日本語の「本日は晴天なり」の英訳ですが、英語では、one, two, three となります。
通常の会議や、プレゼンの前の会場でのマイクテストは、Testing, one, two, three, です。
電話会議などで、聞こえますか?に相当するのは、"Can you hear me OK?"となり、逆に「大丈夫です、聞こえます。」と答える場合は、”Yes, we can hear you just fine."といいます。
What's this like for volume? What's this like for volume?.....
Sound testing, sound testing.......
The above are quite commonly used phrases..but really, any personal phrase is OK just for the sound test...or even a nursery rhyme I have heard before.
I knew their sound system had been set up, when I heard..."Testing, testing1-2-1-2"
The tradtional phrase used is (the very annoying) "Testing, testing 1-2."
It is unclear how this became the go to phrase...but there is:-D
"I knew their sound system had been set up, when I heard..."Testing, testing1-2-1-2""
昔から使われているフレーズは "Testing, testing 1-2."と言うことです。
"I knew their sound system had been set up, when I heard..."Testing, testing1-2-1-2""
A simple way of asking the teacher if they can hear you. You can use other methods like e.g. testing testing , or, one two one two. However the above question is fine.