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お酒を飲むと明るくなる って英語でなんて言うの?

普段はそうでもないけど、お酒を飲むと明るくなりますという場合は どのように表現するのでしょうか?
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2017/01/25 16:55
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  • I get/become cheerful and friendly when I get drunk.

I get/become cheerful and friendly when I get drunk. 私、酒に酔うと明るくなるんです。 get/ become:〜になる cheerful:明るい、陽気な friendly:フレンドリー、気さくな感じ get drink:酔う "when I get drunk”は"when I drink(単に「飲むと」という意味)"でも!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • I get happy when I'm tipsy

  • I feel great when I've had a few

  • I smile a lot when I'm sozzled

Tipsy = slightly drunk, starting to feel the affects of alcohol. To have a few = to consume several (or too many) alcoholic drinks Sozzled = very drunk. "Uncle Brian's sozzled!" "The problem at the wedding reception was that all the drinks were free and the entire party of guests got totally sozzled!"
Tipsy = ほろ酔い、酔いが回りはじめたこと To have a few = 少しまたは大量にアルコール飲料を摂取する Sozzled = すごく酔っ払った "Uncle Brian's sozzled!" ブライアンおじさん酔っぱらってる "The problem at the wedding reception was that all the drinks were free and the entire party of guests got totally sozzled!" 結婚式の問題は、飲み物が無料なので、みんなすごく酔っ払ってしまうことだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am a happy chappy when I drink.

  • Alcohol makes me so cheerful.

  • I am the king of the world when I have had a drink.

I am a happy chappy when I drink.. -This means that you are happy and friendly and nothing can make you sad when you are drinking. Alcohol makes me so cheerful. -This is a straightforward way of explaining how drinking alcohol makes you feel. I am the king of the world when I have had a drink. This means that you feel like you are in control and are very happy when you have had a drink.
I am a happy chappy when I drink.. -This means that you are happy and friendly and nothing can make you sad when you are drinking. 「お酒を飲むと、ハッピーになる。」Happy chappy=ハッピー&フレンドリーという意味です。お酒を飲んでいるときは、何があっても凹まない。 Alcohol makes me so cheerful. -This is a straightforward way of explaining how drinking alcohol makes you feel. 「お酒を飲むと陽気になる。」Cheerful=陽気な、朗らかな。 I am the king of the world when I have had a drink. This means that you feel like you are in control and are very happy when you have had a drink. 「お酒を飲んだあとは、王様になった気分。」全て自分の思い通りになるような、とてもハッピーな気分になるという意味。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • (1) I get happy when I get a drink.

  • (2) Booze makes me happy.

  • (3) Alcohol makes me happy.

英語でも、人と仲良くするような文ですね。 (1)は日本語の直訳です。 (2),(3)は「お酒が私を明るくする」という言い回しですが、簡単です。Boozeの代わりに、Beer、Wineなどを入れても良いです。
お酒を飲むと明るくハッピーになるという意味。 (1)は日本語の直訳です。 (2),(3)は「お酒が私を明るくする」という言い回しですが、簡単です。Boozeの代わりに、Beer、Wineなどを入れても良いです。 Boozeはお酒
Florin  翻訳・通訳
  • I'm a happy drunk.

  • I'm a super friendly drunk.

If you say "I'm a (~) drunk," the word "drunk" is referring to you when you're under the influence. You're basically just leaving out the word "person." (as in "drunk person") It can be used in place of "drinker," but honestly either is okay. It can be used like this: - "I'm a happy drunk." - "I'm a silly drunk." - "I'm a super friendly drunk. I make friends with the whole bar!"
"I'm a (~) drunk," と言えば酔っ払っているという事です。 drunk personの"person"を省略しています。 "drinker"のかわりに使えますがどちらでも大丈夫です。 このように使います: - "I'm a happy drunk." - "I'm a silly drunk." - "I'm a super friendly drunk. I make friends with the whole bar!"
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • I become less shy after a few drinks.

  • I communicate much better after drinking alcohol

  • I become very talkative after a few drinks.

