世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/12/03 16:47
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  • I will decide there (at the theater).

decide there: そこにいって決める。 付ける必要はありませんがもし映画館でとつける場合は、 at the theaterと言います。 なお、イギリスではthetreとかきますが、スィアタと発音します。
  • I'll decide what to watch after I get to the theater.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のように表現できると思いましたm(__)m I'll decide what to watch after I get to the theater. 「映画館に着いてから何を見るか決めます」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • I will wait until I get to the theater to decide which movie I want to watch.

▪I will wait until I get to the theater to decide which movie I want to watch. Example Friend: Have you decided what movie to watch? You:I will wait until I get to the theater to decide which movie I want to watch.
▪I will wait until I get to the theater to decide which movie I want to watch. 映画館に到着するまで何を見るか決めるのを待ちます。 例 友人: Have you decided what movie to watch? 何の映画を見るか決めましたか? あなた:I will wait until I get to the theater to decide which movie I want to watch. 映画館に到着するまで何を見るか決めるのを待ちます。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I can only decide which movie I want to watch when I arrive at the movie theater/movie house/cinema.

We can call the movie theater , movie house or cinema. I can only decide which movie I want to watch when I arrive at the movie theater/movie house/cinema.- This means that you like to decide what you want to watch after you arrive at the cinema. This means that you feel like you can make a better decision and see which one is popular with the crowd.
映画館の事を"movie theater", "movie house"や "cinema"と呼びます。 I can only decide which movie I want to watch when I arrive at the movie theater/movie house/cinema. (映画館に着いてから何の映画を観るか決めます) これは、映画館に着いた後に何の映画を観るか決めるという意味です。 混み具合などを見てどの映画が人気があるか決めるという事ですよね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I'll take my pick of the films when I arrive

  • I'll see what's available and then make my choice

To take one's pick = choose any one you want: "You can take your pick of any dessert on the cart." In the taxi, on the way to the cinema, your friend asks you: "What film do nou want to watch today?" "I'll see what's available when we arrive there - and then make my choice."
To take one's pick =選択股などから好きなものを一つ選ぶ "You can take your pick of any dessert on the cart." (このカートの中から好きなデザートを一つ選べますよ) 映画館に行く途中のタクシーで友達があなたに尋ねます "What film do nou want to watch today?" (今日は何の映画を観たい?) "I'll see what's available when we arrive there - and then make my choice." (そこに着いてから何の映画をやっているか見てから決めます)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I will decide which movie to watch when I am at the movie theater.

  • I will select the movie to watch after checking the movies board at the movie theater.

Usually, movies that are currently showing in the cinemas are advertised on TV and are advertised as 'now showing in your nearest Ster Kinekor cinema' for example. However, sometimes the advertised movie may not be to your taste. So, you may decide to just go to the movie theater, check the movie board, and select the one that you would like to watch. So, before you go, you may say to your friend: I will decide which movie to watch when I am at the movie theater. or I will select the movie to watch after checking the movies board at the movie theater.
映画は映画館で上映されたりテレビで"now showing in your nearest Ster Kinekor cinema"(最寄りのSter Kinekor映画館で上映中)と宣伝されたりしますよね。でも、宣伝されている映画は時に好みではなかったりします。だからただ映画館に行き、上映予定表を調べて、見たい映画を見ることにするわけです。だから、映画館に行く前に以下のように言いましょう。 "I will decide which movie to watch when I am at the movie theater." (映画館に行ってからどの映画を見るのか決めるよ。) "I will select the movie to watch after checking the movies board at the movie theater." (映画館で上映予定表を調べてから見る映画を決めるよ。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I will decide what movie/film to watch when I get to the cinema

  • When I get to the cinema I will decide what movie/film to watch

If you go to watch a movie/film then we go to the 'cinema' when you go to watch a 'play' or 'musical' then you go to a 'theatre' By saying 'I will decide what movie/film to watch when i get to the cinema' means that you will decide once you get there and not before. You can also say 'When i get to the cinema i will decide what film/movie to watch' they both mean the same thing
映画を見に行くのは'cinema'(映画館)です。演劇やミュージカルを見に行くのは'theatre'(劇場)です。 'I will decide what movie/film to watch when I get to the cinema'(何を見るかは映画館に行ってから決めます) 映画館に着いてから決めると言っています。 次のように言うこともできます。 'When I get to the cinema I will decide what film/movie to watch' (何を見るかは映画館に行ってから決めます) どちらも同じ意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'll decide what to watch once I'm at the cinema.

Native speakers will say like this: “I'll decide what to watch once I'm at the cinema”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: What are you going to see? B: I'll decide what to watch once I'm at the cinema.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “I'll decide what to watch once I'm at the cinema” (何を見るかは映画館に行ってから決めます。) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下、会話例です。 A: What are you going to see? (何を見に行くのですか?) B: I'll decide what to watch once I'm at the cinema. (何を見るかは映画館に行ってから決めます。)
Ned DMM英会話講師
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