When we meet someone for the first time, music is a good conversation topic, so you can start by asking:
"What genre/kind of music do you like?"
I like classical Music!
"Who is your favorite composer?"
"Wonderful, mine too! What is your favorite composition/piece?"
A: What genre/kind of music do you like?
B: I like classical Music!
A: どんなジャンルの/どんな種類の音楽が好きですか?
B: 私はクラシックが好きなんです!
A: Who is your favorite composer?
B: Mozart!
A: Wonderful, mine too! What is your favorite composition/piece?
A: どんな作曲家が好きですか?
B: モーツアルトです!
A: 素敵!私もです! あなたの好きな楽曲は?
What's your favourite orchestral or instrumental piece?
Musical piece = a musical composition
A "My favourite orchestral piece is Johann Strauss's 'Morgenblätter' waltz."
B "Oh really! Personally I'm an aficionado of Segovia's piece, 'Fantasia para un gentilhombre'
A "Yes, truly wonderful!"
Musical piece = 曲、作曲
A "My favourite orchestral piece is Johann Strauss's 'Morgenblätter' waltz."
私の好きなオーケストラの曲はストラウスの'Morgenblätter' waltz."だね。
B "Oh really! Personally I'm an aficionado of Segovia's piece, 'Fantasia para un gentilhombre'
本当!私は個人的にはセゴヴィアの 'Fantasia para un gentilhombre'が大好きなの。
A "Yes, truly wonderful!"
I love Tchaikovsky, do you have a favourite composer?
What is your favourite piece of music?
Do you enjoy instrumental music?
"I love Tchaikovsky, do you have a favourite composer?" A composer is a person that has written a piece of music.
This is slightly different to asking about a favourite song or "piece of music." A 'piece of music' refers to an individual song or musical score.
"Do you enjoy instrumental music?" This question refers to a piece of music without voices to accompany it. Music played by instruments only. This can be any range of genre from classical to heavy metal - but is only using instruments not voices.
"I love Tchaikovsky, do you have a favourite composer?"(私はチャイコフスキーが好きです。好きな作曲家はいますか)
"A composer"は曲を書く人のことです。 これは好きな曲や"piece of music."(著作)を聞く少し異なった方法です。'piece of music'は音楽や音楽の楽譜を表します。
"Do you enjoy instrumental music?"(楽器音楽は好きですか?)
*What's your favorite music genre?- Genre means kind or category for example Pop, Rythym and Blues, jazz, reggae.
A: What's your favorite music genre?
B: I love jazz music so much.
*Which music tickles your fancy? - tickles your fancy means something that you like, excites you and interests you.
A: Which music tickles your fancy?
B: Oh pop music, it makes all my senses pop.
A: lol
*What's your favorite music genre?
A: What's your favorite music genre?
B: I love jazz music so much.
*Which music tickles your fancy?
tickles your fancyは、好き、ワクワクする、興味があることです。
A: Which music tickles your fancy?
B: Oh pop music, it makes all my senses pop.
A: lol
"what's your favourite song?", or "do you listen to a particular genre of music?"
"what's your favourite song?".
or "what kind of music do you like?"
more formally
"what genre of music do you prefer?".
sometimes a favourite song can be described as your
"desert island disk" meaning if you could choose one
record if stranded on a desert island and you have
only one to listen to.
Taken from the name of a famous a radio programme.
"what's your favourite song?".
"what kind of music do you like?"
"what genre of music do you prefer?".
a favourite song(お気に入りの曲)は、 "desert island disk" として表現されることがあります。
"desert island disk"は、もし無人島に残され、聞いても良いレコードが一枚だけある時にどのレコードを選ぶかということです。
曲はsongかmusicの意味です。辞典で調べたら”piece of music”出るかもしれないけれどsongかmusicの方が良いと思います。
一番好きなな〜〜は何ですか? - what’s your favorite 〜〜?
Whats your favorite kind of music?
What’s music do you like?
Do you have a favourite song?
What's your favourite song?
Do you have a favourite piece of music.
Are examples of ways to ask if someone has a favourite song.
Do you have a favourite song?(好きな歌はありますか)
What's your favourite song?(好きな歌を教えてください)
Do you have a favourite piece of music.(好きな曲はありますか)
「好きな曲は何ですか?」という質問を英語で表すと、「What’s your favorite song?」という質問と「What song do you like?」という質問を使っても良いと考えました。「Favorite ~」は「好きな〜」という意味があります。「クラシック」は「classical」になって、「インストゥルメンタル」は「instrumental」になります。
"Whats your favorite classical song?" and "Whats your favorite instrumental song?"
These two questions are asking what is someones favorite (most liked) song from a genre of music, classical and instrumental genres. other genres incl. country,hip hop,rap,metal etc.
"Whats your favorite tune?"
'Tune' is a causal term used when speaking about a song, song=tune.
"Whats your favorite classical song?" や "Whats your favorite instrumental song?"は、クラシックやカントリー、ヒップホップ、ラップ、メタルなどのようなどんな音楽のジャンルが好きかを聞くフレーズです。
"Whats your favorite tune?"