世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/12/09 08:37
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  • Please bill them separately.

  • I'd like separate checks.

  • I'd like to pay separately.

こんにちは!! 「支払いは別々にしてください」というのは「Please bill them separately.」と表現になります。または、「I'd like separate checks.」と表現と「I'd like to pay separately.」と表現もになります。 「別々に」を表現すると「Separately」または「Individually」になります。「別々に支払う」というのは「Pay separately」になります!
Fedelica 英語講師、英会話講師
  • Can I pay for these separately?

  • I want to pay for these items separately

If you are buying two sets of items and you want to be charged separately for them, you can ask: Can I pay for these separately? To pay for - to purchase, to buy, to be charged for Separately - In different sections, opposite of together Or you can simply state: I want to pay for these items separately. I hope that helps!
商品を2セット買いたくて、でも別々に支払いたい場合、このように聞くことができます。 Can I pay for these separately? pay for - 〜を購入する、買う、支払う separately - 別に分けて、「together(一緒に)」の反対の意味 またはシンプルにこう言うこともできます。 I want to pay for these items separately. (別々に支払いたいです。) 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to pay separately.

  • I would like two separate receipts for these items.

1. I would like to pay separately. - This means you would like pay for the items separately and therefor it means you will get two receipts. 2.I would like two separate receipts for these items. - This a bit specific. It implies that you will be paying separately for the items.
1. I would like to pay separately. - これは別々に支払い、レシートを2つ欲しいときに言います。 2.I would like two separate receipts for these items. - これはちょっと細かく、複数の商品を別々に支払いたい時に使います。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I am going to pay for these separately.

  • I would like to pay these separately.

You can say : *I am going to pay for these separately. *I would like to pay these separately. *I'm not going to pay these together. *Two different bills please."
以下のように言うことができます。 *I am going to pay for these separately. 別々に支払うつもりです。 *I would like to pay these separately. 別々に支払いたいです。 *I'm not going to pay these together. 一緒に支払いたくないです。 *Two different bills please. 支払いを2つに分けたいです。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to pay separately for certain items

  • This will be two different bills.

>I would like to pay separately for certain items *This is indicating that certain items will be paid separately. !!!!!!!!!!!! >This will be two different bills. *This is indicating that you will make two payments to get two different receipts.
I would like to pay separately for certain items これは、ある商品を別々に支払うということを示しています。 This will be two different bills. 2つの異なるレシートを得るために2回支払いをするということ言います。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Could I have two separate bills for these items please?

  • This group of items need to be charged separately to this group of items please

It's a simple matter and shops are used to customers making such requests. In fact, it's probably unnecessary to say anything at first, but just separate the two distinct piles of items and divide them with one of the purchase dividers provided on the cashier's conveyor belt! If you are in a smaller shop, you may need to explain more: "This group of items need to be charged separately to this group of items please."
これは単純です。こういう要求をして来るお客様のために店はあるものです。 実際、最初に何か言う必要はないでしょう。 支払いが分かれる二つをわかりやすいように分けておく必要はありますね。 レジのコンベヤーの仕切りを使うと良いでしょう。小さなショップだともっと説明が必要かもしれません。 例 "This group of items need to be charged separately to this group of items please." このアイテムたちはそれぞれ別々に充電しなければいけません。よろしく。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please can you ring these things separately

  • Please may I have a two separate receipts for these things

When you ask for the things be rung separately, immediately you get charged separately as a result getting two different receipts.
Fafie DMM英会話講師
  • I would like two separate receipts for these items

  • This will be two different bills

You can tell to the cashier what you need by using any of these sentences. I prefer the second one and recommend you to use it, although, there are no specific differences between them.
どちらの表現でも、これについてレジ係に伝えることができます。 ほとんどこの二つに違いはありませんが、個人的には二つ目の例がおすすめです。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to pay for these separately.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・I'd like to pay for these separately. これらは別々で支払いたいです。 pay separately で「別々で支払う」を英語で表現することができます。 because... と理由を続けると伝わりやすいかもしれません。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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