世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/12/04 22:59
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  • Can I ask you a favor?

  • Can you do something for me?

Can I ask you a favor? 「お願い事していいですか?」 こちらはとてもよく使われる英語表現です。 「[お願いごと](」 →"favor" 「[依頼](」「お願いごと」「頼みごと」といった意を持つ"favor"は日常的に非常に良く用いる単語なので覚えておきましょう。丁寧な表現ですが、フォーマルな場面でもカジュアルな場面でも用いることのできる便利な表現。 なお、シンプルに"can you do something for me?"と聞くことも出来ます。万が一"favor"という単語を忘れてしまった場合にそう訳しましょう。
DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • Can you do me a favor?

  • Can I ask you a favor?

  • I have a favor to ask.

  • Can I ask you something?

Can I ask you something? →ちょっとお願いしてもいいかな? 何かをお願いするときや、 聞きたいことがあるときに使います。 例) "Can I ask you something? Can you recommend a book?" ちょっといいですか?おすすめの本とかあります? 〔Business Insider-Dec 5, 2016 より〕 他の回答と合わせて参考にしてください。 ありがとうございました。
  • Hey, can I ask you for a favor?

  • Would it be alright if I ask you for something?

"Hey, can I ask you for a favor?" This is an informal sentence you can use with friends and family. Asking someone if you can ask them for a favor before asking the favor itself is polite. We do not want to directly ask someone a favor. Example: You: "Hey, can I ask you for a favor?" Friend: "Yeah, of course. What do you need?" You: "Could you run to the store for me and grab some medicine? I'm not feeling well." Friend: "Sure thing!" "Would it be alright if I ask you for something?" This is a more formal sentence that you would use with coworkers, superiors, and people you don't know so well. "Would it be alright" is something we would use when we want to be very polite and respectful. It is also more polite and respectful to say "ask you for something" instead of "ask you for a favor." Example: You: "Would it be alright if I ask you for something?" Coworker: "Sure. How can I help you?" You: "Can I ask you to turn these papers into our boss? I have to leave early." Coworker: "I'd be glad to!"
"Hey, can I ask you for a favor?" (お願いしてもいい?) これは友達や家族通しで使うことができる、かしこまっていない言い方です。お願い自体をいきなり言うのではなく、お願い事をしてよいか事前に確認するほうが丁寧です。 いきなり誰かに頼み事をしたくはありません。 例: あなた: "Hey, can I ask you for a favor?" (ねえ、お願い事をして良いですか。) 友人: "Yeah, of course. What do you need?" (もちろん、何がしてほしいですか。) あなた: "Could you run to the store for me and grab some medicine? I'm not feeling well." (お店へ行って貰って、薬を買ってきて欲しいです。あまり調子が良くないです。) 友人: "Sure thing!" (もちろんいいですよ。) "Would it be alright if I ask you for something?" (少し頼みごとをしても問題ないですか?) 同僚や目上の人、あまり知らない人に対して使うもっとフォーマルな言い方です。 "Would it be alright" はとても丁寧に、そして尊敬をもって言いたい使うような言葉です。"ask you for a favor"の代わりに "ask you for something" という方がより丁寧で尊敬の念を表せます。 例: あなた: "Would it be alright if I ask you for something?" (頼み事をしたいのだけれど、よいでしょうか。) 同僚: "Sure. How can I help you?" (ええもちろん。お手伝いできますか。) あなた: "Can I ask you to turn these papers into our boss? I have to leave early." (上司にこの書類を提出しておいて貰えますか。私は早退しなければならないのです。) 同僚: "I'd be glad to!" (いいですよ。)
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • I need a favor, can you please help me?

  • Can you please do a favor for me?

Both of these sentences can be used in a formal or informal setting. When asking for a favor, it is important to use the word please. Our facial expressions are also very important when we are asking for a favor. We want to use eye contact to show that we are sincere and we really need help. We can also add an adverb(ex. I really need a favor, can you please help me?) to the first sentence.
この文はどちらもフォーマルでもカジュアルでも使われます。 何かお願いをするとき、pleaseを使うといいでしょう。 顔も大事です。 お願いをするときは、まずアイコンタクトをしっかりとって、誠実に助けが必要なことを表し、また、reallyなどの副詞も文につけると良いでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Favour (English Spelling)

  • To help, to aid , support

In casual English you can ask someone "Can you do me a favour?". This is an informal way of asking for assistance or help with a task. A more formal sentence may be "May I ask your assistance with something?". or "I need some support in completing a task, may I ask for your assistance".
カジュアルな英会話では次のようにお願いできます。 "Can you do me a favour?" (お願いしてもいいですか?) こちらは何かをするときに手伝いをお願いする際のインフォーマルな表現です。よりフォーマルな言い方としては下記の表現があります。 "May I ask your assistance with something?" (あなたにお手伝いをお願いしてもいいですか?) "I need some support in completing a task, may I ask for your assistance". (業務を遂行するために私は助けが必要です。あなたに助けをお願いしても良いですか?)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • May you please do a favor for me.

*May you please do a favor for me? - It's very rude to demand favor so the polite thing to do is ask. A: May you please do a favor for me, I'm not able to pick up Dan from school. B: Okay will do that for you.
*May you please do a favor for me? という例文について ぶしつけにお願いをすることはとても乱暴なので、お願いをするような表現を使いましょう。 例文 A: May you please do a favor for me? I'm not able to pick up Dan from school. 「お願いをしても良いでしょうか? 学校からダンをお迎えに行けないんです。」 B: Okay will do that for you. 「分かりました。あなたの代わりにお迎えに行きますよ。」
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • "Would I be able to ask you a favour please?"

  • "Would you be okay with me asking you to do me a favour please?"

If you wanted to ask someone a favour, it would be best to ask them either of the following for a direct response: "Would I be able to ask you a favour please?" or "Would you be okay with me asking you to do me a favour please?".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please do me the following favor?

  • I have a huge favor to ask.

1. Could you please do me the following favor? A favor means that the person is going to do something for you that you are unable to do and more importantly, that they are not obligated to do. The phrase, "the following favor" means that your next sentence will explain exactly what it is that you would like them to do. 2. I have a huge favor to ask. "A huge favor" usually means that it is something that will slightly inconvenience the person or be a bit burdensome.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Could you do me a favor?

  • Would you mind doing me a favor?

  • Can you help me with...?

If you need someone to help you with something (to do you a favor), you must ask them in a polite way. You can do that by making a request such as "Would you mind doing me a favor?" or "Could you do me a favor?" By adding "please" on the end or at the beginning you make the request for a favor even more polite.
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Do you mind...?

  • Could you do me a favor please?

The two above questions are ways to ask someone to do a favor for you. Examples in sentences; - Do you mind passing me the pen? - Could you do me a favor please and keep my seat for me while I run to the bathroom?
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Can you do me a favour please?

  • Can I ask you for a favor?

  • Would you be able to do something for me please?

In British English the word is spelled 'Favour'. In American English it is spelled 'Favor'. A favor is a polite request or an act of kindness, usually without payment. Example: A: Hi, can I ask you for a favor? B: Sure, what's up? A: Could you pick up the kids from school? I'm running late!
Niabh DMM英語講師
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