世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




オンライン英会話レッスンで、私の勉強不足で先生の言っていることが理解できず、困らせてしまうことがあります。 レッスン後に送るメッセージで、お礼と一緒に上記のことを伝えたいのですが、どのように言うべきでしょうか。
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2017/04/16 11:05
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  • I'm sorry about not being able to catch what you say.

I'm sorry about not being able to catch what you say. あなたの英語が聞き取れなくてごめんなさい。 "I'm sorry about〜" は「〜について[申し訳ないと思う](」という意味の表現です。 "be able to 〜" は「〜[することができる](」となり、"can"と同じ意味を表します。 「〜を聞き取る」は "catch〜" の他に、"get〜" や "understand〜" を使っても良いでしょう。 "what you say" は 「あなたが言うこと」となります。 先生に謝ることは良いことですが、同時に "I'll work hard on English to improve it!"(英語を上達させる為、一生懸命勉強します!) とやる気を見せると、先生も喜ぶでしょう。
  • Sorry I didn't catch the meaning of everything you said! Thanks for the lesson!

  • Despite my lack of understanding, I really enjoyed the lesson!

A lack of something = Lack means to be without or to have less than a desirable quantity of something: to lack courage, sufficient money, enough members to make. To catch the meaning of what someone said = If you catch the meaning of something you understand it. "I do not believe I caught the meaning of that last sentence."
A lack of something =  何かが足りていない事 例:to lack courage, sufficient money, enough members to make. To catch the meaning of what someone said = 相手が言ったことを[理解](できたか (英文)"I do not believe I caught the meaning of that last sentence." (訳)「最後の[文章](が理解できません。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Sorry, it's hard to understand your accent.

  • 2. Sorry, I don't think I know that phrase.

  • 3. Sorry, I didn't get all of that. / Sorry, I didn't catch everything you said.

Depending on the context and reason for why you don't understand, you can say different things: 1. accent issues 2. slang/vocabulary issues 3. general comprehension... for example, if the person is speaking too quickly
フレーズや理解できない理由によっていろんな表現の仕方があります: 1. accent issues 2. slang/vocabulary issues 3. general comprehension... for example, if the person is speaking too quickly (訳) 1. アクセントによる問題 2. スラング・語彙力による問題 3. 理解できない問題... (例えば、相手が早口の場合)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for the lesson, I'm sorry I didn't understand everything you said.

  • I really appreciate your lesson, I'm sorry I couldn't keep up with everything you said.

The two sentences above are terrific ways to express that you are thankful for your teacher's lesson although you did not understand everything your teacher said during your session. In the second sentence you will see the expression keep up with. This expression is common in our everyday conversation and would be a great addition to your vocabulary.
この二つの例文は、先生のレッスンに感謝しているけれども、レッスン中に先生が言ったこと全ては理解できなかったと言う時に良い言い回しです。 二番目の例文には、keep up withという表現が使われてます。これは、日常会話でよく使われ、あなたの単語力強化になるでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Hi Teacher, thank you for the lesson but it is a bit difficult to understand what you sometimes say.

  • Hi Teacher, thank you for the lesson but your English is not clear for me to understand.

▪Hi Teacher, thank you for the lesson but it is a bit difficult to understand what you sometimes say. Difficult= not easy Sometimes= rather than all of the time. ▪Hi Teacher, thank you for the lesson but your English is not clear for me to understand. not Clear= not easy to perceive, understand
▪Hi Teacher, thank you for the lesson but it is a bit difficult to understand what you sometimes say. Difficult= 簡単ではない Sometimes= いつもではなく. ▪Hi Teacher, thank you for the lesson but your English is not clear for me to understand. not Clear= 受け取ること・理解することが簡単ではない
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for the lesson, I did not understand all of it, but thank you.

  • I did not understand all of the lesson, but thank you for your help.

  • I am sorry for not being able to understand everything, thank you for a great lesson.

examples "I am sorry for not being able to understand everything, thank you for a great lesson." or "I did not understand all of the lesson, but thank you for your help." or "I am sorry for not being able to understand everything, thank you for a great lesson."
 "I am sorry for not being able to understand everything, thank you for a great lesson." 全て理解できなくてすみません。楽しいレッスンありがとうございます。   "I did not understand all of the lesson, but thank you for your help."  レッスン全て理解できなかったけど、助けてくれてありがとうございます。 "I am sorry for not being able to understand everything, thank you for a great lesson." 全て理解できなくてすみません。素晴らしいレッスンありがとうございます。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for the lesson teacher, I am sorry I was not more prepared but I enjoyed our time.

  • I am sorry I was not able to fully understand all that you said, teacher. But thank you for teaching me.

  • Sometimes you speak a little too fast for me to understand, but I enjoyed our lesson.

To apologize for not being able to fully understand your teacher you may say any of the following. Thank you for the lesson teacher, I am sorry I was not more prepared but I enjoyed our time. I am sorry I was not able to fully understand all that you said, teacher. But thank you for teaching me. Sorry I was not able to catch everything you said but thank you for teaching me. Sorry that I could not fully understand all that you said but I appreciate your efforts, teacher. Sometimes you speak a little too fast for me to understand, but I enjoyed our lesson. Thank you. It is important to make reference to the fact that sometimes the teacher is speaking too fast or perhaps the teachers' accent is too heavy so that the teacher could adjust their voice and speaking speed to accommodate you.
全部理解できなくて先生に謝るなら、下記のように言えます。 Thank you for the lesson teacher, I am sorry I was not more prepared but I enjoyed our time. 授業ありがとうございます。予習不足ですみません。でも授業は楽しかったです。 I am sorry I was not able to fully understand all that you said, teacher. But thank you for teaching me. すみませんが、先生が言ったこと全てを理解できませんでした。でも教えてくれてありがとうございました。 Sorry I was not able to catch everything you said but thank you for teaching me. 先生が言ったこと全てを聞き取れなくてすみません。でも、教えてくれてありがとうございました。 Sorry that I could not fully understand all that you said, but I appreciate your efforts, teacher. すみません、先生が言ったこと全部を理解できませんでしたが、教えてくれて感謝します。 Sometimes you speak a little too fast for me to understand but I enjoyed our lesson. Thank you. たまに、先生が話すのが早すぎて理解できない時がありますが、レッスンは楽しかったです。ありがとうございます。 先生が話すのが早いときや、強いなまりがある時は事実を言うことが大事です。先生は、声や話すスピードをあなたに合わせることができます。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
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