「生命保険会社で働いています」というのは、シンプルな表現ならI work at a life insurance company.といいます。
生命保険 = life insurance
~で働く = 現在形を使ってI work at~
I sell life insurance products.
I introduce life insurance products to customers.
I do sales calls.
I work at a life insurance company=私は生命保険会社で働いています
生命保険=life insurance
It's busy, but I love it!=忙しいけど(この仕事)大好きだよ!
It's tiring, but the money is good=すごい疲れるけどいい給料もらっている
Good luck!
Of course, you could say, "I work for a life insurance company." If you say that though, your role is unclear. You could be an office boy - or the CEO!
You may choose just to state exactly what you do: "I'm an accountant in an insurance company."
Or, if you wish to be vague, "I'm involved in life insurance." In that case you may even be a chauffeur for the executives.
もちろん、"I work for a life insurance company."と言えますよ!けどそれだけじゃあなたが何をしているのかはっきりしませんよね。事務員かもしないしCEOかもしれない。自分がしていることをはっきりと伝えることもできます。
"I'm an accountant in an insurance company.":保険会社で経理の仕事をしています。
または、ぼかしたいのなら "I'm involved in life insurance." (生命保険関係の仕事をしています。)
I work as a office manager in life insurance company.
生命保険は英語で"life insurance"と表現できます。
I sell life insurance.
I work as a office manager in life insurance company.
I work at a life insurance company.
You can introduce myself by firstly saying your name, and then stating that you work for a life insurance company.
There are other ways you can express this such as:-
1. I'm employed by a life insurance company,
2. I work in the insurance industry.
3. I'm involved in life insurance.
I work at a life insurance company.
1. I'm employed by a life insurance company.
2. I work in the insurance industry.
3. I'm involved in life insurance.
When someone asks you "what is your job?" or "what do you do?"
You can respond with "I work at a life insurance company." or "I'm working at a life insurance company."
What is your job? や What do you do?と職業を尋ねられたら、
”I work at a life insurance company."や、"I'm working at a life insurance company."と答えることができます。
I work at a life insurance company.
This answer is very simple and leaves no room for confusion. You are simply telling the person where you work.
Here is an example of how you can bring this up in your introduction:
(Y/N means your name, so use your own name here.)
Hello, nice to meet you. My name is (Y/N). I live in (where you live) and I currently work at a life insurance company.
I have a job at a life insurance company.
A job is just another word for an occupation. Thereby, in this sentence you are telling them that your job/occupation/where you work is at a life insurance company.
Here is an example of how you can bring this up in your introduction:
(Y/N means your name, so use your own name here.)
Hello, nice to meet you. My name is (Y/N). I live in (where you live) and I have a job at a life insurance company at the moment.
I work at a life insurance company.
※ Y/N は "Your Name" の意味です。ですからここにはあなた自身の名前を入れてください。
Hello, nice to meet you. My name is (Y/N). I live in (where you live) and I currently work at a life insurance company.
I have a job at a life insurance company.
'job' は 'occupation'(職業)の別の言い方です。ですから、ここでは「私は保険会社で働いています」と伝えています。
※ Y/N は "Your Name" の意味です。ですからここにはあなた自身の名前を入れてください。
Hello, nice to meet you. My name is (Y/N). I live in (where you live) and I have a job at a life insurance company at the moment.