世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/01/19 18:23
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  • The room next door is noisy.

  • The people next door are making too much noise.

  • The people next door are being noisy.

英訳1:シンプルな言い方です。the room next door で「隣の部屋」となります。 英訳2:「[隣人](」は the people next door となります。 「[うるさい](」は be noisy の他に make too much noise でもOKです。 英訳3:be noisy は、たいていいつもうるさいというニュアンスですが、be being ~ (形容詞) の形で言うと、現在うるさくしているということを表します。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • The next-door neighbors are very noisy.

「隣人(=[近所の人](たち)」にも色々ありますが、隣の部屋/家に住んでいる人たちには特別に「next-door」をつけて言います。 「隣の部屋の人たち(隣人)」:one's next-door neighbors 「[うるさい](うるさくする)」:noisy(make noise)
Akira Kagami 英語求道士
  • The next door neighbors are noisy/so loud.

  • The people next door make to much noise.

"The next door neighbors are noisy/so loud." This explains that the people who live next to you are very noisy. "Noisy" and "Loud" mean the same thing. 'Next door neighbors" are the people who live in the house next to yours. "The people next door make too much noise." This explains that the noise is too much for you.
The next door neighbors are noisy/so loud. これは、隣にうるさい人が住んでいることを言います。 「Noisy」と「Loud」は同じ意味です。 「Next door neighbors」はあなたの家の隣に住んでいる人々です。 The people next door make too much noise. これは、うるさすぎるということを言います。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • My neighbours are a pain in the ass!

  • They just can't keep the noise down!

Pain in the ass = This is an informal and critical expression to say that someone or something is very irritating for you. "Waking up at 5am every day is a pain in the ass!" To keep the noise down is an expression meaning to limit the sound to an acceptable level. "Keep the noise down! I'm trying to sleep!"
Pain in the ass = カジュアルな表現ですが、何かや誰かがあなたをイライラさせている時に使います。 例:"Waking up at 5am every day is a pain in the ass!" 朝五時起きとかきっついわぁ。 To keep the noise down 音を許容範囲内まで下げるという意味です。 例:"Keep the noise down! I'm trying to sleep!" 音下げてよ!こっちは寝ようとしてるの
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have noisy neighbors

  • My neighbors are noisy

A noisy person or thing makes a lot of loud or unpleasant noise. Your neighbor is someone who lives near you. His daughter was very active and noisy in the mornings. I got chatting with my neighbor in the garden.
うるさい人やものは、大きな音をたてたり、迷惑な音を出しますね。 neighbor はあなたの近所に住んでいる人のことです。 例 His daughter was very active and noisy in the mornings. (彼の娘は毎朝とても元気でうるさい。) I got chatting with my neighbor in the garden. (私は隣人と庭でお話していた。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • our neighbours are noisy

  • our neighbours are noisy

  • the room next door is noisy

noisy / loud = うるさい Loud is more neutral than noisy, as noisy is a stronger word in this situation.
noisy / loudとは、「うるさい」ということです。 「noisy」はこの状況ではより強い言葉で、「Loud」は「noisy」より中立的な言い方です。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • The people who live next door are very rowdy.

  • My neighbors are quite noisy.

  • The people next door seem to never keep it down

"The people who live next door are very rowdy." rowdy = If someone is described as "rowdy" it means they are out of control or extremely loud. e.g The crowd at the stadium was very rowdy when their favorite team lost the game on Saturday. "My neighbors are quite noisy." noisy = When you are making or given to making a lot of noise. e.g A noisy, giggling group of children "The people next door seem to never keep it down" to keep it down = to make sure that you are not being too loud. e.g " Please keep it down!I am trying to study."
The people who live next door are very rowdy.” rowdy = rowdy な人だと言ったら、制御ができなくてとてもうるさい人達のことです。 例 The crowd at the stadium was very rowdy when their favorite team lost the game on Saturday. (スタジアムにいた観衆は、彼らのお気に入りのチームが土曜日に負けたときに、とてもうるさく騒いだ。) “My neighbors are quite noisy.” noisy = たくさんの騒音を出すこと 例 A noisy, giggling group of children (うるさくてニヤニヤ笑っている子どもたちのグループ) “The people next door seem to never keep it down.” to keep it down = うるさくしすぎないように気をつけること。 例 Please keep it down! I am trying to study. (静かにしてください!勉強しようとしているんです。)
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • A) My neighbors are very loud.

