世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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  • I think this job suits you.

  • I think this job is suitable for you.

■ 英文の考え方 「この仕事はあなたに[ぴったり](です」→「この仕事は、あなたに[ふさわしい](」としました。「ぴったり」という表現を”suit”を使いました。 ■単語の説明 動詞”suit”には、「要件を満たす、ふさわしい」の「[合う](」という意味があります。また、形容詞” suitable”は「適切な、適当な、ふさわしい」という意味があるので、 例)I think this job is suitable for you. 「この仕事はあなたにとってふさわしい」 という意味になります。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I think this job fits you!

[服装](なんかを[褒める](ときにも使う、fitやsuitが同じように使うことが出来ます。 日本語でも言いますよね、「フィット」です。ぴったりとか(あなたに)あってるという意味で使えます。 be動詞を使って言いたいなら I think you are suited to this job! としてみたり I think this job is suitable for you! としてみたり出来ると思います。
  • I think this job is perfect for you.

  • This job is a good fit for you.

  • You have what it takes for this job.

"A good fit" is an expression that means that someone has the necessary skills or experience required. "Have what it takes" also means that someone has the needed qualifications for a certain task.
"A good fit" は、その人が必要な経験やスキルを有していることを表します。 "Have what it takes" も「〔~するために〕必要な資質を持っている」という意味です。
Jae C DMM英会話講師
  • This job is a perfect fit for you.

In English, we use the phrase "perfect fit" not only to talk about clothes but a situation or position that is very good for a person. It can be used in both formal and informal situations. I hope that this helps! :)
"perfect fit" というフレーズは、洋服に限らず、最適な仕事や状況を表すときにも使われます。フォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使われるフレーズです。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I think that the job is perfect for you!

By saying this phrase you are saying to whoever it is that they should be working at this job and that it is the right job for them.
Max W DMM英会話講師
  • I think this job is perfect for you.

  • I think this job would really suit you.

  • I think you would be great at this job.

When letting someone know about a job that would be suitable for them you can use either of these: -I think this job is perfect for you. -I think this job would really suit you. -I think you would be great at this job.
相手に適した仕事について伝えるときには、以下どの表現も使えます。 -I think this job is perfect for you. -I think this job would really suit you. -I think you would be great at this job. (この仕事はあなたにピッタリだと思う)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • This job was made for you!

  • This job is perfectly tailored to your qualifications!

  • This job really suits you!

Stating that something or someone is "made for you" indicates that it is perfect for you; when something is "made for you" it means that there is no other job that fits you like the one in question. "Perfectly tailored to your qualifications" can be used both literally to mean tailoring of clothing to an individual, as well as figuratively, like in this case, to mean that it is perfect for the individual's merits and/or abilities. When something "suits you" it means that it goes well with you, or matches you well. This verb can be used in reference to nouns (people, places, things), when comparing how well two things match each other.
"something/someone is made for you" と言うと、「(人)にぴったり合っている」という意味になります。"something is made for you" は、その人にうってつけの仕事を表します。 "perfectly tailored to your qualifications" は、文字通り服を仕立てる意味で使われることもあれば、この場合のように比喩的に人の長所や能力にぴったり合っているという意味で使われることもあります。 "something suits you" は「〔人〕と釣り合っている」という意味です。この動詞は人・場所・ものの相性について言うときに使えます。
Maki Z DMM英会話講師
  • This job is made for you

  • I think this job is perfect for you

  • This job is a perfect fit for you

The example you wrote can be used to express what you want to say. Although, you can use any of the written examples by me. Basically, they all mean the same.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • This job is exactly what you need.

  • No other job will fit you like this job does.

  • You would never quit this job for any other because it fits you like a glove.

When kooking for a job, most people look for one that fits them exactly in terms of the skills set. There is no point in working in a position for which one does not have the necessary skills. In such a case, a job like that does not fit the person. So, if a job fits you in terms of the skills set required to do it, you wouldn't leave it for any other job because it fits you like a glove. So, you would say to the person: This job is exactly what you need. or No other job will fit you just like this job does. or You would never quit this job for any other because it fits you like a glove.
仕事を探すとき、ほとんどの人は自分のスキルに合ったものを求めます。必要なスキルを持っていない所で働いても意味がありませんから。そのような仕事はその人に "does not fit"(合っていません)。 自分のスキルに合った仕事を見つければ、その職場を離れることはないでしょう。その人に "fits like a glove"(ピッタリ合っている)からです。 次のように言えます。 This job is exactly what you need.(この仕事はあなたにピッタリです) No other job will fit you just like this job does.(これ以上あなたに合った仕事はないでしょう) You would never quit this job for any other because it fits you like a glove.(これはあなたにピッタリの仕事だから、辞めて他の仕事をしようなんて思うことはないでしょう)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • It's perfect for you!

「あなたにぴったり」を英語にしたら、 "It's perfect for you" と言います。例えば、「あなたにこの仕事がぴったりだと思う!」は、英語で I think this job is perfect for you." と翻訳できます。でも、この場合、"It's" の代わりに this job を書きましたけれども、構いません。 他の例文: I think this suit is perfect for you. 「このスーツはあなたにぴったり」
  • You would be a great fit for this job!

  • You are the perfect match for this job!

  • This job is a perfect match for you

There are many different ways to say this job is perfect for you. You can either talk about the person being a great match for the job, or you can do the reverse and talk about how the job is a perfect match for the person. If you say "you would be a great fit for the job" you are saying the person will fit right into the position and they would do their job excellently.
「この仕事はあなたにピッタリだ」はいろいろな言い方ができます。 「この仕事はあなたにピッタリだ」(例3)でもいいですし「あなたはこの仕事にピッタリだ」(例1・2)と言うこともできます。 "You would be a great fit for the job" では「これはあなたにピッタリの仕事。期待に応えられるはず」と伝えています。
Estter DMM英会話講師
  • I reckon this career path is ideally suited to your talents

  • You couldn't find a job which is more attuned to your skills!

  • This job is right up your street!

When talking to someone about work. and you want to say that you think the job is perfect for them, then you may apply one of the suggestions above. If something is 'right up your street' it means that it fits well with your ability or character, interests or current situation. " Horror movies are right up Jim's street.. I'm sure he'd love to go with you to see 'The Living Dead'.
ある仕事について「あなたにピッタリだと思う」と伝えたいなら、上記の文の一つが使えます。 'right up someone's street' で「〔物事が〕(人の)能力・性格・興味・状況に適している」という意味になります。 "Horror movies are right up Jim's street. I'm sure he'd love to go with you to see 'The Living Dead'." (ホラー映画はジムにピッタリだよ。きっと一緒に「リビング・デッド」を見に行きたいと言うと思うよ)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This job is the perfect fit for you!

  • This job definitely suits you!

  • This job is right up your alley!

When expressing that something is perfect for them, use the sentences above. Right up your alley: suited to you or your interests "This documentary is right up my alley! I love discussions about extraterrestrial life forms!" "That dress color is a perfect fit for you, it really compliments your skin tone!" "Those sunglasses suit you a lot!!"
「~はあなたにぴったり」と言うなら、上記のフレーズが使えます。 Right up your alley: 向いている、好みに合っている "This documentary is right up my alley! I love discussions about extraterrestrial life forms!" (このドキュメンタリーは自分にピッタリ。地球外の生き物についての話が大好きだから) "That dress color is a perfect fit for you, it really compliments your skin tone!" (そのドレスの色あなたにピッタリ、肌の色に合っている) "Those sunglasses suit you a lot!!" (そのサングラスすごく似合ってる)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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