No. だけで答えてもいいと思いますが。たしかに多少ぶっきらぼうに感じられることがあるかとは思います。そこで、質問 Do you have any questions? と聞かれたら No, I don't. と全部言うのが少しはましだとは思います。ただしこれだけでは大きな違いは感じられないことがあります。口調や表情によっても「優しさ」や「キツさ」は変わります。
これらはどちらも「私は大丈夫です」という意味でカジュアルな返事の仕方です。このあとに Thank you. と尋ねてくれたことへお礼を言ってもいいと思います。しかしながら、I'm OK. についてはフォーマルな場で言っても大丈夫です。
・I think I understand everything. Thank you.「私は全部理解していると思います。ありがとうございます」
"Oh no, I'm good. No questions." is a short and straight forward answer that could still sound polite if you add a "thank you" at the end or at the beginning like so "Oh no thank you. I'm good, no questions".
"I'm ok, I don't have any questions. Thank you."
I'm ok ---> 大丈夫です。
Teacher: Do you have any questions about the lesson Mina san?
Mina: No thank you, I'm ok teacher. Thanks for the lesson.
Teacher: Any questions so far?
Mina: I'm good so far. No questions. (smile)
The smile and a friendly tone of voice will remove the coldness from any of these phrases. :)
"Oh no, I'm good. No questions." この文は短くてストレートなものですが、文末に "thank you"を加える事で丁寧な言い方になります。文頭においても良いでしょう。
"Oh no thank you. I'm good, no questions".
"I'm ok, I don't have any questions. Thank you."
I'm ok ---> 大丈夫です。
Teacher: Do you have any questions about the lesson Mina san?
Mina: No thank you, I'm ok teacher. Thanks for the lesson.
Teacher: Any questions so far?
Mina: I'm good so far. No questions. (smile)
A: Do you have any questions?
B: No, I'm good.
A: Do you have any questions based on the work we covered?
B: Not at the moment.
A: Do you have any questions?
B: No, I'm good.
A. 何か質問はありますか?
B. いえ、大丈夫です。
A: Do you have any questions based on the work we covered?
B: Not at the moment.
A. 今日やったところについて何か質問はありますか?
B. 今はありません。
"No ,thank you."
This is a polite way to say you don't have any questions.You could adjust your tone to a friendlier one.
"Everything is crystal clear."
This means that everything that was discussed/taught is clear for you and that you understood perfectly.
"So far so good"
This means that everything explained or discussed up until a certain point is clear.
"No ,thank you."
"Everything is crystal clear."
If your online teacher asks if you have an questions, you can respond using one of the above suggested responses. However, in a busy lesson, simply 'No' or 'No thanks' is also effective.
No, I don't have any questions right now.
No, I don't.
No questions for now.
When your teacher asks if you have any questions and you don't but don't want to sound rude, then you can use one of these three responses. In all honesty, the 1st and 3rd are the softest and easy going. The 2nd is a bit direct.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
When a teacher is checking your understanding and asks "Does anyone have any questions?" There are numerous ways you can answer. "Nope, I'm good." is very casual. Nope is no and saying "...I'm good" means you understand.
Simply saying "no" and shaking your head is as clear a statement as you can make to indicate that you do not have a question about the material from your teacher.
You can relay your understanding by stating this "No, I understand." tells your teacher that you understand.
"Does anyone have any questions?"
"Nope, I'm good." (いえ、大丈夫です)はとてもカジュアルな解答方です。
Nopeは「いいえ」、I'm good" は理解しているという意味です。
"No, I understand."(いいえ、理解しました)といえば先生にあなたが理解していることが伝わります。
It is always polite to say 'thanks for asking'. You can add this onto the end of each of the above.
I don't have any questions. Thanks for asking.
So far, so good. - This is commonly used with native speakers. It means that up to now, everything is good. It is natural and informal/friendly.
You can use this in many situations.
Example: Q: How is college going? A: So far, so good.
When you say: I don't have any questions at the moment. It is a good way of saying that you understand the content that you have been going over and that nothing else needs explaining any further from your teacher.