世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/01/02 13:55
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  • Today is our xx anniversary, so we would like a room with a nice view, please!

「記念日」にも色々ありますが、「anniversary」という単語を使うのが一般的です。 our 10th wedding anniversary(私たちの結婚10周年記念日)
Akira Kagami 英語求道士
  • Can we have/get a room with nice view? It's our anniversary.

  • I would like to have a room with nice view. It's our anniversary.

  • Is it possible to have a room with nice view? It's our anniversary.

Can we have a room with nice view? Can we get a room with nice view? いい景色はnice view、もしくはbetter view また、街の景色ならcity view 海の景色ならocean view と言ってもいいですね。 I would like to have a room with nice view I would like to~で、~したい。 Is it possible to have a room with nice view? Is it possible~で、〜は可能ですか? とも言えます。 記念日は、anniversaryなので、 (Because) It's our anniversaryでいいと思います^^
  • Hey, its our anniversary and we would really like to have a room with a beautiful view.

  • Do you have any rooms available with a nice view? It is our anniversary and would really appreciate it.

>Hey, its our anniversary and we would really like to have a room with a beautiful view. *In this sentence you first give them the good news about your anniversary and then you request a room with a beautiful view. !!!!!!!!!!!!! >Do you have any rooms available with a nice view? It is our anniversary and would really appreciate it. *In this sentence you first ask if they have any rooms with a nice view and then you explain why you want it and the reason.
Hey, its our anniversary and we would really like to have a room with a beautiful view. この文章で、記念日であるという情報を伝える、美しい眺めの部屋を頼んでいます。 Do you have any rooms available with a nice view? It is our anniversary and would really appreciate it. この文章で、最初にいい眺め部屋について尋ね、そしてその理由を説明しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • It's our anniversary and I'd like a room with a view please

Apart from being a 1908 novel by English writer E. M. Forster, about a young woman in the restrained culture of Edwardian era England, 'A Room with a View' is also a very desireable characteristic of a comfortable and impressive hotel room that you may book for your anniversary! .
イギリスのエドワード王朝時代の抑制された文化の中で生きる若い女性を描いた、 1908年の小説は別として、イギリスの作家、E.M.フォスターの "A Room with a View"(眺めのいい部屋)はとても好ましく心地の良い印象的なホテルの部屋で、あなたの記念日にぴったりですね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Its our anniversary, could you please get a room with a nice view.

"Its our anniversary, could you please get a room with a nice view." You can add the years, 'Our 1st anniversary' 'Our 10th anniversary'
Its our anniversary, could you please get a room with a nice view. 年を追加することができます。 Our 1st anniversary 1周年記念 Our 10th anniversary 10周年記念
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Room with a view...

  • I always insist on a room with a view...after I got a brick wall outside in Pnom Phen!

A room with a view is the perfect and most commonly used phrase to cover this. In most hotels of course, not all rooms will have " a view". Let’s look out on to "a pleasant scene or vista"... But on special occasions its nice. So be sure and mention when you book! Recently I ended up looking out at a red brick wall from my window !! So now I always insist on "a room with a view" please!
“a room with a view” (眺めの良い部屋) これは完璧で一番よく使われている表現です。 もちろんほとんどのホテルでは、すべての部屋が眺めの良い部屋とは限りません。 “Let’s look out on to a pleasant scene or vista” (素晴らしい景色か眺めを見ましょう) しかし特別な日にそのような場所は素敵なので予約する時に、伝えるようにしてください! 最近私は窓が赤いレンガの壁に面している部屋になってしまいまた、、、 なので今ではいつも “a room with a view please” (眺めの良い部屋をお願いします。) と言っています。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Please allocate us a room with a nice view because it's our anniversary today.

  • We would like a room with a nice view because it's our anniversary today.

Anniversaries are always supposed to be celebrated to the full. Everything that is to be done on a couple's anniversary must be fantastic. If the couple has booked a room at a hotel in which they want to enjoy their anniversary, that room must have a nice view. The room itself must be nice and comfortable. So, if this applies to you, you may say to the receptionist: Please allocate us a room with a nice view because it's our anniversary today. or We would like a room with a nice view because it's our anniversary today.
記念日は常に最高にお祝いされるはずです。カップルの記念日にされるべきこと全てがファンタスティックでなければなりません。もしカップルが記念日を楽しく過ごすためにホテルの部屋を予約したのであれば、その部屋は良い眺めでなければなりません。部屋自体も素敵で快適でなければなりません。もしこれが当てはまるのであれば、フロントに次のように言うことができます: Please allocate us a room with a nice view because it's our anniversary today.(今日は私たちの記念日なので、眺めのいい部屋にしてください。) We would like a room with a nice view because it's our anniversary today.(今日は私たちの記念日なので、眺めのいい部屋がいいです。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • It's our anniversary. Would it be possible to get a room with a view?

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・It's our anniversary. Would it be possible to get a room with a view? 記念日なんです。眺めの良い部屋にしていただくことは可能でしょうか? anniversary は「記念日」という意味を持つ英語表現です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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