「天才」は genius と言います。
might は、「〜かもしれない」の意味で、may よりも控えめで、可能性が少ない時に使います。
I might be a genius. と言えば、「私は(ひょっとしたら)天才かもしれない」というようなニュアンスですので、おっしゃりたい場面で言えば、場を和ませられると思いますよ。
Just kidding!
冗談だよ! 使いやすいフレーズなんで是非覚えてみてください!
In a joking way, there are a number of possible comments that may fit the situation. If you know something that the listener does not know and you demonstrate it, then you may say:
'Just bow to my superior ability!"
If you answer a question and your listener comments that it was very clever of you, you may say:
"It's in my genes!" or, "The brainiest people come from Tokyo!" (or wherever you come from)
'Just bow to my superior ability!"
(英文)"It's in my genes!"
(英文)"The brainiest people come from Tokyo!" (or wherever you come from)
In English, many times it's not what you say, but how you say it. To clearly communicate your joke, your tone should change: You should not sound as though you were serious. Non-verbal communication can also help. If you boast but use exaggerated hand gestures or funny facial expressions you can communicate that you are just kidding and do not mean to brag.
If all else fails and you still think your teacher thinks you are being serious, you can always explain yourself by saying "I'm just kidding!" or "I'm just joking!".
"I'm just kidding!"(冗談ですよ)
"I'm just joking!"(冗談ですよ)
Sometimes the way say something determines if we joking or not. Therefore when you say the above terms you can giggle after as an indication that you are joking.
I might a be genius.- You can say this in a joking manner.
Not trying to blow my on trumpet but I am genius.- To blow your own trumpet means to tell everyone proudly about your achievements. It is the same as boasting. Therefore you are saying to the teacher that you do not want be boastful but you are going to do it anyway in a joking way.
I might a be genius.
Not trying to blow my on trumpet but I am genius.
- To blow your own trumpetは自慢をするという事です。boasting(自慢)と同じ意味です。この場合は講師に自慢をしているつもりではないけどとりあえず冗談を言うという事です。
DMM英会話講師 Natsai(ナツァイ)
You could say "I think I'm a genius!" or "Bow to my superior intellect!". These are things that people would say to joke about a compliment paid about their studies or work. Obviously say them with a smile and a laugh to make sure the joking nature of the comment is communicated.
「I think I'm a genius!」や「Bow to my superior intellect!」という言い方があります。勉強や仕事について人から褒められた時に冗談として言います。
Don't you wish you was as good as me? - This is sarcasm at it's best, it may shock your teacher if you say it "out of the blue" but either way - guaranteed a laugh I would say! "Don't you wish you was as good as me?"
Well....you know. You don't have to be posh to be privileged. - This is a slogan from the UK, meaning that anyone can have social advantage or you want to say your smart because of affluence. (this must be said in a British sophisticated voice) "Well....you know. You don't have to be posh to be privileged. "
*Banter - this is what the jokes are called. Banter creates comedy between people & groups. "Rick is full of banter isn't he?"
Don't you wish you was as good as me?
You don't have to be posh to be privileged.
*Banter - これは冗談のことです。「Banter」は、人・グループの間にコメディを生み出します。
"Rick is full of banter, isn't he?"
DMM英会話講師 Jacques(ジャックイス)