  • B) The house next door is always noisy.

A) My neighbors are very loud. *Neighbors -a person living next door to or very near to the speaker or person referred to. Example-"our garden was the envy of the neighbors" *Very -extremely Example - Thank you very much for your help! *Loud-producing or capable of producing much noise. Example-"they were kept awake by loud music" B) The house next door is always noisy. *House-the people living in a house; a household. Example-"make yourself scarce before you wake the whole house" *Next door-living or situated next door. Example-"next-door neighbors" *Always-at all times; on all occasions. Example-"the sun always rises in the east" Example-"a noisy, giggling group of children" I hope this helps ! :-)
A) My neighbors are very loud. *neighbors - 話し手や該当者の隣、またはとても近くに住んでいる人 例 Our garden was the envy of the neighbors. (私たちの庭は、近所の人から羨ましがられていた。) *very - 非常に 例 Thank you very much for your help! (助けてくれて本当にありがとう!) *Loud - 大きな音を出したり、大きな音を作ることができること 例 They were kept awake by loud music. (彼らは大音量の音楽によって寝られなかった。) B) The house next door is always noisy. *house - 人が住むところ、家庭 例 Make yourself scarce before you wake the whole house. (家中の人を起こしてしまう前に姿を消しなさい。) *next door - お隣に住むこと 例 next-door neighbors (隣人) *always - いつも、どのような時も 例 The sun always rises in the east. (太陽はいつも東から昇る) 例 a loisy, giggling group of children (騒がしくてクスクスと笑っている子どもたちのグループ) 参考になれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • The next-door neighbors are noisy.

  • My neighbors make a lot of noise.

To explain that the people next door are noisy, you can say: "The next-door neighbors are noisy." "My neighbors make a lot of noise."
「隣人がうるさい」は次のように言えます。 "The next-door neighbors are noisy."(隣人がうるさいです) "My neighbors make a lot of noise."(隣人がうるさいです)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Our neighbours seem to always be having a party or something.

  • We have lively neighbours and they keep me up late at times with their noise.

A: This sentence can be used in a situation where the neighbours have parties a lot and this would be their reason for making noise. B: This sentence can be used to describe your neighbors in a general manner in terms of making noise. You not stating what kind of noise they make but you are telling people that is the kind of noise that can make it difficult to sleep at times.
A: この文章は隣人が連日パーティを開いてうるさい、というようなシチュエーションで使われます。 B:この文章は隣人が日々の暮らしでうるさい場合に使われ、どんな騒がしさなのか言及しない言い方ですが、時々眠るのに困っているというニュアンスを伝えます。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • The next-door neighbours are very noisy.

  • The next-door neighbours are inconsiderate when it comes to noise

  • The neighbours next -door are boisterous

1. The next-door neighbours are very noisy. One way to describe the people who live next-door is to say next door neighbours. We can simply say that they are too noisy. 2. The next-door neighbours are inconsiderate when it comes to their noise level. If someone is inconsiderate when it comes to their noise level, it means they make a lot of noise and are not really concerned about how it affects others. 3. The neighbours next -door are boisterous. Another word for noisy is boisterous.
1. The next-door neighbours are very noisy. 隣に住んでいる人たちを表す言い方のひとつは、 next door neighbours です。 彼らが騒がしいとハッキリ言うことができます。 2. The next-door neighbours are inconsiderate when it comes to their noise level. inconsiderate when it comes to their noise level.というと、その人ははうるさくして他の人達への影響を考えていないということを意味します。 3. The neighbours next-door are boisterous. うるさいという言葉は、 boisterous とも言います。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I think my walls are paper thin.

This expression is a polite way of talking about noisy neighbours. It means that you hear everything that they say. As if the wall between you and them is indeed made of paper. You could also use this expression to your neighbours as a way of addressing the issue.
この表現は騒がしい隣人について話すときに丁寧に言う言い方です。 これは彼らが話していることがすべて聞こえてしまうことを意味します。 まるであなたと隣人との間の壁が紙でできているようです。 この表現は隣人との問題を解決しようと話しかけるときにも使えます。
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
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