② A discount day falls on the first day of the month.
① a dicount day=「割引日」
a movie disount day=「映画の割引日」のことです。
② A discount day falls on the first day of the month.
何かの特別の日が、〇月◯日にあたるという表現には、fall on〜を使います。
・a dicount ticket=割引券
・an advace ticket=前売り券
・Senior Wednesday=「毎週水曜日は、60歳以上の方の割引日」という意味です。
・discount admission=「割引入場料」
Hey there!
「day that」と言います。
Today is the day that movies are cheaper!
Today is a day that movies are cheaper!
Today is the day movies are cheaper!
Today is a day movies are cheaper!
※ ポイント:「a」と「the」の使い分け
Today is the movie discount day
Today is the discount day
Today is a movie discount day
Today is a discount day
The first day of the month the movies/films are cheaper at the cinema
It's cheaper today to watch a film/movie at the cinema
Today it is cheaper to go to the cinema to watch a film/movie
If you wanted to explain that the first day of the month is cheaper to watch a film then you would say
'The first day of the month the movies/films are cheaper at the cinema' you could also say 'It's cheaper today to watch a film/movie at the cinema' or Today it is cheaper to go to the cinema to watch a film/movie
'The first day of the month the movies/films are cheaper at the cinema'
'It's cheaper today to watch a film/movie at the cinema'
'Today it is cheaper to go to the cinema to watch a film/movie'
Due to first of the month reductions, watching a film is cheaper today
The cheapest day for watching films is the first of every month
Movies (US) = films (UK)
It's not clear if you mean online films or cinema films as the vocabulary could be varied a little more.
"Shall we go to the cinema this evening? I'm so bored with staying inside!"
"Well, we could do that, but it's expensive isn't it? I haven't been to the cinema for a long time."
"Well today is discount day. Due to first of the month reductions, watching a film is cheaper today."
"OK, sounds great!"
Movies (US) = films (UK)
"Shall we go to the cinema this evening? I'm so bored with staying inside!"
"Well, we could do that, but it's expensive isn't it? I haven't been to the cinema for a long time."
"Well today is discount day. Due to first of the month reductions, watching a film is cheaper today."
"OK, sounds great!"
The 1st day of the month is movie specials. Half price movie.
>Today is movie specials.
*This is saying that today the movies are cheaper than usual.
*special=a product or service offered at a temporarily reduced price.
>The 1st day of the month is movie specials. Half price movie.
*This is indicating that on the 1st day of the month the movies are cheaper and that it is half price. Meaning that if it normally cost $50 it is now $25.
Today is movie specials.
The 1st day of the month is movie specials. Half price movie.
Movie tickets are on special on the first day of each month
On the first day of the month, movie tickets are usually on special/sale
Movie tickets are cheaper on the first day of the month
When you want to tell someone that movie tickets are cheaper on the first day of the month; then you may say it in the following ways:
-Movie tickets are on special on the first day of each month
-On the first day of the month, movie tickets are usually on special/sale
-Movie tickets are cheaper on the first day of the month
-Movie tickets are on special on the first day of each month
-On the first day of the month, movie tickets are usually on special/sale
-Movie tickets are cheaper on the first day of the month
In American English, when I was a kid we generally used "dollar theater" to refer to the cheap movies (however with inflation, there are few dollar theaters anymore). "Lets go to the cheap seats" is a more general term that could apply to movies but generally refers to sporting events.
僕が子供の頃、アメリカでは安い映画のことは"dollar theater"と呼ばれていました(ですが、インフレの影響で"dollar theater"は今はもうほとんどなくなってしまいました)。
"Lets go to the cheap seats"