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空港で、残った現地通貨を全て使い足りない分を日本円で支払いたい場合の表現を教えてください。 また、残りをクレジットカードで支払う場合もお願いしたいです。
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2017/03/08 20:58
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  • I'd like to pay with my leftover dollars and (Japanese) yen.

pay は「支払う」、「~で」という手段は、with という前置詞で表せます。 leftover は「残りの」という意味です。 yen ではなく、Japanese yen と言った方が伝わりやすい場合もあります。 ぜひ注意してほしいのは、「円」の発音。英語では、en ではなく、yen (ien)と発音するようにしましょう。 「残りをクレジットカードで支払いたい」は、I'd like to pay the remainder with my credit card. のように言えます。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • I would like to pay in leftover dollars and Japanese yen for the rest.

  • I would like to pay in leftover dollars and by a credit card for the rest.

"I would like to 〜" は、「〜したい」と言う時の丁寧な言い方です。"I want to〜" と言えば、カジュアルになります。 "pay in 〜" は「〜で支払う」で、ドルや円などが入ります。 and以下は、前の "pay in" に掛かっています。 "for the rest" は「残りを、残った分は」となり、"pay 〜 for the rest" の形でよく使われます。 クレジットカードの場合は、"by 〜" と前置詞が異なるので、"by" も一緒にand以下に続けます。
  • I have a little cash and I'd like to put any balance on my credit card

The details of whether your dollars are 'leftover' travel money or not, or have been plucked from a money tree are really of no interest to anyone. It is enough just to say that you have a little money and will settle any outstanding amount by card.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can i pay for this in dollars, and japanese yen too?

  • Can i pay using cash and card?

  • I'd like to pay for a portion of this using dollars, and the rest in Japanese Yen if possible

This is a good question, and very useful when travelling abroad. This occurs quite often, when people have leftover change at the end of their trip or in the airport. Most places will allow you to pay for one product using two currencies. Usually, they will allow you to pay for half of the product using cash and the other half using credit or debit card Not all places will allow this
これは良い質問ですし、海外旅行をする時にとても便利です。 これは、旅行の最後に(空港で)小銭が残ってしまったときによくあります。 多くの店では、2つの通貨を使って1つの商品の支払いをすることが出来ます。大抵、商品の代金の半分を現金で、残りの半分をクレジットカード又はデビットカードで払うことが出来ます。 全ての店でこれが出来るわけではありません。
Lewis M English teacher
  • Can I pay some with dollars and the rest in Yen?

  • I would like to pay with the remaining dollar bills I have and the rest with a credit card.

When you want to pay using two different forms payment, you can simply ask to pay a part of the amount in the remaining dollars you have left then pay the remainder in Yen or with a credit card. You can say: I would like to pay (amount in dollars) and the rest with a credit card. or I would like to pay some of the amount in dollars and the rest in Japanese yen.
二つの異なる方法を使って支払いをしたいときは、金額の一部を余ったドルで、残りを円またはクレジットカードで支払いたいと伝えるといいでしょう。 以下のように言うことができます。 I would like to pay (amount in dollars) and the rest with a credit card. ([金額]をドルで)支払い、残りをクレジットカードで支払いたいのですが。 I would like to pay some of the amount in dollars and the rest in Japanese yen. 一部をドルで、残りを日本円で支払いたいのですが。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to use cash and card please.

  • I will pay with this cash and the difference with my card.

When you are at the airport you often do not want to take home a handful of change so it is much easier to use it while you are still in the country. Some places/shops allow you to do this. You can ask if you can pay in two different currencies. Or you can say that you would like to pay using 'cash and card'. Then you are able to use up the last of the foreign currency and use your card at the same time.
空港にいる時にわずかな小銭を持って帰りたくないと思うことがよくあります。その国にいる間に使ってしまった方がずっと楽ですね。 店によってはこれができる場合があります。2つの異なる通貨で支払いができるか尋ねるか、または、現金とカード(cash and card)で支払いたいと伝えるといいです。そうすれば、外貨の残りを使い切り、またカードを使うこともできます。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • Can I pay in some dollars and some yin?

  • I have a few dollars left, can I pay with both dollars and yen for this purchase?

Depending on where you are, a merchant more than likely is going to want you to have the proper currency of the country you are presently in to purchase their products. So, it probably would be best to exchange any extra money for the currency of that country. If all else fails, use a credit or debit card.
Dezzi DMM英会話講師
  • I want to use the few dollars I have leftover and pay for the rest in Japanese yen.

  • I want to pay with my leftover dollars and the balance in Japanese yen

When you want to explain that you want to use the few dollars you have left and the balance in Japanese yen; then you can say it in the following ways: -I want to use the few dollars I have leftover and pay for the rest in Japanese yen. -I want to pay with my leftover dollars and the balance in Japanese yen
残ったドルを使って、足りない分を日本円で支払いたいと説明したいなら、次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例文】 -I want to use the few dollars I have leftover and pay for the rest in Japanese yen. (残ったドルを使って、足りない分を日本円で支払いたいです) -I want to pay with my leftover dollars and the balance in Japanese yen (残ったドルを使って、足りない分を日本円で支払いたいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I want to use my leftover dollars, then pay for the rest in Japanese yen.

I want to use my leftover dollars, then pay for the rest in Japanese yen. 余っているドルを使い、残りは日本円で支払いたいです。 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 the rest で「残り」を表すことができます。 例: The rest of the money is yours. 残りのお金はあなたのです。
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