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2015/12/28 17:14
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  • How do you eat this?

初めてみた食べ物の食べ方がわからなくて「どうやって食べるんですか」と聞きたいなら、簡単に「How do you eat this?」と言います。 食べ方について、他の役に立つ表現: - Do you eat this with your hands? "これは手で食べるのですか?" - Do you eat this with chopsticks? "これは箸で食べるのですか?" - Do you eat this hot? "これは暖かいままで食べるのですか?" - Do you eat this cold? "これは冷たくして食べるのですか?" - Do you put any sauce on it? "これに何かソースを掛けますか?" - Do you eat this raw? "これは生で食べるのですか?" - Do you eat this after pan-frying it? "この食べ物は先にいためてから食べますか?
  • How do you eat this?

何かの仕方を尋ねる時は"How do you ~~??"を使います。 他の例ですと。。 このケーキどうやって作るの? How do you make this cake? (物珍しい動きをしてる人を見て)それどうやってやるの?! Wow, how do you do that?! など。 難しく考えすぎずにこのフレーズを覚えてどんどん質問してみましょう!
  • How do you/I eat this?

  • What's the right way to eat this?

こんにちは。 ・How do you/I eat this? これってどうやって食べるの? ・What's the right way to eat this? これの正しい食べ方はなに? 上記のような言い方ができます。 例: I've never seen this before. How do you eat it? これ初めてみた。どうやって食べるの? ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • How does one eat this dish?

  • This is an interesting dish although I am not sure of how to eat it.

  • Please show me how to eat this dish?

How does one eat this dish? This is a direct way of asking for someone to explain although it is not very polite. This is an interesting dish although I am not sure of how to eat it. It is useful to pay the dish a compliment first . When you include "although I am not sure of how to eat it" you are opening up a platform for the other person to show you/explain/provide instruction. Please show me how to eat this dish? -This is a direct and polite way of asking for concise instructions as to how you can eat the prepared dish.
How does one eat this dish? (これはどうやって食べるんですか?) これはあまり丁寧ではありませんが、説明を直接求める聞き方です。 This is an interesting dish although I am not sure of how to eat it. (食べ方がよくわかりませんが、これは面白い食事ですね) 料理を最初に褒めるとよいでしょう。 "although I am not sure of how to eat it"(食べ方がわからないけど)と言うことで、相手が見せたり、説明したり、指示をする機会を与えることができます。 Please show me how to eat this dish? (この食事の食べ方を見せていただけますか?) -これは用意された食事を食べる方法ついての簡潔な指示を求める直接的かつ丁寧な聞き方です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • What's the best way to eat this?

  • Looks delicious! Please could you show me how one should eat it?

The 'best way' is to ask for a recommendation of the most common and easiest way to eat it. To begin by saying "looks delicious!" and "please" ensures you sound polite when asking the question.
この 'best way'とは最も一般的で食べやすい方法を尋ねる表現です。 "looks delicious!" (おいしそう!)と話し始めて "please"を確かに言うととても丁寧な質問になります。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • How do you eat this?

  • Is there a a specific way to eat this?

Specific (adjective) - clearly defined or identified _______________________________________________________ Example A: What is this? B: Sushi A: Is there a specific way to eat this?
Specific (adjective) - clearly defined or identified Specific(形容詞)=具体的な、特定の、特有の。 _______________________________________________________ Example A: What is this? B: Sushi A: Is there a specific way to eat this? ≪例文≫ A. これは何? B. 寿司。 A. 特別な食べ方はあるの?
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • What's the best way to cook this, or eat this

  • the recommended way to prepare this or eat this

If you were cooking it yourself you could say something like, "how do you prepare this". or "what's the best way to cook this". An example might be English Fish and Chips. The best way is to make a specific batter for the fish using beer. If you are in a restaurant, and an example could be you are eating Escargot, or Lobster for the first time. You could ask something like "what's the bast way to eat this". or "how is the best way to eat this".
もしあなたが自分でその食材を調理するつもりならば下記のように言えます。 "how do you prepare this". (どうやって調理すればいいんですか?) "what's the best way to cook this". (どうやって調理するのが一番良い方法ですか?) 例えば、イギリスのフィッシュアンドチップスについて話してみましょう。一番良い調理方法はビールを使って魚専用のころもを作ることです。もしもあなたがレストランにいるならば、エスカルゴまたはロブスターを食べている場合が例えとして使えるでしょう。次のように聞けます。 "what's the bast way to eat this". (これはどのように食べるのが一番良いですか?) "how is the best way to eat this". (これを食べる一番良い方法は何ですか?)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • This looks interesting, how do I go about eating it?

  • How should I eat this?

We say "how do I go about" when we are asking how we should do something. You can use this when you ask how to eat something, or when you ask, for example, how you have to answer a question etc. You could then say "How do I go about answering this essay question?". The second option is just straight forward and also very polite. You could use either one.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • How do I eat it?

  • What is the right way to eat it?

  • How am I supposed to eat it?

All three of these sentences can be used interchangeably to have the same meaning. The first example is very straight-forward, but the second talks about, "the right way," which refers to the correct manner to eat something. Lastly, "supposed," refers to the right way as well.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • How do you eat this?

  • How can I eat this?

When wanting to know how to eat a certain dish, you can ask either of the above two questions. Examples; A; How do I eat these prawns? B; All you need to do is peel the shell off.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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