.

You can say : "I will put this on when I get home." "I would like to put this on now." When you want to put the clothes on right after you bought them, you can use any of the above phrases. It means that just after you paid for it, you want to wear it.
以下のように言えます: "I will put this on when I get home." (帰る時これ着ていきます) "I would like to put this on now." (これ今着たいです) 服を、買った後すぐに身につけたい時に使えるフレーズです。 お金を支払ったらすぐにそれを着たいという意味です。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I will wear these clothes at home.

  • These will be comfortable to wear at home.

  • I will wear (change into) them now.

The first two sentences express that the type of clothes are something that we prefer to wear when we are only at home and not outside doing things. If we want to say that we walk to wear them as we are walking out the store we can say: I will wear them out now. I will change into them now.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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