You need to flush the toilet after using it, okay?
You need to flush the toilet after using it, okay?
「トイレの水を流す」は、英語で " flush the toilet " といいます。
動詞 flush は、ざっと水を勢いよく流すという意味ですが、他にも「顔を赤らめる」(恥ずかしがった時など)という意味もあります。
after using it は、「トイレを使った後」という意味です。これは前置詞 after(〜の後で)の後ろには名詞、または動名詞(ing形)を付けるというルールがあるので、useのing形 using となります。名詞 use (使用)を持ってきてももちろんOKですが、お子さんに話しかける言葉にするとちょっと堅いイメージがあるような気がします。
また after には接続詞の役割もあるので、主語+動詞と続けることができます。ですので、after you use it としてもいいですよ。
最後に okay?(「分かった?」)と言うと、お子さんに優しく語りかけられていいと思いますよ!
"Can you remember to flush the toilet after you use it?"
"Let's make sure we flush the toilet after using it, okay?"
"Did you remember to flush the toilet?" This is a very soft way to ask the child to flush the toilet. Since you are not directly asking the child to flush, most children will understand that this means they did not remember to flush. If a child replies "Yes" you can ask "are you sure?" and if they say "yes" again you can ask them to check "Please go check.".
"Go flush!" This is the simplest was to ask a child to flush the toilet. Most children only know the verb "flush" as in "to flush a toilet" so they will understand what you want.
"Did you remember to flush the toilet?"
もし子供が"Yes"(うん)と答えれば、 "are you sure?" (本当ね?)と確認できますし、それでも "yes" というならば "Please go check."(確認してきてくれる?)とお願いできるでしょう。
"Go flush!"
ほとんどの子供は "flush" (流す)という動詞を "to flush a toilet" (トイレを流す)という意味で知っているはずなので、あなたの趣旨を理解できるでしょう。
Always remember to flush the toilet when you finish your business.
"Don't forget to flush the toilet."
a way of reminding him/her to flush.
"Did you flush when you used the toilet?"
This might jog their memory and they will go and check.
Always remember to flush the toilet when you finish your business.
Another reminder to clean up after using the toilet.
finish your business = this is an indirect way of talking about what transpires in a toilet,
"Don't forget to flush the toilet."
a way of reminding him/her to flush.
Flush the toilet=トイレの水を流す。
"Did you flush when you used the toilet?"
This might jog their memory and they will go and check.
Always remember to flush the toilet when you finish your business.
Another reminder to clean up after using the toilet.
finish your business = this is an indirect way of talking about what transpires in a toilet,
Finish your business=トイレで用を足すこと。
小さいお子さんにということなので、しつけの意味も込めてちょっと厳しく言いたいときの表現をご紹介しました。毅然と「今すぐトイレの水流してきなさい」という雰囲気です。ちなみに「トイレの水を流す」は野口さんもおっしゃっているように定型表現です。「お手洗いに行く」は「go to the bathroom」ですが、「トイレの水を流す」場合に「bathroom」を使うことはできません。いつも「toilet」です。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
The flush = the flush of the toilet. We use the article 'the' because we are speaking specifically about one familiar item.
"I think I'll catch the bus to the hospital later today."
To pull the flush = to make the toilet flush. In fact, it may be a button or lever these days, but tradionally, the flush was started by pulling the handle on a chain (as the flush was situated higher than the toilet).
The flush = the flush of the toilet.トイレを流す。
例:"I think I'll catch the bus to the hospital later today."(theの例
To pull the flush = トイレを流す。実際、レバーやボタンが最近ではついているけど、昔は鎖についているハンドルをひいて流していた時代もあったんだ。
「トイレの水流して」という文章を英訳すると、「Flush the toilet.」になります。「Please」という言葉も入れると、もっと優しくなると考えました。子供と話すと、「Don’t forget to flush the toilet.」という文章も使っても良いと考えました。「Don’t forget ~」は「〜を忘れないで」という意味があります。「Please flush the toilet after you use it.」という文章も言っても良いと考えました。「After you use it」は「使う後」です。
Remember to always flush the toilet when you're done
It's important that you remember to flush the toilet after using it.
You can say it in the following ways:
-Remember to always flush the toilet when you're done using it.
-It's important that you remember to flush the toilet after using.
-Flush the toilet every time you finish using it.
-Remember to always flush the toilet when you're done using it.
-It's important that you remember to flush the toilet after using.
-Flush the toilet every time you finish using it.
Remember to flush the toilet when you have finished
"Remember to flush the toilet when you have finished."
"Remember to flush the toilet after you use it."
"Don't forget to flush the toilet."
"Remember to flush the toilet when you have finished."
"Remember to flush the toilet after you use it."
"Don't forget to flush the toilet."
Please do not forget to flush the toilet after you are done.
Make sure you always remember to flush the toilet after you use it please.
If you would like to remind someone to always flush the toilet after they are done, you can say something like "Please do not forget to flush the toilet after you are done." or "Make sure you always remember to flush the toilet after you use it please.". Both of these are polite ways to tell someone this.
Don't forget to flush the toilet!
It is unhygienic if you do not flush the toilet.
It is really disgusting when people don't flush the toilet.
Don't forget to flush the toilet, think about the person who will be using the toilet after you.
Leave the toilet nice and clean after using it, ready for the next person, don't forget to flush!
All three of these sentences have a similar effect in meaning and can be used interchangeably. Notice in the first two examples we are using the imperative or command verb structure with the verbs, "remember," or "don't forget," as a way to remind someone to do something. In the last example, we can use the question formation of the sentence as a friendly way to remind someone to do something.
Don't forget to flush the toilet when you are finished!
Did you remember to flush?
Children may sometimes forget to flush the toilet. This is because they are not used to it. They may have just finished potty training and are now ready to get rid of the potty and use the toilet like a grown-up. Eventually, they get used to using the toilet after lots of practise.
The first sentence serves as a reminder to not forget to flush the toilet after using it. We have to be strict and set rules for our children so they grow up to appreciate things and do things correctly.
The second sentence is a common way of asking someone if they remembered to flush the toilet. This is used afterwards, maybe just after the child leaves the bathroom.
'Please flush the toilet when you are done.' is a calm way of explain or telling your child that they need to flush when done using the toilet.
'Remember to flush the toilet when you're done!' is more of an exclamation if they have been forgetting to flush even if you have been telling them. Being more stern with your sentences by exclaiming them can help.
トイレの水流しては”flush the toilet”
When you use the toilet make sure you flush it!
My husband never flushes the toilet so I always get angry