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2016/12/22 09:26
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  • Are you having your winter holiday at the moment?

「冬休み期間中」ですが、 「人+be 動詞+having one's winter holiday」 で表せます。 「winter holiday」の箇所ですが、 「winter vacation」とも言い換えられます。 但し、前者はイギリス英語で、 後者はアメリカ英語です。 「at the moment」のところを、 「now」でも言い換えられます。 <ボキャブラリー> winter holiday(イギリス英語)/ winter vacation(アメリカ英語)= 冬休み at the moment = 現在、今 now = 現在、今 ご参考にされてください☆
  • Are you in the middle of your winter vacation?

  • Are you on your winter vacation now?

  • Is it winter vacation for you now?

今 = now, at this moment 冬休み = winter break but more formal to say winter vacation or holiday 期間中 = this is tricky because it means "during" or "the duration of" ですか = polite phrase being posed as a question in Japanese with no English equivalent. Are you in the middle of your winter vacation? = there is no 今 or now because the sentence is in present tense. Middle is probably one of the closest alternatives I can think of for 期間中. Are you on your winter vacation now? = On your winter vacation is another alternative to 期間中 I can think of since "on" is a preposition used in this to indicate a state of something. Is it winter vacation for you now? = No 期間中 equivalent so it's more straight forward.
今 = now, at this moment 冬休み = winter break。 よりフォーマルには winter vacation/holiday 期間中 = during または the duration of ですか = 日本語における質問の丁寧なフレーズに付けられる、英語に同等のものはない。 Are you in the middle of your winter vacation? = 文が現在形なので、now はありません。 Middle が、おそらく最も「期間中」の代替として近いと思います。 Are you on your winter vacation now? = On your winter vacation は、前置詞のonがここで使われることで何かの状態を示しため、「期間中」の別の代替表現となると思います。 Is it winter vacation for you now? = 「期間中」と同等のものはなく、より単刀直入です。
Denise Nicole Tiu Tantuco Private English teacher
  • Are you on your winter break?

  • Is this your winter holiday?

  • How lucky for you. Is this your winter vacation?

All have the same meaning, you can construct the sentence whichever way you want. You can use "vacation, holiday, break, down-time, relaxation period, etc". Are you on your winter break? Is this your winter holiday? How lucky for you. Is this your winter vacation?
どれも同じ意味を持ちます。 どの方法でも文章を構築することができます。 「vacation」, 「holiday」, 「break」, 「down-time」, 「relaxation period」 などを使うことができます。 例文です。 Are you on your winter break? あなたは冬休み中ですか? Is this your winter holiday? これはあなたの冬休みですか? How lucky for you. Is this your winter vacation? なんと幸運なのでしょう。これはあなたの冬休みですか?
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Are you having winter vacation?

  • Are you on winter vacation?

You can ask : Are you having winter vacation? Are you on winter vacation? Are you on winter break? Is this your winter vacation?
以下の風に質問できます: Are you having winter vacation? (あなたはいま冬休みですか?) Are you on winter vacation? (あなたは冬休み中ですか?) Are you on winter break? (あなたはいま冬休みですか?) Is this your winter vacation? (これはあなたの冬休みですか?)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Are you here for the winter vacation?

  • Are you having your winter holiday?

I am assuming that it is winter in your country and the customer is staying at the hotel you are working at and you want to ask if they are coming for leisure or business. Leisure means fun,holiday or vacation. You can use structure your sentences using the sentences above.
その国が冬であると仮定し、お客さんがあなたが働いているホテルに滞在しており、 あなたはレジャーまたはビジネスでその人が来ているかどうか尋ねたいと思っています。 Leisure(レジャー)とは、楽しい休日や休暇を意味します。 上記の文を使って文章を構成することができます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A winter break...

  • Excuse me I am curious...are you here on a winter break?... or do you live here?

A winter break equates to a holiday, or change of pace...It could be for just a few days... or even go on for weeks;-D I might pose the question like this: "Excuse me I am curious. Are you here on a winter break or do you live here?"
A winter breakとは、休暇と同じです。数日間だけだったり、何週間もとったりします。  "Excuse me I am curious...are you here on a winter break?... or do you live here?" すみません、ちょっと気になったのですが、冬休みでここにいるのですか、それともここに住んでいるのですか?
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Are you here for the winter vacation?

  • Are you taking a winter break?

▪Are you here for the winter vacation? ▪Are you taking a winter break? Example You: Welcome to Japan. Are you here for business or pleasure? Customer: Pleasure. You: Nice, are you here for the winter vacation? Customer: Yes I am, thank you.
▪Are you here for the winter vacation? (あなたは冬の休暇中はここにいますか?) ▪Are you taking a winter break? (あなたは冬休み中ですか?) 例 あなた:Welcome to Japan. Are you here for business or pleasure? (日本へようこそ。ビジネスや休暇でここにいらっしゃるのですか?) お客様:Pleasure. (娯楽です) あなた:Nice, are you here for the winter vacation? (いいですね、冬の休暇でここにいるんですね?) お客様:Yes I am, thank you. (はい、そうなんです、ありがとうございます。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Are you on winter vacation?

  • Are you on winter holiday?

  • Is this your winter holiday?

We can either use the words, "vacation," or, "holiday," interchangeably and still keep the same meaning of asking the person if they are on vacation. We can also change the subject of the sentence to, "winter holiday," with the possessive pronoun, "your," to still keep the same meaning.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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