世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/18 12:59
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  • How much is a taxi?

  • Just asking, how much is a taxi?

  • How much is a taxi from JFK to Brooklyn?

Hey there Yuka! 一番言いやすいのはHow much is a Taxiです。 もし「参考だけ」ということを強調したいのであれば、先に「just asking」と言います。 Just asking, how much is a Taxi? もしその距離を聞きたいのであれば出発点と行き先を言います。 Just asking, how much is a taxi from JFK to Brooklyn? Thanks! Arthur
  • How much to Brooklyn by taxi? Just for information.

「参考までに」は Just for information. と言えばバッチリですよ。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • How much will it cost to go from JFK to Brooklyn by plane?

  • What are the prices for the plane tickets from JFK to Brooklyn?

>How much will it cost to go from JFK to Brooklyn by plane? >What are the prices for the plane tickets from JFK to Brooklyn? Both sentence are good to use and clearly indicate that you want to know the price for a plane ticket. Other sentences a.How much does the taxi cost from JFK airport to Brooklyn. b. What is the price for the taxi from JFK airport to Brooklyn.
How much will it cost to go from JFK to Brooklyn by plane? What are the prices for the plane tickets from JFK to Brooklyn? 航空券の料金を尋ねるときの表現です。 以下のような例文で表現することもできます。 a.How much does the taxi cost from JFK airport to Brooklyn. b. What is the price for the taxi from JFK airport to Brooklyn.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • How much will it cost to get to....?

  • How much is it to get from JFK airport to Brooklyn?

How much will it cost to get to....? If you are already at the airport and you want to get somewhere you can use this question. If you want to get to the city centre you would say, 'How much will it cost to get to the city centre?' How much is it to get from JFK airport to Brooklyn?- if you want to know the cost from one location to another it is better to use this. Another example would be, "How much is it to get from the airport to the city centre? Notice that there are two ways to ask how much something is going to cost- "How much will it cost?' and 'How much is it?'. Both are correct and commonly used
How much will it cost to get to....? 既に空港にいる場合、シティーセンターに行きたくなったら、このようにいえます。 'How much will it cost to get to the city centre?' シティーセンターに行くにはいくらかかりますか? How much is it to get from JFK airport to Brooklyn?- 一つの場所からもう一方の場所へ行く場合にいくらかかるかと尋ねる場合は、この尋ね方を使うといいでしょう。 "How much is it to get from the airport to the city centre? 空港からシティセンターへはいくらかかりますか? "How much will it cost?' と'How much is it?'と言い方は二種類ありますが、どちらも良く使われますし、一般的です。
Silvanat DMM英会話講師
  • How much does it cost to get there from here?

  • How much does it cost to get from here to there?

These sentences ask how much it costs to go from point A to point B.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • What's the travel cost from JFK to Brooklyn?

You can speak in terms of 'travel' in general if you haven't yet identified your mode of transport. Otherwise you can replace 'travel' with: taxi, bus, car etc
交通手段をまだ特定していない場合はおおまかに”travel”(旅)の観点で話すことができます。 もしそうでなければ”travel”をtaxi”(タクシー)、”bus”(バス)、”car”(車)などで置き換えることができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What's the average cost to get from... to...?

  • How much is a ticket from... to...?

  • How much does it cost to get from... to...?

We use the words "cost/average cost" to talk about how much it would be for something. "How much would it cost me to get from San Francisco to New York?" What's the average cost of a plane ticket from New Jersey to Las Vegas?"
何かがいくらかかるか話す際に、「cost/average cost」という単語を用います。 How much would it cost me to get from San Francisco to New York? (サンフランシスコからニューヨークまでいくらかかりますか?) What's the average cost of a plane ticket from New Jersey to Las Vegas? (ニュージャージーからラスベガスまで飛行機でいくらかかりますか?)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Hypothetically speaking, how much is a taxi fare from JFK airport to Brooklyn?

  • Just to know, how much does it cost to go by taxi from JFK airport to Brooklyn?

Hypothetically speaking: means just to know for information. It doesn't mean that you plan to go by taxi but IF you were going to go, you want to know how much it costs. It centers around "If", a situation that isn't real. It is used a lot with American culture and can be used in a lot of different situations. Fare: means cost and is associated with public transport. Like bus fare, train fare, and taxi fare. Hope this helps.
Hypothetically speaking: 単に情報として知るという意味です。これはあなたがタクシーで行く予定があるという意味ではありませんが*もしも*そうであればいくらかかるか知りたいということです。これは実在しない状況である”if”(もしも)を中心に構成されています。 Fare: 費用という意味で、公共交通機関に関連しています。例えば”bus fare”(バス代)、”train fare”(電車代)、そして”taxi fare”(タクシー代)です。 参考になりますように。
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • If I took a taxi, how much would it cost from JFK to Brooklyn?

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・If I took a taxi, how much would it cost from JFK to Brooklyn? タクシーに乗ったら、JFKからブルックリンまでいくらかかりますか? how much で「いくら」を英語で表現することができます。 もし「所要時間」を聞きたければ how long も使うことができます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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