世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/04/17 22:34
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  • She'll/He'll have some orange juice.

She'll/He'll have some orange juice. 彼女/彼 にはオレンジジュースをお願いします。 子供であることは見ればわかるので、 She/He で大丈夫です。
  • Please may I get some orange juice for the child

This shows the air host that you would like some orange juice for your child
Fafie DMM英会話講師
  • She/He would like some orange juice.

  • Can I have some orange juice for my son/daughter?

When the air hostess asks what you or your child would like to drink, you can say: She/He would like some orange juice. would like - A polite way of saying you want something. You can also say: Can I have some orange juice for my son/daughter? This is useful if perhaps it is a request outside of the allotted drink time. I hope that helps!
キャビンアテンダントが何が飲みたいか尋ねてくるとき、このように言えます。 She/He would like some orange juice. would like - wantを丁寧にした表現。 また、娘、息子のためにオレンジジュースがいただけますか?と聞くこともできます。 Can I have some orange juice for my son/daughter? これはそういった飲み物を飲む時間になったときに、こちらから尋ねれる便利な表現ですね。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like a Coca-cola and a glass of orange juice

  • Can I have orange juice for my child?

  • May I have orange juice for my child?

When you want to ask an airline assistant for orange juice for your child, then you may ask in the following ways: -I'd like a Coca-cola and a glass of orange juice -Can I have orange juice for my child? -May I have orange juice for my child?
フライトアテンダントに子供にオレンジジュースをお願いしたいときのフレーズです。 -I'd like a Coca-cola and a glass of orange juice コカコーラとオレンジジュースを頂きたいです。 -Can I have orange juice for my child? 子供にオレンジジュースをもらえますか? -May I have orange juice for my child? 子供にオレンジジュースを頂けますか?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Could I have a still orange drink?

  • Could I have a fizzy orange juice?

  • Could I have some pure orange juice?

Orange juice comes in a few different varieties and either parents or children often have a fixed opinion about what they should order. "Mummy can I have a fizzy orange juice please?" "No darling, it's too gassy for you. You may have a still orange drink or some pure orange juice." "Pure orange please!" "OK, I'll ask the trolley dolly!"
オレンジジュースといっても色んな形態があります。 大人でも子供でも何を頼むべきか意見を持っているでしょう。 ママ、炭酸のオレンジジュースが飲みたいよ。 だめよ。あれはブクブクするからね。 それでも100%そうじゃないかは選べるわ。 じゃあ100%の! 販売に回ってくるトロリーにきくわね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My child wants orange juice.

  • He/she will have orange juice.

After being asked, you can state what the child wants. By simply saying, my child wants orange juice the flight attendant will understand. You can also point to the child and if it's a boy or girl use he or she and then say what they want, "he wants soda", "she wants orange juice".
尋ねられた後、子どもが好きなものを伝えるといいでしょう。 簡単に、my child wants orange juice というだけでCAは理解するでしょう。 また、子供を指さして、he/sheを使って言っても良いですね。 "he wants soda", "she wants orange juice".
Jese DMM英会話講師
  • He/She would like....

  • He/She would like some apple juice.

  • He/She wants a...

You could use phrases "would like" or "wants" to talk about what your child would like to drink. "He/She wants a bottle of water." By adding "please" to the end of the statement to make your drink order polite.
子供が飲みたい物について言う時には、"would like"、または"wants"が使えるでしょう。 例: He/She wants a bottle of water. ペットボトルのお水を一本ください。 最後に"please"を付け加えると、飲み物を丁寧に注文できます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • My son/daughter would like an orange juice please

  • Could my son/daughter get an orange juice please?

  • Can i get an orange juice for my son/daughter please?

If you wanted to get an orange juice for your child then you can use either 'Could my son/daughter get an orange juice please?' or 'Can i get an orange juice for my son/daughter please?' To tell the person what your child would like you would say 'My son/daughter would like an orange juice please'
子供にオレンジジュースをもらいたいなら、 'Could my son/daughter get an orange juice please?'(息子/娘にオレンジジュースを頂けますか?) 又は、 'Can I get an orange juice for my son/daughter please?'(息子/娘にオレンジジュースを頂けますか?) と言えます。 子供が欲しいということを伝える場合には、 'My son/daughter would like an orange juice please'(息子/娘はオレンジジュースをお願いします) と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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