The verb to 'become' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'begin to be'. The word 'shy' functions as an adjective, noun and a verb. In this instance, it has been used as an adjective. The adjective shy has several meanings, but, in this context, it means to be 'nervous or timid in the company of other people'. So, you may say: I become less shy after a few drinks. The verb to 'communicate' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'to share or exchange information, news, or ideas. So, you may say: I communicate much better after drinking alcohol. The adjective 'talkative' means to 'share or exchange information, news, or ideas'. So, you may say: I become very talkative after a few drinks
'become'という動詞にはいくつか 意味がありますが、この文では ある状態になるということです。 shyという語は形容詞、名詞、動詞の役割があり、 この文章では形容詞として使われています。 shyという形容詞にはいくつか意味がありますが、 この文章では、他人の前では「神経質で臆病な」 という意味です。 ですからこう言えます。 例文 I become less shy after a few drinks. お酒を少し飲むと、恥ずかしくなくなる 'communicate' という動詞には いくつか意味がありますが、 この文章では、「情報、ニュース、アイデアを 共有したり、やり取りする」という意味です。 ですからこう言えます。 例文 I communicate much better after drinking alcohol. お酒を飲むと、上手く人と コミュニケーションが取れる
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I loosen up when I drink.

  • I feel happy when I drink.

*I loosen up when I drink. To loosen up means you feel relaxed when you have drank some alcohol. It means that you feel happier and more confident. For example: *I feel happy when I drink. This is a direct way of saying that after you drink you feel cheerful.
例文 I loosen up when I drink. 私はお酒を飲むと、打ち解けてよく話す To loosen upはお酒を少し飲むと、 リラックスするということです。 気分が良くなり、 自信を持って 大胆になるということです。 例文 *I feel happy when I drink. お酒を飲むと、良い気分になる この文は、お酒を飲むと陽気に なるということをいう直接的な 表現方法です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Drinking makes me feel more upbeat.

  • Alcohol is a pick-me-up drink for me.

The term "upbeat" means to have more energy and a more positive attitude. It is a way to describe a happy and energetic person. When something is a "pick-me-up," it brings one a better sense of happiness and wellbeing.
"upbeat" は「(人が)明るくて元気がよい」という意味です。陽気でエネルギッシュな人を表す言葉です。 "pick-me-up" は「元気を回復させるもの」をいいます。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • I am more cheery after a drink.

  • A drink makes me cheery.

  • After a drink I get merry.

The first two are more about being cheerful, as is the third, however, being merry is after a few drinks generally. Good luck.
最初の二つでは「上機嫌になる」と言っています。三つ目も同じです。ただ、普通 'merry'(ほろ酔い)になるのはお酒を数杯飲んでからです。 頑張ってください。
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • When I'm drinking I become more cheerful.

  • Alcohol makes me giggly.

  • I act differently when I drink.

Use the sentences above to explain that you become cheerful when you drink. Alcohol is enjoyed by many people on different types of occasions. When people drink their character changes in some way. Some people become quiet while others become louder Giggly: laughable, laughing a lot "When I drink I become a little happier than usual, drinking makes me more sociable."
これらは、お酒を飲むと明るくなることを伝えるフレーズです。 お酒を飲むと、性格が変わる人がいます。静かになる人もいれば、うるさくなる人もいます。   Giggly: よく笑うこと "When I drink I become a little happier than usual, drinking makes me more sociable." (お酒を飲むと、いつもよりちょっと楽しくなります。お酒は自分をより社交的にしてくれる。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Drinking makes me become cheerful and happy.

  • When I drink It puts me in a good mood.

Some people feel and act differently when they drink alcohol. Different people react differently. Here are some ways:- 1. Drinking makes me become cheerful and happy. 2. When I drink it puts me in a good mood. A "mood" is a state of mind or a feeling. If you are in a good mood, it means you are in a good state of mind, such as being happy and cheerful.
お酒を飲むと人が変わる人はいますね。どう変わるかは人それぞれ違いますが。 次のように言うことができます。 1. Drinking makes me become cheerful and happy.(私はお酒を飲むと明るく陽気になります) 2. When I drink it puts me in a good mood.(お酒を飲むと気分がよくなります) "mood" は「気分」のことです。"To be in a good mood" で「〔陽気・明るいなど〕機嫌がいい」となります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I become more cheerful when I drink alcohol.

  • I become super light and friendly when I drink.

If you would like to tell someone that you become more cheerful when you drink, you can say something like "I become more cheerful when I drink alcohol." or "I become super light and friendly when I drink.".
「お酒を飲むと明るくなる」は次のように言えます。 "I become more cheerful when I drink alcohol."(お酒を飲むと明るくなる) "I become super light and friendly when I drink."(お酒を飲むと陽気でフレンドリーになる)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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