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Green loverさん
2016/12/10 17:24
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  • I was bullied as a kid.

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 一例をご紹介します。 {英訳の意味} I was bullied as a kid. 子どもの頃いじめられました。 {解説} as には「~のとき」という意味があります。 as a kid は「子どもの頃」という意味です。 {例} I was bullied in elementary school. 小学校時代にいじめられました。 I was bullied in junior high school. 中学時代にいじめに遭いました。 I was bullied in high school. 高校時代にいじめられました。 I was bullied as a teenager. 10代のときにいじめに遭いました。 ~~~~~ 参考になればと思います。 どうもありがとうございました。
  • I was often bullied as a kid

▪I was often bullied as a kid often=frequently; many times. Bullied= pushed around, intimidated >This sentence explains that as a kid when you were younger you were bullied.
▪I was often bullied as a kid often=頻繁におこること Bullied= pushed around, intimidated >幼いころいじめられたという意味です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I was bullied before.

いじめは世界中にある問題ですので、外国の方とそういう話をするのはとても有益ですね。 動詞Bully「(弱いものを)いじめる」の受け身形bulliedを使って"I was bullied before." 「いじめられたことがあります」です。 いじめっ子だったなら、bullyを名詞として使います。 I was a bully as a child. 「私は、子供時代いじめっ子だった。」
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • I was bullied as a child.

  • I had a hard time as a kid, I was often bullied.

The first sentence is direct and to the point. The second sentence is a bit more explanatory, you had a hard time - you didn't have an easy or perhaps fun childhood because you were bullied.
一つ目の文章は、単刀直入な言い方で、二つ目の文は少し説明的です。 you had a hard time: これはいじめられたせいで、楽ではない辛い時期を過ごすという意味になります。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I was bullied when I was a small child.

  • When I was a child, the bigger children used to bully me because I was small.

  • There was a bigger child that once bullied me when I was a child.

When children are growing up and are going to school or playing together, it always happens that there are those that big and those that are small. It also always happens that there is a bully among them who likes to intimidate the smaller ones. So, if as a child you found yourself in such a group and experienced being bullied, you may say: I was bullied when I was a small child. or When I was a child, the bigger children used to bully me because I was small. or There was a bigger child that once bullied me when I was a child.
子供たちが成長し、学校へ行ったり一緒に遊ぶようになると、自然といつも大きい子と小さい子がいます。子供たちの中には、小さい子を怖がらせるいじめっ子は昔からいるものです。 ですから子供の時にそのようなグループにいて、いじめられた経験があるのであれば、こう言うことが出来ます。 例文 I was bullied when I was a small child. 小さい頃にいじめられた。 When I was a child, the bigger children used to bully me because I was small. 子供の頃、私が小さかったので、大きい子が私をいじめていた。 There was a bigger child that once bullied me when I was a child. 子供の頃、以前私をいじめていた大きな子がいた。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I was bullied as a child

  • My childhood was marred by bullying

When talking about childhood years, you may use the phrase, " a child.." At the beginning or end or in any position of the sentence: "As a child I loved dogs. 'To be marred by something' - this means to damage or spoil to a certain extent, render less perfect, attractive, useful, impair or spoil. 'The modern office block mars the view.' 'The holiday was marred by bad weather.'
子供のころの話をするとき、文の前、後、もしくはどこででも、as a childというフレーズを使うことができます。  "As a child I loved dogs. 子供のころ、犬が大好きでした。 'To be marred by something'これは、台無しにすること、甘やかすこと、完璧でない状態などといった意味です。 'The modern office block mars the view.' モダンなオフィス街が景観を台無しにしている。 'The holiday was marred by bad weather.' 休暇が、悪天候で台無しになった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I was bullied as a child

  • When I was younger I was bullied

  • My childhood was hard as I was often bullied

If you want to tell someone you were bullied when younger you could simply say 'I was bullied as child/kid' another way of saying this is 'when I was younger I was bullied ' 'childhood' means when you were growing up or when you were a child
いじめられたことがあると伝えたいなら、シンプルに、 'I was bullied as child/kid'(子どもの頃いじめられました) と言えます。 別の言い方としては: 'when I was younger I was bullied'(いじめられたことがあります) 'childhood'は「子どもの頃」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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