世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/02/10 05:44
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  • Japanese and English have completely different pronunciation and word order.

  • The pronunciation and order of words in Japanese and English are completely different.

英訳1:「日本語と英語は、まったく異なる発音と語順を持っています」が直訳。 直訳ではあえて「持っている」と訳しましたが、have はこのように「~がある」という意味で使えます。 completely は「全然、全く」のように意味を強調できる副詞です。 英訳2:「日本語と英語の発音や語順は、まったく違います」が直訳です。 The pronunciation ~ English が主語の頭でっかちな文ですが、問題はなく正しい言い方です。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Sound and sentence structure are very different between Japanese and English.

発音は"pronunciation" ですが、こちらを使うと、『日本語と英語では(同じ単語を発音した場合の)発音の仕方が違う』という意味にも取れてしまうので、ここではその音が違う、という意味で"sound" としました。 語順も"order(順番)"を使うと『(同じ単語でも)並べる順番が違う 』というニュアンスに取れてしまうので、文の構成自体(sentence structure)が違う、という訳にしました。
  • Japanese and English are completely different when it comes to pronunciation and word order.

  • The pronunciation and word order in Japanese is vastly different from English.

When we say, "The pronunciation and word order in Japanese is vastly different from English." we mean that the two languages have very different ways to pronounce words and form sentences.
"The pronunciation and word order in Japanese is vastly different from English." (日本語と英語では発音や単語の並びが大幅に違いますよね。)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • no similarity...

  • There is no similarity between English and Japanese when it comes to structure...

"No similarity" ...IE not the same in any way. The child bears no similarity to his father. In this case "in terms of language patterns" "There is no similarity between English and Japanese when it comes to structure..."
"No similarity" 共通点がない。すなわち全く同じところがないということです。 例文 The child bears no similarity to his father. その子供は父親に全く似ていない この場合言葉の形式の点についてですから 例文 "There is no similarity between English and Japanese when it comes to structure..." 構造に関しては英語と日本語は全く共通点がない
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese pronunciation and grammar is very different from English

  • Japanese grammatical structure of sentences and pronunciation is very different from English

When you want to highlight the difference between grammatical structure and pronunciation (of certain letters) of two different languages, then you can say: -Japanese grammatical structure of sentences and pronunciation is very different from English -Japanese pronunciation and grammar is very different from English -Japanese and English are very different in terms of grammar and pronunciation
2つの言語で、文法や発音が違うことを言いたいときの表現です。  -Japanese grammatical structure of sentences and pronunciation is very different from English 日本語の文法と発音は、英語と全然違う。 -Japanese pronunciation and grammar is very different from English 日本語の発音と文法は、英語と全然違う。 -Japanese and English are very different in terms of grammar and pronunciation 日本語と英語は、文法と発音の点で全然違う。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • There are significant differences between English and Japanese especially in articulation and sentence structure.

発音法と文章構造において英語と日本語は大きな違いがある。 発音法:articulation 文章構造:sentence structure 相当違いますね笑  中国語か英語は結構似てます。 我愛你:I love you ※どっちもSVO
  • 1. There is a world of difference between Japanese and English pronunciation and word order

  • 2. With pronunciation and word order, English and Japanese are at variance

1. "A world of difference." means 'a lot of difference.' "There's a world of difference between going to the dentist and having a heart transplant!" 2. To be at variance = the fact or quality of being different, divergent, or inconsistent. Different from or not agreeing with someone or something "What she told the police was totally at variance with the truth. My opinions seem to be completely at variance with my friends' opinions."
1. "A world of difference." 全然違う、違うところがたくさんある' "There's a world of difference between going to the dentist and having a heart transplant!" 歯医者にいくのと心臓移植手術は全く別物だよ。 2. To be at variance = 違うという事実、違う状態、類義語: divergent, inconsistent 違かったり、賛成できないこと、 "What she told the police was totally at variance with the truth. My opinions seem to be completely at variance with my friends' opinions." 彼女が警察に話したことは、真実と全く違う。僕の意見は、友達の意見とは全く違う。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese and English have different grammatical structure.

  • Japanese and English have different word orders.

  • Japanese and English have very different pronunciation.

We can talk about the, "word orders," or the, "grammatical structure," of the two languages to describe that there is a difference in how to structure the words or the grammar in order for it to be correct. We can also talk about the, "pronunciation," being different to say that the way to make the sounds for words can be very different.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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