If I stand at the entrance for too long, people will think I look suspicious.
If I stand at the entrance for too long, people will start thinking there's something wrong with me.
If I stand at the entrance for more than a few minutes, people will start suspecting I'm up to something.
英訳① too long で「あまりにも長く」という意味を表しています。
suspicious は「怪しい」なので、look suspicious で「怪しく見える」となります。
英訳② there's something wrong with me は直訳すると「私に何かおかしいところがある」となります。
英訳③ more than ...は「…より多く(長く)」なので、more than a few minutes で「数分を超えて」となります。
suspect は「疑う」、up to something は「なにかよからぬことを企んで」という意味のフレーズです。
- If I stand at the entrance for too long, people will think I'm a suspicious person.
- If I stand at the entrance for a long time, people will start thinking I'm suspicious.
- If I stand at the entrance for more than a few minutes, people will think I'm up to no good.
Everyone must feel it's suspicious if I keep standing in front of the entrance!
Everyone must feel it's suspicious if I keep standing in front of the entrance!
keep standing:立ち続ける
in front of:〜の前に