世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/18 13:25
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  • tourists flock to this place

  • be liked by many tourists

  • enjoy high popularity

flock to は、~に殺到する、be liked by many は、多くの~に好かれている、 一般的には、enjoy high popularity, 高い人気を誇っている、などがあります。
  • This is a really popular tourist spot

  • This is a tourist hot spot

  • It's a hot spot for tourists

いろんな言い方はありますが 人気観光場所なら This is a really popular tourist spot/destination →destinationは大きめな場所に多く使います →spotはもう少し小さい形ですね 京都ならtourist destination 渋谷ならtourist spot そのままtourist hot spotで言えます。 Shibuya is a tourist hot spot (in Tokyo) Kyoto has always been a hot spot for tourists
  • This is the in place among tourists now.

  • Tourists find this place to be very cool - it's very hot at the moment.

  • The in thing now is to go to Bali.

In= (Informal) Meaning that a place is ''popular'' or ''hip''. Tourists find this place to be very cool - it's very hot at the moment. = ''cool'' places tend to be very popular as many people find them to be attractive. Again, ''hot'' is an informal word used to describe something as being popular. The in thing= means fashionable or popular.
In= (カジュアル) 人気のある、流行の Tourists find this place to be very cool - it's very hot at the moment. = ''cool'' places tend to be very popular as many people find them to be attractive. 観光客に人気のスポットで、今すごくアツい場所です =たくさんの人がその場所を魅力的な場所だと捉えるので、coolな場所は人気になりやすい。 hotは何か人気な場所やものを表すときに使うカジュアルな形容詞です。 The in thing= 流行の場所、人気の場所。
Jemy K DMM英会話講師
  • This is a popular tourist spot

>Something that is popular is enjoyed or liked by a lot of people. This is the most popular ball game ever devised. Chocolate sauce is always popular with youngsters. >A tourist is a person who is visiting a place for pleasure and interest, especially when they are on holiday. Blackpool is the top tourist attraction in England. >Spot = place
>popularとは、多くの人によって楽しまれたり好かれているものを指します。 This is the most popular ball game ever devised. これが今まで発明された中で最も人気のあるボールを使ったゲームだ。 Chocolate sauce is always popular with youngsters. チョコレートソースが若者に常に人気のあるソースだ。 >A tourist とは特に休暇の際に、興味や楽しみで訪れる人のことを言います。 is a person who is visiting a place for pleasure and interest, especially when they are on holiday. Blackpool is the top tourist attraction in England. Blackpoolは観光客に最も人気のスポットだ。 >Spot = 場所
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • This is a tourist hotspot at the moment

  • The tourists are like bees round a honey pot at this location!

Bees round a honey pot = If something attracts people like bees to a honeypot or like bees round a honeypot, it attracts people in large numbers. "This is the show that attracts computer industry people like bees to a honeypot." Hotspot = You can refer to an exciting place where there is a lot of activity or entertainment as a hot spot. Also any place where a lot of people go to a popular venue. [informal] "We are going out to a fancy Manhattan hot spot." "The group ended up at a popular and lively package tour hotspot."
Bees round a honey pot = もし何かが人々をまるでハチが蜜瓶に群がるように、または蜜瓶の周りのハチのように引きつけているのであれば、それは多くの人々が引きつけられているということです。 例: "This is the show that attracts computer industry people like bees to a honeypot." ーこれは蜜瓶の周りのハチのようにコンピューター業界の人々を引きつけている。 Hotspot = たくさんの活動や娯楽のある場所をhotspotとしていうことができます。 また、たくさんの人々のいく人気の場所。 [砕けた表現] "We are going out to a fancy Manhattan hot spot." ー私たちはマンハッタンのおしゃれなホットスポットに出かけるつもりです。 "The group ended up at a popular and lively package tour hotspot." ーそのグループは人気で活発なパッケージツアーのホットスポットで終えた。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It is currently a tourist attraction

*It is currently a tourist attraction. A tourist attraction is a place a place that people visit for pleasure and interest, usually while they are on holiday. For example: "The Grand Canyon is Arizona's biggest tourist attraction." Currently means at the present time. For example: "He currently is directing TV sitcoms."
*It is currently a tourist attraction. A tourist attractionは人々が楽しみや興味のために訪れる場所で、大抵ホリデーで訪れます。 例: "The Grand Canyon is Arizona's biggest tourist attraction." ーグランドキャニオンはアリゾナの大きな観光地だ。 Currently は現在を意味します。 例: "He currently is directing TV sitcoms." ー彼は現在テレビのシットコムを監督しています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Its a tourist Hangout

  • Its a tourist hot spot and they all hangout there...

Where tourists "Hang out" (idiom ) is colloquial slang for chilling or relaxing in a certain location...Giving it a reputation as "a tourist hangout..." which i turn simply means that lots of tourists ..."flock there in droves" and so have made it their favourite place...or their "first choice destination"
観光客が"Hang out" (たまり場/集まる場所)はイディオムで口語の俗語/スラングです。 人気のあり、リラックスできる場所の事です。 "a tourist hangout..."(観光客が集まる場所) と評判があるという事は、単純に多くの観光客が"flock there in droves"(集団でぞろぞろ訪れる)意味になります。 そして、それは彼らのお気に入りの場所になります。 または "first choice destination"(第一希望の目的地)となります。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • This is a really popular tourist spot at the moment.

  • Right now, this is one of the most popular tourist areas.

If you would like to explain to someone that this is now a popular tourist area casually, you can say something like "This is a really popular tourist spot at the moment." or "This is a really popular tourist spot at the moment.". These are some casual ways of saying this to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • This is a prime location for vacationers.

  • This attraction is a magnet to tourists.

If something is considered to be the best, then it can be labeled as "prime." Therefore, a place that is considered to be the best place for tourists to go, can be referred to as a prime location. Since a magnet is a tool for attracting metal objects, it is used figuratively to describe things that attract, like the popular tourist destination in this case.
Laurel DMM英会話講師
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