世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/05/22 15:56
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  • Could you pull away from the mic, please?

  • Could you speak further from the mic, please?

  • Could you speak closer to the mic, please. / Could you speak into the mic, please?

「離す」は「引く」でもあるので、pull away が使えます。マイクの位置を「離して」と伝えるにはいいですね。また、相手がマイクから離れることでもあるので、speak further from the mic「マイクから離れて離す」という言い方もできます。 英訳1:「マイクを離してもらえますか?」 英訳2:「マイクから離れて話してもらえますか?」 speak を talk に換えてもOKです。 英訳3:「マイクに近づいて話してもらえますか?」
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Could you speak away from microphone please?

  • Could you sit back from the microphone please?

  • Your microphone is too close!

Any of the above suggestions should achieve the right effect. 'Your microphone is too close!' is just a statement, but indirectly, it is a firm request from the student for the teacher to do something about this problem. Naturally, the tone of voice is really important here. You could say this with a smile - or possibly aggressively - which makes a big difference in how your message will be received.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • can you adjust your microphone

  • your voice is muffled can you move the mic further away

  • can you adjust your microphone a little, i cant hear you very well

example "can you adjust your microphone, i can't hear you very well". or "can yo move the mic further away from your mouth, your voice is muffled". or "can you adjust your headset, your mic is a little too close".
例 "Can you adjust your microphone? I can't hear you very well".(マイクを調整してもらえますか、あまり良く聞こえません。) または、 "Can you move the mic further away from your mouth? Your voice is muffled". (マイクを口から離してもらえますか、声がこもっています。) あるいは "Can you adjust your headset? Your mic is a little too close". (ヘッドセットを調整してもらえますか、マイクが近すぎています。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Teacher (or teachers name) can you pull the microphone away from your mouth slightly please? It's difficult for me to understand what you're saying/it's hard for me to hear your voice

  • Teacher (or teachers name) Please can you take the microphone away from your mouth? it's too close.

  • Sorry, i think i am experiencing some issues with the sound. It might be because of the microphone. It's too close to your mouth. Thanks

It's important to say the teachers name, or say excuse me so you have the attention of the tutor. In this situation we need to be direct with out question or concern. Saying simple " can you take the microphone away from your mouth please, it's too close" is fine. Instructions to others should be clear, so the other person knows what to do. We say "take" or "pull away" so it's clear the tutor needs to move the microphone. "mic" is an abbreviation of microphone. pronounced "mike" so we can say, teacher, the mic is too close to your mouth, your voice is too loud, can you adjust/move it please?
先生の名前をいうか、excuse meということがその先生の注意を引くために必要でしょう。 このような状況では、私たちは質問や心配事に対して直接的である必要があります。 シンプルに、 " can you take the microphone away from your mouth please, it's too close" ーあなたのマイクを口から離してください、近すぎます。 ということができます。 他人への指示は明確であるべきで、そうすれば他人は何をすべきかわかるでしょう。 "take" や "pull away" を先生がマイクを動かす必要があることを明確にするために使います。 "mic"はマイクの省略形です。 "mike"と同じように発音します。 なので以下のように言えます: teacher, the mic is too close to your mouth, your voice is too loud, can you adjust/move it please? ー先生、マイクがあなたの口に近すぎるので、あなたの声が大きすぎます、調整するか動かすかしてくれますか?
Lewis M English teacher
  • Could you keep the microphone a bit further?

  • Could you step back from the microphone a bit?

単純そうに見えて、意外とこういう言い回しが訳し辛かったりするものです。 あまりスマートではありませんが例一つ目のような言い方が伝わりやすいでしょうか。"keep ~ further"で「~を遠ざけてくれ」という意味です。"a bit"も忘れないように気を付けてください。無ければ微調整をしてほしい、というニュアンスが失われてしまいます。 なお近づけて欲しい場合にはfurtherの代わりにcloserを使ってください。 また例一つ目に比べると使える状況は限定されてしまいますが例二つ目の "Could you step back from ~" という表現もあります。日本語に直すと「一歩下がってくれ」という意味で、マイクにしゃべりこむ人が立っている場合しか使えませんが「マイクに近すぎる」という意図はほぼ確実に伝わると思います。
DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • Could you set/hold the microphone a little farther away?

Could you set/hold the microphone a little farther away? マイクを少し離してもらえますか? この場合、setでもholdを入れ替えることができます。 また発想を変えて「マイクから離れてもらえますか?」とも言えるとも思います。その場合は Could you move a little away from the microphone? でよいでしょう。
Takeo Suzuki ((株)アジアユーロ言語研究所代表取締役、Ph.D(言語学)、日経オンライン講師
  • Could you please speak a little bit further away from the microphone. I am failing to hear you clearly.

*Could you please speak a little bit further away from the microphone. I am failing to hear you clearly. It is always polite to explain why you want the teacher to do that. They may know other ways to improve the sound. Speak a little bit further-This means that you don't want the teacher to speak into the microphone because it it messing up the sound.
*Could you please speak a little bit further away from the microphone. I am failing to hear you clearly. どうしてあなたが先生にそうしてほしいかを説明するのは常に礼儀正しいことです。 彼らはその音を改善するためのほかの方法も知っているかもしれません。 Speak a little bit further -これはあなたが先生に、音がめちゃくちゃなのでマイクに向かって話さないでほしいと言うことを意味しています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Please could you adjust your mic?

  • Please could you adjust your microphone?

Mic is an abbreviation of microphone and it is very commonly used. The pronunciation of mic is like the name 'Mike' which is the shortened version of the name Michael, like the famous singer Michael Jackson.
mic(マイク)はmicrophoneを省略したもので、とてもよく使われます。Mike(マイク)という人の名前と同じ発音です。MikeはMicheal Jacksonなど、Michealという名前を省略したものです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Please speak farther away from the microphone.

  • Please put your microphone a little bit farther away from your face.

If someone's microphone is too close to their face and you are not able to hear them clearly, you can tell them to put it farther away in these two ways: 1) Please speak farther away from the microphone. and 2) Please put your microphone a little bit farther away from your face. Notice that the word 'farther' refers to something longer away from something physically. On the contrary, the word 'further' refers to distance in a non-physical way, for example, the progress of something getting longer. These two exceptions apply to mainly North American English.
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind moving the microphone a little further away, please?

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 would you mind moving the microphone a little further away, please? 「マイクを少し遠ざけてもらえますか?」 のように表現できると思います(*^_^*) 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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