I think it is true. だけでは、「私はそれは本当だと思う」という意味ですが、その it の内容を後ろの that 節で付け加えて、I think it's true that ~ とすれば、「〜ということは本当だと思う」という意味を表現できます。
I think It's true that Australian people are friendly.
こうした it の使い方は、It is ~ that … の形で、さまざまに使われます。
It's regrettable that he died young. (It = that節=彼が若くして死んだこと)
There is a lot of truth to the old saying: "Birds of a feather flock together."
There is a lot of truth to the old saying: "Birds of a feather flock together."
there is a lot of truth to ~
Birds of a feather flock together.
the old saying: "Birds of a feather flock together"
Birds of a feather flock together の部分に他のことわざを入れてもオッケーです。
truth は「真理、本当のこと」といった意味です。
saying と「ことわざ」の間に that を入れることもあります。
There's a lot of truth to the saying, "You can’t choose your family."
〔Paste Magazine-Nov 16, 2016〕
There is a lot of truth to the saying that there is strength in numbers.
〔ABC Online-Aug 27, 2015〕
There is a lot of truth to the old saying 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.'
〔Golf Course Industry Magazine-Jun 14, 2016〕
There is a lot of truth to the old saying "clothes make the man."
〔A Daily Dose of the American Dream〕