世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/01/26 10:26
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  • You can find your number on the screen/monitor when it's ready.

日本語の日常会話では、主語を省いて話すことがとても多いですが、英語は主語+動詞+〜で文が構成されます。日本語に主語がない時は、まず主語を見つけましょう。その場合、主語を「人」にすると意味が通じやすく、自然な英文になります。 「用意が出来ましたら、番号が画面に表示されますので、それまで少しお待ちください。」 =「あなたは見つけることができます/あなたの番号を/モニターに/準備ができたら」 ↑のように単語単位で訳すのではなく、情景を浮かべると英文にしやすくなりますよ。 I hope it helps.
Yuki Ebihara TESOL Professional
  • Please wait until your number appears on the screen.

Please wait until your number appears on the screen. 画面に自分の番号が表示されるまでお待ち下さい。 何を待っているかが分からないので、番号が表示されるまでお待ち下さいというシンプルな表現を選びました。
  • Your number will be displayed on the monitor when it's your turn.

  • There's a number allocation scheme here..just take a number and wait your turn

  • Just grab a ticket and watch for your number

A number allocation scheme = a system of queueing so that people may sit down and wait their turn according to their designated ticket. "Please wait your turn according to your number allocation." Top grab a ticket = this is an informal way of saying please take your ticket. "Please grab a ticket and proceed to the counter tio collect your order."
A number allocation scheme =列になって並ばなくても、番号を受けた順で呼ばれるので座って待つことのできるシステムです。 "Please wait your turn according to your number allocation."番号が呼ばれるまでお待ちくださいませ。 Top grab a ticket = please take your ticketよりかは少しカジュアルな表現です。 例:"Please grab a ticket and proceed to the counter to collect your order."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • When it's your turn your number will be displayed.

  • You will see your number come up when it is your turn.

  • When it's your turn on your ticket the number will be displayed.

examples "When it's your turn on your ticket the number will be displayed." or "You will see your number come up when it is your turn." or "When it's your turn your number will be displayed. "
"When it's your turn on your ticket the number will be displayed." あなたの番が来たら、チケットの番号が表示されます。   "You will see your number come up when it is your turn."  あなたの番が来たら、あなたの番号がでます。 "When it's your turn your number will be displayed. " あなたの番が来たら、あなたの番号が表示されます。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Please take a ticket, your number will appear on the screen.

  • Please wait for the number on your ticket to appear on the screen.

The two sentences above are excellent ways to let your customer know that they have to wait for the number on the piece of paper to appear on the screen. You can also use the words token, card, or stub instead of ticket. I hope the two sentences and this explanation helps you out.
どちらも、紙に書いてある番号がスクリーンに表示されるまで待つように伝える言い方です。「ticket」の代わりに「token」「card」「stub」も使えます。 これら2つの文と説明がお役に立てば幸いです。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Please take this and wait for your number to appear on the screen

A ticket waiting system is popular in the UK, especially in doctors and dentist surgeries. You are asked to take a ticket and take a seat, you then watch the television screen or listen to the announcements for your number to appear.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Your ticket number will be called when it's your turn to be assisted.

  • Our ticket system allows customers/you to wait for your number to be up on the screen

When you're telling a customer about your ticket waiting system, then you can say: -Your ticket number will be called when it's your turn to be assisted. -Our ticket system allows customers/you to wait for your number to be up on the screen -Your ticket number will be up on the screen when it's your turn to be assisted.
お客さんにチケットのシステムのことを伝える表現です。 -Your ticket number will be called when it's your turn to be assisted. あなたの順番が来たら、チケットの番号が呼ばれます。 -Our ticket system allows customers/you to wait for your number to be up on the screen 順番が来たら、チケットの番号がスクリーンに出ます。 -Your ticket number will be up on the screen when it's your turn to be assisted. 順番が来たら、チケットの番号がスクリーンに出ます。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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