世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2015/12/14 19:29
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  • We have a full house. Are you ok with waiting until the next table opens up?

「満席」は「there are no seats available」や「there are no open seats」が一般な言い方ですが、「we have a full house」(お店がいっぱいです)という言い方もあります。

We have a full house. Are you ok with waiting until the next table opens up?


Are you enjoying your meal ok?=お料理の味は大丈夫でしょうか
Please let me know when you would like the check =チェックがほしい時に言ってください
Would you like a refill? = (飲み物の)おかわりはいかがでしょうか。
Are you finished with this? = こちらは食べ終わりましたでしょうか(こちら下げても大丈夫でしょうか)
Would you like a bag to go? = 持ち帰り用のドギーバッグ入りますでしょうか。

  • There are no tables available right now. You can put your name down on the waiting list.

  • All the tables are full right now. You can put your name on the waitlist.



Your table is ready. Please follow me.

We can seat you now.


  • Would you please wait a moment while I try to organise a table for you.

  • I'm very sorry, there should be a table available shortly. Would you please wait a moment?

  • Some tables are clearing shortly. Would you please wait a short time?

Any of these sentences would be fine!


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Today it is really full. Do you mind waiting for another seat?

This is a polite way to inform them.
"Do you mind" is a way of asking someone's permission. In this case it means are they okay waiting for a seat.


"Do you mind"

Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I'm afraid we are full at the moment, would you like to wait?


・I'm afraid we are full at the moment, would you like to wait?

We are full はここでは「満席です」というニュアンスを持つ英語表現です。


  • Hi, I'm sorry but there are no free tables right now, please wait here for the next available table.

  • Hi, do you mind waiting here? We have no tables available right now. I'm sorry.

  • I'm sorry but all our tables are occupied, please wait here for the next available one.

Customer service is restaurants is very tricky because you are dealing with hungry people and people are usually over sensitive when hungry, so you have to be very careful how you speak to them. Always say please and thank you. Also try to look like you empathize with them when you let them know all tables are occupied, and apologize for the inconvenience.

You can ask the person to do something using 'please' or you can suggest they do something by using phrases like 'do you mind'.

Some people will choose to leave and go to another restaurant, you can thank them for coming and apologize again for the inconvenience.

レストランのカスタマーサービスは、とても大変です。というのもお腹をすかせた人の接客をするからです。人は空腹だと過剰に神経質になっているのが一般的なので、どのように話しかけるかについては細心の注意を払わなければいけません。常にpleaseとthank you.と言いましょう。テーブルが満席だと伝える時にお客様の気持ちに共感しているように見えるように心掛け、お待ち頂くことをお詫びしましょう。

人に何かを頼む時は'please'という語を使うか、'do you mind'.のような語を使って何かをするように提案することが出来ます。店を出て別のレストランに行くことを選択する人もいるでしょう、その人には来店を感謝し、不便に対して再度謝罪します。

Lesang DMM英語講師
  • I'm sorry but all of our seats are full right now. It will be about a 10-15 minute wait.

  • Sorry, there are no tables available right now, I can put your name down and you will be seated shortly.

  • The restaurant is all full right now, but I can get you seated soon. Please give me your name and I'll put it down.

I'm sorry but all of our seats are full right now. It will be about a 10-15 minute wait.
- This is a very common and polite way to tell someone they cannot be seated immediately. For the part that says "it will be about 10-15 minutes" this is where you can put any amount of time. So you could say "it will be about 20-25 minutes" etc, etc, and when you say "about" before the time you give them that makes it more vague, like it will be "approximately" that amount of time. So they would not be mad if it actually took 12 minutes and you said it was going to be 10. Its a buffer so you do not make any definite promises.

Sorry, there are no tables available right now, I can put your name down and you will be seated shortly.
- This is a polite way to tell someone that they cannot be seated immediately but it will be a short amount of time. Normally if you say they will be seated shortly it should be under 5-10 minutes so no one gets mad. If its a really short wait time then there is no need to give a definite time. Although you can if you want too.

The restaurant is all full right now, but I can get you seated soon. Please give me your name and I'll put it down.
- Putting their name down insinuates that something is moving forward in their wait, normally if you put someones name down at a restaurant that means their name will be put in a queue so they will get their turn properly. Again another polite way to tell them to wait.

I'm sorry but all of our seats are full right now. It will be about a 10-15 minute wait.

it will be about 10-15 minutes" のフレーズに、例えば"it will be about 20-25 minutes"のように好きな数字を入れて使うことができます。
時間の前に"about" (約)を使えば"approximately"(おおよそ)と同じように時間を曖昧に言うことができます。よって待ち時間10分と言ったけれども実際12分になっても怒ることはないでしょう。何も約束をしないための保険です。

Sorry, there are no tables available right now, I can put your name down and you will be seated shortly.

これは今空いているテーブルがなくてすぐ案内できないけれでもすぐにテーブルが用意できることを伝える丁寧な言い方です。will be seated shortly と言った場合、待っている人が怒らないよう5−10分未満に案内するべきです。待ち時間がとても短い場合は、伝えたい場合であれば別ですが特に待ち時間を伝える必要はありません。

The restaurant is all full right now, but I can get you seated soon. Please give me your name and I'll put it down.


Sarahh DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry but our tables are full at the moment. You might have to wait.

  • All our tables have been taken/filled, but you're welcome to wait for the next open table.

When you're talking to a customer, it's important to be polite. So, you can say:
-I'm sorry but our tables are full at the moment. You might have to wait.
-All our tables have been taken/filled, but you're welcome to wait for the next open table.
-Please wait a bit. Our tables are full at the moment.


-I'm sorry but our tables are full at the moment. You might have to wait.

-All our tables have been taken/filled, but you're welcome to wait for the next open table.

 -Please wait a bit. Our tables are full at the moment.

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Please feel free to take a seat here, and I will seat you at a table as soon as a table is free.

Some common expressions you may use whilst customer is waiting.

Have you been here before?
Have you traveled far?


Have you been here before?

Have you traveled far?

Adel A DMM英会話講師
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