What's the cheapest way to get guaranteed delivery to Japan by the *th?
How can I get guaranteed delivery to Japan by the *th for a low price?
guaranteed = 保証された
「必達」は「guaranteed delivery」になるでしょう。
○日 = *th (first, second, third, fourth)
What's the fastest and cheapest way to send a package so that it arrives in Japan by (day)?
What's the fastest and cheapest option to send a package which is sure to arrive by (day)?
What's the fastest and cheapest way to get this package to Japan by (day)?
the fastest and cheapest way で、「最速で、最安の方法」となります。
「(〇日)までに」は、by という前置詞を使います。継続的に行う事柄などについて「~まで(…し続ける)」というときの until と間違わないように注意しましょう。