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お店で買い物をするとき、どれにするか優柔不断でなかなか決まりません。 店員とやりとりしていて、迷っている間、待たせてしまってるとき、[これもいいですね、でも、あれもかわいいし…どれにするか迷っちゃう、優柔不断ですみません]のようなニュアンスで、店員とのやりとりに使えるつなぎことばのような表現はありますか?
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2016/12/12 20:36
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  • I can't decide which one I want.

  • I can't make up my mind.

  • I don't know which one to choose.

この意味で「迷う」の英訳は「to waver; to hesitate; to be of two minds over; to be puzzled; to be perplexed」です。
Tim Young 主催
  • I can't make up my mind!

  • I'm spoilt for choice!

  • I can't decide!

When presented with a wide variety of options and you find it difficult to decide what to buy, you can say the following phrases: I can't make up my mind! To make up your mind is to decide something. If you can't make up your mind it means you are undecided. I'm spoilt for choice! This means there are too many choices (in a positive sense). There are so many great options. I can't decide! This means you cannot choose which one you like best. You can also say: I don't know which one to choose. I hope that helps!
たくさんの選択肢があり、どれを買おうか決めるのが難しい時、このようなフレーズを使うことができます。 I can't make up my mind! make up my mind は決めるという意味です。I can't make up my mind とは、決心がつかないという意味です。 I'm spoilt for choice! これは(いい意味で)たくさんの選択肢がありすぎるということです。いい選択肢がたくさんあります。 I can't decide! これはどれが一番好きか選ぶことができない、という意味です。 また、こんな言い方もあります。 I don't know which one to choose. (どれを選べばいいかわからない。) 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • It is difficult to decide between these two items.

  • I am trying to make up my mind but I can't.

>It is difficult to decide between these two items. *This is explaining that it is difficult (hard) to decide between the items !!!!!!!!!!!! >I am trying to make up my mind but I can't. *Thinking very hard on which one to take.
It is difficult to decide between these two items. その商品を決めるのがとても難しいと言っています。 I am trying to make up my mind but I can't. どちらにするかとても悩みます。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I have no idea which one to choose!

  • I'm torn between the two.

The first expression gives the idea that you are completely lost as to which is the best decision. It shows that you like both items and you can't see that one is better than the other. The second expression is a very native expression. The word "torn" gives the idea that you are split down the middle. It means that half of you wants one thing and the other half wants something else.
最初の文は「どっちがいいか全くわからなくなった」ことを表します。 どちらも気に入っていて甲乙つけられない、ということです。 二つ目の文はとてもネイティブらしい言い方です。 "torn" は、あなたが真っ二つに割れていることを表します。 「一方の自分はこれが欲しい、もう一方の自分は別のが欲しい」という意味です。
Matthew J DMM英会話講師
  • Mmmmmm, this one or that one?

  • Eeny, meeny, miny, moe ...

  • I just can't make up my mind!

"Eeny, meeny, miny, moe"—which can be spelled a number of ways—is a children's counting rhyme, used to select a person in games such as tag - or perhaps one item from a number of items. It is one of a large group of similar rhymes in which the child who is pointed to by the chanter on the last syllable is either "chosen" or "counted out". To make up one's mind =make a decision; decide, decide, be decisive, come to a decision, make a decision. "He made up his mind to attend the meeting."
"Eeny, meeny, miny, moe" (どれにしようかな、天の神様の言うとおり) これは、色々な言い方がある、子供の数え歌で、鬼ごっこなどで鬼を決める時の遊び歌です。 また、複数の物から何かを選ぶときなどにも使われます。 これは、数多くある似たような数え歌の一つで、歌の一番最後に指さされた子供が "chosen"(選ばれる)もしくは "counted out"(外される)と言う事になります。 To make up one's mind = 決める、決断する、決心するという意味です。 "He made up his mind to attend the meeting." (彼はそのミーティングに出席することを決めた)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm indecisive.

  • I cannot choose.

If you say that someone is indecisive, you mean that they find it very difficult to make decisions. Michael was indecisive about how to decorate the room. I am an indecisive person.
優柔不断であるというのであれば、決断するのが難しいということを意味します。 Michael was indecisive about how to decorate the room. ミカエルは、部屋を装飾することについて決断力がありません。 I am an indecisive person. 決断力のない人間です。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I can't decide which is the best choice

  • Which one of these items do I choose?

In the first statement, you have selected two or three items from which to choose one to buy. In the end, you have to choose only one of them to buy. Unfortunately, you are battling to make a choice in your mind. You want to make the best choice. You say to the shopkeeper or mutter to yourself: 'I can't decide which is the best choice'. The second line is a question: Which one of these items do I choose? In this case, you selected two or three items which serve the same purpose but are of different designs. You are battling to make a choice from among these designs. You end up asking yourself or the shopkeeper: Which one of these items do I choose?
1つ目の文では、2つか3つ選んでそこからどれを買おうか選ぼうとしています。 結局あなたが買うのはそのうち1つです。 残念なことに、頭の中でどれを選ぼうか葛藤しています。いちばんいい決断をしたいですよね。 お店の人に話したり、1人でブツブツ言います。 ‘I can’t decide which is the best choice.’と。 2つ目の文は、質問です。 Which one of these items do I choose? この場合、同じようだけどデザインが違う商品を2つか3つ選んでいます。 あんたはそれらのデザインの中からどれにしようか葛藤しています。 自分自身に問いかけたり、お店の人に聞いたりするでしょう。 Which one of these items do I choose?と。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • This is a tough choice because they both seem like good options.

  • Both seem perfect so it's impossible to decide which one to go with.

To express that something is "tough" indicates that it is very hard or strong. In this case, it suggests that making a choice or deciding proves to be a challenge. To express that something seems perfect indicates that it is exactly what is expected. It indicates why the choice would be difficult. "Which one to go with," is another expression meaning which one to decide on or choose.
"tough" には「難しい」や「強い」という意味があります。ここでは、選ぶ(決める)のが「難しい」と言っています。 "something seems perfect" は「理想的である」という意味です。これが選ぶのが難しい理由です。"which one to go with" は「どちらにするか/どちらを選ぶか」という意味です。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • I just can't decide which one to get.

  • I can't make up my mind which one I would like.

Personally, I think the term, 'make up my mind,' although both have the same meaning. Good luck.
個人的には 'make up my mind' をよく使いますが、'decide' でも同じ意味を表せます。 頑張ってください。
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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