世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/12/16 16:27
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  • Do you want to go for a walkies?

This is a common phrase. Walkies means walk, but for some reason we say walkies to excite our dog! Also by saying it in a high pitched tone, the dog gets the message! In most cases you can just say 'walkies' to your dog, that word alone lets your dog know it's time to go outside.
これはよくあるフレーズです。walkiesとは散歩のことで、犬を喜ばせるためにwalkieと言うことがあります。 また、高い声でwalkieというと、犬も理解して喜びますね。 ほとんどの場合、walkiesと犬相手に言うことができます。 この単語単体で使うことで、犬にこれから外に出られると知らせることができるでしょう。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Do you want to go for a walk?

「散歩」は英語では go for a walkと言います。 Do you want to walk? と言ってしまうとただ「歩きたいの?」という意味になってしまうので”散歩”という意味とは変わってしまいます。 散歩に行くときはこんな風に話してみてはいかがでしょうか? Let's go for a walk! Let me put you on a leash. (散歩に行こう!紐につないであげるね!)
  • Walkies?

  • Let's go for a walk!

In the UK, most dogs' ears will prick up if they hear the word 'walk' or most common, 'walkies!" It is not necessary to ask a dog a formal question as they have small brains and are more responsive to one word commands or suggestions. If you suggest going for a walk, they will probably just understand the word 'walk' and appreciate the implications of that!
イギリスでは、殆どの犬が 'walk'やよくある 'walkies!"と言う言葉を聞くと耳がピンと立ち上がります。(散歩) 彼らは小さな脳を持っていて、一言ぐらいの命令や提案に反応するので、犬に正式な質問をする必要はありません。 犬に散歩に行きたいか聞きたかっらた、彼らは 'walk'(散歩)だけでこの言葉に含まれている意味が理解できるでしょう!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you feel like walking?

  • Are you ready for your daily walk?

▪Do you feel like walking? "Feel like" is asking if he wants to go or if he is in the mood to go. ▪Are you ready for your daily walk? Daily walk is indicating that the dog goes for walks everyday and you are now asking if he is ready to go for that walk.
▪Do you feel like walking? (あなたはお散歩したい気分ですか?) "Feel like(様に感じる、様な気分)"で行きたい気分かどうかを尋ねます。 ▪Are you ready for your daily walk? (あなたは日課の散歩の準備ができていますか?) Daily walk(毎日の日課の散歩)は、ワンちゃんが毎日散歩に行くことを表しています。 そして、今、お散歩に行く準備ができているかどうかを尋ねています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Do you want to take a walk with me?

  • Are you ready to go for a walk with me.

Do you want to take a walk with me?- This means that you are asking the dog if they would like go with you or they would like to stay behind. If you have a very close relationship with your dog you can tell what they want. Are you ready to go for a walk with me.- This means that you asking if they are prepared to take the walk. You may also want to carry the dog leash.
Do you want to take a walk with me? (一緒にお散歩をしませんか?) -この言い方は、一緒に来たいのか、 行きたくないのかをワンちゃんに尋ねています。 ワンちゃんととても仲良しなら、あなたはワンちゃん何をしたいのかがわかるはずです。 Are you ready to go for a walk with me (一緒にお散歩に行く準備ができていますか?) -この言い方は、彼らが散歩をする準備ができているかを尋ねています。 また、ワンちゃんの鎖も持っておくと良いかもしれません。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Do you want to go for a walk?

You can say : Do you want to go for a walk? Let's take a walk. Let's go for a walk. Come on, let's go for a walk.
表現する事ができます: Do you want to go for a walk? (あなたは散歩に行きたいですか?) Let's take a walk. (お散歩しましょう) Let's go for a walk. (お散歩に行きましょう。) Come on, let's go for a walk. (さあ、散歩に行きましょう。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Do you want to go for a walk?

  • Shall we go for a walk?

"Do you want to go for a walk?" This asks the dog if it would like to go for a walk. "Shall we go for a walk?" This is another way of asking the do if it would like to go for a walk.
"Do you want to go for a walk?" (散歩に行きたいですか?) これは犬に散歩に行きたいか聞いています。 "Shall we go for a walk?" (散歩に行きましょうか?) これは犬に散歩に行きたいかきくと別の方法です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Want to walkies?

  • Ready for your walk?

1. Want to walkies? This is a casual way of asking, "Do you want me to take you for a walk?" Dogs are highly intelligent animals and they seem to instinctively know what the word "walkies" means especially if you hold up a leash while asking the question. 2. Ready for your walk? Like the earlier question, this one is also very rhetorical. Rhetorical means that you are asking a question when in actual fact you are making a statement, i.e. no response is necessary. Dogs love walking so would be jumping at the opportunity to be taken out for a walk in the park or along the beach. Another example of a rhetorical question to my kids: "Who wants ice cream?"
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Ready to go for a walk.

  • Let's go for a walk!

  • Get your leash and let's go out for a walk.

Some dogs will get their leash themselves to go on walks. Asking the dog to get it will be a question in itself. Even saying let's go for a walk to a dog is asking the same question.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • Do you wanna go for a walk?

  • Let's go for a walk!

If you would like to ask your dog if he/she wants to go for a walk, you can say something like "Do you wanna go for a walk?" or "Let's go for a walk!". Most people say this with a high pitch tone which will excite your dog to go out on a walk.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Do you want to go out?

Dogs love going outside. They always get so excited when they see you grab their leash. It is essential to walk your dog. It is an enjoyable pastime as well. Dogs are so intelligent that they can understand the phrase or some of the words you use when you ask them if they want to go out. My dog used to understand the word "out". When I asked her "Do you wanna go out" she used to start barking and run to the door. "Do you wanna go out??? Yeah?? Come on! Let's go!"
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Should we go for a walk?

  • Shall we go for a walk?

Examples: I need to get out of the house, do you to go for a walk in the park? Shall we go for a walk around the city? Making suggestions: Let's go for a walk! It's a really nice day, let's go walking together!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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