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 イギリスのレストランで、フィッシュ&チップスに初挑戦。 ”これは、どうやって食べれば良いんですか? フォーク&ナイフで食べるの? フィッシュは、骨抜きですか??” と聞く、シチュエーションです
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2017/05/19 01:31
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  • How are we gonna eat this?

  • Is this fish boneless?

  • Do we use a knife and fork?

これはどうやって食べるんですか? この魚は骨抜きしてありますか? ナイフとフォークを使いますか? 一緒についてくるガーリックマヨ?アイオリソース?がたまらなく好きです。
  • 1. How do I eat this please?

  • 2. Is this eaten with chopsticks or a knife and fork?

  • 3. May I use my hands to eat this, or is that considered bad manners?

1. This is a short, standard phrase 2. This phrase is for if you are unsure of which appropriate utensils to use. 3. Many cultures use their hands for eating. In the UK, this is usually OK in the case of chicken or perhaps spare ribs or meat on the bone. Also for food such as sweetcorn, or skewered kebabs or similar such dishes hands are often used - usually in conjunction with utensils
1.短いですが、スタンダードに使われるフレーズです。 2. このフレーズはどの食器を使うのかわからない時に使います。 3. 手で食べるというのは、いろんな文化で実は行われています。UKでもチキンやスペアリブなど骨付き肉を食べるときは基本Okですまた、スウィートコーンやケバブなどそういった食べ物ではよく手が、フォークなどその他の食器と一緒に使われます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, how is this meant to be eaten?

  • Excuse me, how do you eat this?

In a restaurant, you can use both of these sentences when asking a waiter for advice on how to eat something. I hope this helps :)
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • What is the best way to eat this?

  • How should I eat this?

If you don't know how to eat something, you can ask the waiter or a friend: 'What is the best way to eat this?' - The best way = the most appropriate method 'How should I eat this?' - In terms of British cuisine, most food can be eaten with a fork and knife. Sometimes just a fork. In the instance of pizza, hands can be used. I hope that helps!
どうやって食べれば良いかわからない時、ウェイターや友達に尋ねましょう。 'What is the best way to eat this?' - The best way =はこの場合、もっとも適したやりかた、という意味になります。 'How should I eat this?' - イギリス料理においては、フォークとナイフで食べるのが多くです。フォークだけの時もありますね。ピザの場合、手が使われます。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • How do you eat it.

  • What do you eat it with.

1.How do you eat it. - This means you would like to know if there is special way to eat the food. For examples with shrimps you only eat the meaty part not the skin. 2.What do you eat it with. - Some meals require you to eat it with something so that it tastes very nice. For example when you eating sushi you eat it with wasabi and soya sauce.
1.How do you eat it. - これは、その食べ物を食べるのに何か特殊な食べ方はあるのかを尋ねる文です。 例えばエビなら殻をむいて中の身だけを食べますよね。 2.What do you eat it with. - 食事によっては、何かと一緒に食べることですごく美味しくなったりします。 例えば寿司を食べている時に醤油とわさびをつけるのと一緒です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A) How does one eat this?

  • B) How am i supposed to eat this?

A) How does one eat this? *One-used to refer to the speaker, or any person, as representing people in general. Example-"one must admire him for his willingness" *Eat-put (food) into the mouth and chew and swallow it. Example-"he was eating a hot dog" *This-used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being indicated or experienced. Example-"is this your bag?" B) How am i supposed to eat this? *Supposed-generally assumed or believed to be the case, but not necessarily so. Example-"people admire their supposed industriousness" *How-in what way or manner; by what means. Example-"how does it work?" I hope this helps :-)
A) How does one eat this? *One-話し手、または一般的な人を表す代名詞。 例-"one must admire him for his willingness" 彼の意思の強さに人は惚れる。 *Eat-口に物をいれて、咀嚼し、飲み込むこと 例-"he was eating a hot dog" 彼はホットドッグを頬張っていた。 *This-これ、この 例-"is this your bag?" これはあなたのバッグですか? B) How am i supposed to eat this? *Supposed-一般的にそうなると思われている、信じられていること、しかしそうある必要もない。 例-"people admire their supposed industriousness" 人々は彼らがもつであろう勤勉さを賞賛した。 *How-どのように、どのような方法で、. 例-"how does it work?" どのように機能するの? お役に立てれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • How do I eat this please?

  • How is this eaten please?

  • How is this meant to be eaten please?

When in a restaurant and you are unsure how to eat a dish then you might ask the waiter/waitress how to eat it all these would be a great way to ask so you would know
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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