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2017/02/01 21:38
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  • In Japan, a lot of college students start job hunting as juniors.

アメリカでは高校と大学でこう言います: 1年生(高校の場合、日本の中学3年生): freshman 2年生: sophomore 3年生: junior 4年生(日本では高校3年生): senior
Tim Young 主催
  • In Japan, most college students start their job hunts in junior year.

In Japan「日本では」、most college students「多数派の大学生」が、in junior year「3年生で」、start their job hunts「就活を始める」という感じでしょうか。もし仮に理由などを詳しく説明したいのであれば、以下のようにすれば良いと思います。 In Japan, most college students start their job hunts in junior year, because people believe that new graduates are to be hired and so they have to get it done before they graduate. 「日本では、ほとんどの大学生が就活を3年生で始めます。なぜなら日本では、新卒生こそが雇用されるべきと信じられており、それゆえ卒業までに終わらせておく必要があるからです。」
Zakiyama バイリンガル自由人
  • Most students are already looking for jobs in their 3rd year.

  • 3rd year is the best time to start looking for a job

  • I would start looking for a job in 3rd year of university.

Most students are already looking for jobs in their 3rd year. MEANING= most = the majority of people. This is saying that the majority of people start looking for jobs in the 3rd year. 3rd year is the best time to start looking for a job. MEANING= this is a good sentence if you’re giving advice to someone about when to start looking for a job after university. If you start looking in 3rd year it means you are organised and all ready looking to get ahead other students. This might increase your chances of getting a job after graduation. I would start looking for a job in 3rd year of university. MEANING= this is another sentence used for giving advice.
Most students are already looking for jobs in their 3rd year. 意味:most =大多数の人。これは大多数の人が3年生で仕事を探し始める、という意味です。 3rd year is the best time to start looking for a job. 意味:いつ大学卒業後の仕事を探し始めるべきかについてだれかにアドバイスをするとしたら、この言い方がいいでしょう。 3年生で仕事を探し始めると、他の生徒を出し抜くのに準備ができているということです。 これはあなたの卒業後の仕事を得るチャンスを増やすかもしれません。 I would start looking for a job in 3rd year of university. 意味:これもまたアドバイスをするときの文です。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • In Japan, third year students are already in the job market.

  • In Japan, third year students are already job hunting.

Job market/Job hunting means the process whereby you show interest of a job by submitting the your Cvs and going for interviews. Please note the job market is not a physical place.
"Job market/Job huntingとは、興味のある仕事へ書類などを送ったり、面接を受けたりする過程を言います。 気を付けて頂きたいのが、the job marketとは実際に存在する場所ではありません。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Most students in Japan start job hunting in their third year at uni'.

Most degree courses in The UK are for 3 years. However in Japan many Bachelors' course are over 4 years - so what is the final year in the UK is the penultimate year in Japan. As the courses draws to a close it is entirely natural that students start to concentrate their thoughts on their future work prospects. In the last year (the third year in the UK) they may start sending off CVs to prospective employers in the hope of attending an interview where they may make a suitable impression. In Japan, it seems this process starts in the penultimate year. Uni' = univ ersity.
イギリスではほとんどの学位課程は3年です。 しかしながら日本では多くの学士課程は4年以上です。 ですので、イギリスの最終学年は日本では最後から2番目の学年になります。 コースの終わりが近づくにつれて生徒たちの関心が将来の仕事に集中し始めてくるのはとても自然な事です。 最終学年(イギリスでは3年生)になると、彼らは"CVs"(履歴書)を将来希望する会社へ面接までたどり着けるように、適切な印象を与えられるよう送り始めます。 日本ではこのプロセスは最後から2番目の年(3年生)の時から始まるようですけどね。 Uni' = university (大学)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Most students start looking for a job their junior year of college.

  • Students typically start job hunting their junior year of college.

  • Most students who are in their third year of college start looking for a job.

The three sentences you see above are excellent ways to express that most students start job hunting their third year of college. In the first two sentences you will notice the adjective junior. Although this word has many different definitions in these sentences it means a person who is in their third year of schooling. We use the word junior for students who are in their third year at a high school or a college.
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese students, job hunts a year before graduating!

  • In Japan, we start job hunting a year before graduation!

This used to be a custom in South Korea as well, but not anymore. Japan is now the only country with this custom. There are a few ways to express this: "Japanese students, job hunts a year before graduating!" "In Japan, we start job hunting a year before graduation!"
これはかつて韓国でも週間になっていましたが、今は違います。今もこの週間があるのは日本だけです。これを表現する方法はいくつかあります。 "Japanese students, job hunts a year before graducating!" "In Japan, we start job hunting a year before graduation!"
Ronel DMM英会話講師
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