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2015/12/27 11:57
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  • You look more like each other as the years pass.

  • Every time I see you guys, you look more like each other.

どっちも同じいみで 自然な言い方です as the years pass 年を重ねるうちに you guys 友達の呼びかけ every time I see you (guys) 会うたびに →guysなしでっすとより丁寧、ありですとカジュアル
  • grow more similar as the years pass

  • match made in heaven

  • two peas in a pod

「年を重ねれば重ねるほど似てくる」ことをそのまま伝えるのであれば、「grow more similar as the years pass」でいいかと思います。年々似てくるという意味です。 少し意味が違いますが、「match made in heaven」という表現もあります。直訳すると「天国で作られたコンビ」になりますが、相性がとても良いカップル/コンビという意味です。こちらは、人と人だけではなく、ものとものの相性の良さを伝えるためにも使えます。例えば、「coffee and cake are a match made in heaven」(コーヒーとケーキは相性抜群)などが言えます。 また、日本の「瓜二つ」と同じように、「two peas in a pod」という表現もあり、「二人はいつも一緒にいる」「二人がとても仲良し」「二人がとても似ている」などの意味が込められています。
  • As the years go by, you're starting to look like you two are related.

  • Over the years it seems like you two are acting alike.

▪As the years go by, you're starting to look like you two are related. This sentence is indicating that they are starting to look similar. ▪Over the years it seems like you two are acting alike. This sentence is about their habits and personality. It indicates that they are acting very similar as the years go by.
▪As the years go by, you're starting to look like you two are related. (年が経つにつれ、あなたたち2人は似始めて来ています。) この文章は、見た目が似てきていることを表しています。 ▪▪Over the years it seems like you two are acting alike. (何年も経ち、二人の行動は似てきているようです。) この文章は、彼らの習慣や性格に関するものです。 それは、年が進むにつれて彼らが非常に似てきていることを表しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • You two now look alike.

  • As the years go by it seems like you are looking more and more alike.

If two or more people or things look similar to each other we say they look alike. For example: "The brothers were very much alike." The sentences above mean that as the years went by they started to look similar. It is believed that when two people get married they start to look the same as the years go by.
2人以上の人や物が互いに似ていると、彼らは alike に見えるとも言えます。 例えば: "The brothers were very much alike." (兄弟は非常に似ていた。) 上記の表現は、年が経つにつれて、似てきたことを意味しています。 結婚した2人が年を取ると似てくるようになると思われています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • You are becoming more alike as time passes.

  • You are more similiar as time goes by.

> If two or more things are alike, they are similar in some way. --> If one thing is similar to another, or if two things are similar, they have features that are the same. You are becoming more alike as time passes. You are more similiar as time goes by.
2つもしくは2つ以上の物事が alike の場合は、 なにかしらの点で似ています。 - >あるものが他のものと similar の場合、 または2つのものが similar の場合、それらは同じ特徴があります。 You are becoming more alike as time passes. (時間が経つにつれてあなたたちはもっと似てきています。) You are more similiar as time goes by. (あなたたちは時間が経つにつれて更に似てきています。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • You two look more and more like each other every year!

  • The similarity between you becomes more noticeable as time goes by

As time goes by' means as time passes. "However, I hope and pray as time goes by, and as Members of Parliament become more experienced, that more time will be given to these important matters." 'More and more..' This phrase means 'increasingly.' "More and more we see people delaying marriage and house purchase until they have developed their careers and are well into their thirties."
As time goes by'とは時が経つにつれと言う意味になります。 【例】 "However, I hope and pray as time goes by, and as Members of Parliament become more experienced, that more time will be given to these important matters." (いかに時間が経つにつれても私は切に願っています。国会のメンバーがもっと経験豊かになって、これらの重要な事項へ時間が与えられることを) 'More and more..' (ますます) このフレーズは 'increasingly'(だんだんと)と言う意味です。 【例】 "More and more we see people delaying marriage and house purchase until they have developed their careers and are well into their thirties." (多くの人々が結婚を遅らせ家を購入することを30代のキャリアを積むまで先延ばしにします)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You get more similar to each other as the years go by

  • As the years pass, you look more like each other

  • You are like two peas in a pod

When you want to say two people act/look similar then you can use the word 'similar' or 'alike' these both mean the same thing By saying 'as the years go by' or 'as the years pass' it means as time goes on or as each year passes There is a common saying 'two peas in a pod' meaning to be similar as two peas in a pod would look/act in the same way
二人の人の行動または見た目が似ていると言いたいときは、'similar'や'alike'などの言葉が使えます。これらはどちらも同じ意味です。 'as the years go by'または'as the years pass'は「年がたつにつれて」という意味です。 'two peas in a pod'(鞘の中の二つの豆のように似ている)はよく使われる表現です。これは、見た目または行動がよく似ていることを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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