Has anyone ever told you that you favor Angelina Jolie?
When you tell someone that they "favor" someone, it means that they look like someone.
You can simply say to a person, you "look like" or you two look "alike".
「you look like」や「you two look alike」
"doppelganger" is a German word that we use in English to describe a person who looks very much like someone else.
"You look just like..." is a phrase that is used to say someone looks similar to someone else, famous or otherwise: "You look just like Brad Pit."
"doppelganger" (ドッペルゲンガー)とはドイツ語から来ている英語で誰かにそっくり、という意味になります。
"You look just like..."(~にそっくり)
"You look just like Brad Pit."
When someone looks a lot like a famous person, then you can call them a "Celebrity look-alike". For example, you can say something like:
-I have seen a lot of celebrity look-alikes online and it always amazes me how two people can look so much alike.
The word "doppelganger" means a double/copy of a living person. So this term may be used generally, when two people look exactly alike. So it won't apply specifically to celebrities, but you can still use it. For example: My friend Sam is Beyonce's doppelganger. They look exactly alike.
"Celebrity look-alike" は、有名人にすごく似ている人を言います。
-I have seen a lot of celebrity look-alikes online and it always amazes me how two people can look so much alike.
"doppelganger" は、「生き写し、瓜二つの人」という意味です。 そっくりな人を表します。有名人でなくても使います。
My friend Sam is Beyonce's doppelganger. They look exactly alike.
A 'lookalike' is a very common phrase which describes a person that looks like a famous celebrity. It is said as one word but broken down it also makes similar sense: look alike
to look alike(そっくりである)
He is a 100% look a like for Elvis...A true doppleganger!
A doppelganger is a true double/identical copy...We use " look-alike" commonly.
If someone is almost Identical...Doppelganger might be more factual!
He is a 100% l look-alike for Elvis...A true doppelganger!
私たちは " look-alike"(そっくり)をよく使います。
He is a 100% l look-alike for Elvis...A true doppelganger!
'He is a dead ringer for Prince Harry'
A ringer is a person who looks very much like someone else. It is an informal expression and is often used with the word "dead"
Dead is used in this sentence to mean complete or absolute.
So Dead ringer means a person who looks completely like someone else.
Double - A double is someone who looks exactly like another person, double meaning 2 of something.
'I saw your double today!'
''He is a dead ringer for Prince Harry'
A ringerは、他の誰かにとても良く似ている人のことです。この語は口語で、deadという語と使われることが多いです。
Deadは、この文では「全く」又は「完全に」という意味です。ですからDead ringerは、他の誰かに本当によく似ている人ということです。
Double - 他の誰かにそっくりな人のことです。doubleはある物の中の2つということです。
'I saw your double today!'