世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/04/25 21:22
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  • How was your university life?

  • How did you spend your university life?

How was your university life? よく聞かれる表現です。How was 〜 ? で「〜はどうでしたか?」という意味になります。 例)How was this week?:今週はどうでしたか? How did you spend your university life? このように表現することも可能です。spend で「〜を過ごす」という意味になります。 例)I spent a great time with my family yesterday.:昨日家族と良い時間を過ごした。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • What was your college life like?

こんにちは。 What was your college life like? あなたの大学生活はどんなでしたか? 上記のような言い方もできます。 What was 〜 like? で「〜はどうでしたか?」「〜はどんなでしたか?」のような意味になります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Tell me about your college days!

  • How was college life?

  • Tell me about your college life experiences!

Everybody spends their college life differently, some students like to party all the time, some separates their time between party and studies and others only concentrate on their studies full-time, but everyone has stories to share about their experiences at college.
"人によって大学での学生生活は様々ですよね。 例えば、いつも飲み会ばかりしていた人、飲み会には時々参加するけど、ちゃんと勉強する時間も作っていた人、学生時代は勉強のみに集中していた人… どんな大学生活でしたか?と聞かれたら、人によって自分の学生時代があるんじゃないでしょうか。"
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • What was your college life like?

  • I guess college life was a lot of fun?

  • Did you enjoy life at college?

1. You ask the question. 2. You state that college life was a lot of fun but use voice intonation to make it into a question. You could do the same by adding a question tag: "I guess college life was a lot of fun, wasn't it?" 3. You are asking someone if they enjoyed life at college. A "Did you enjoy life at college?" B "Yep, it was a blast!" Blast = a lot of fun
1. 普通の質問の形です。 2. 大学生活が楽しいという普通の分ですが、最後に語勢をあげることで、質問扱にすることができます。 付加疑問文の例: "I guess college life was a lot of fun, wasn't it?" 3. 大学生活が楽しかったのか、と尋ねる質問です。 A "Did you enjoy life at college?" B "Yep, it was a blast!" Blast = a lot of fun(すごく楽しい)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Tell me about your college days?

  • I had a bit of a tough time at university...Tell me about your college days?

The time we had learning at university /college are often described as our "College days":-D Not everyone had a great time, since there was a great deal of pressure to succeed! However most of us will still have many fond memories! "I had a bit of a tough time at university...Tell me about your college days?"
大学で勉強をした時間は、"College days"と表現されることがよくあります。良い成績を取らないといけないというプレッシャーが凄いので、全員が素晴らしい時間を過ごした訳ではありません。しかし私達の大半は、多くの楽しい思い出があります。 例文 "I had a bit of a tough time at university...Tell me about your college days?" 私は大学では少し辛い思いをしました。あなたの大学生活について話して頂けませんか?
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Tell me about your college experiences

  • How did you find college?

  • How was college for you? I thought it was great!

These are different ways to ask about someone's college life. They are open ended questions which allow the person to go into detail about their college life. "Tell me about your college experience(s)" would be good to ask, but you can make the question more detailed by asking about something specific. For example: tell me more about your time in college residence while you were in college. That way they know that you want to know specifically about their life off-campus.
これらは誰かに大学生活を尋ねる色々な表現です。 制約のない質問なので、相手は彼らの大学生活の詳細を語ることが出来ます。 "Tell me about your college experience(s)" (あなたの大学について教えてください) これはいい質問ですが、もう少し特定して詳細を尋ねるといいでしょう。 【例】 "Tell me more about your time in college residence while you were in college." (あなたが大学生だった頃の学生生活について教えてください) これによってあなたが相手のキャンパス外での生活を特定して聞いていることを伝えることが出来ます。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Did you enjoy college life?

  • What was further education like for you?

  • Did you have a good time at university?

College can refer to any form of further education, not just university. Asking about college life, further education or university will depend on the individual student's circumstances. Many people enjoy sharing their college experiences and will happily tell you which institute they attended and what the lifestyle was like. After all, many people go on to further education to enjoy themselves and meet new people as well as expand their education.
Collegeは大学に限らず、あらゆる継続教育を表すことが出来ます。大学生活について尋ねる時に、継続教育か大学であるかはその個人の学生の状況によります。多くの人が、大学での経験を共有することを楽しみ、どの大学に行き、どんな生活を送っていたかを楽しく話してくれるでしょう。 結局多くの人が継続教育を受けるのは、楽しい時間を過ごし、教育をさらに受けたり、新しい人に会うためです
Suzi DMM英語講師
  • How was college life for you?

  • In college were you a book worm or the life of the party?

  • What did you spend most of your time doing in college?

When you ask someone a question using 'how', they need to describe the manner or way that something happens. For example if you ask someone 'how are you?' they need to describe they way in which they are feeling, so they will say something like 'I am fine/ I am tired/ I am so happy'. 'How' is a very important word when you are looking for details and explanations. When you ask someone whether they are a book worm or life of the party, you are giving them two extremes. A lot of people study and also party while in university, there are very few that ONLY study or ONLY party. When you ask someone a question using two extremes, for example 'is your hair very long or are you bald?', they need to explain to you where they are on your scale, for example 'my hair is not very long, it is shoulder length'. When you ask someone the question 'what' they need to describe or mention details. If you ask someone what they did in college, they will tell you the things they were doing. For example 'I spent my time studying in college/ I spent my time drinking with friends in college'
how',を使って人に質問をする時は、相手はどのように物事が起こるのかを説明する必要があります。例えば 'how are you?'と聞けば、相手はどのような気分かを説明する必要があります。ですから、 'I am fine/ I am tired/ I am so happy'. のように答えるでしょう。詳細や説明を求める時に、. 'How' はとても重要な語です。 人に勉強ばかりしていたのか、遊んでばかりいたのかを尋ねる時は、2つの極端な例を示しています。多くの人は、大学生の時に勉強したり遊んだりしています。勉強しかしていない、遊んでばかりという人はごく少数です。例えば'is your hair very long or are you bald?'(あなたの髪の毛は長いですかそれとも坊主ですか), のような、2つの極端な例を使って質問をする時は、相手はあなたに、例えば'my hair is not very long, it is shoulder length'.(私の髪の毛はそんなに長くない、肩ぐらいの長さです)のようにあなたの基準の中でどこにあるのかを説明する必要があります。 'what' を使って質問をする時は、詳細を説明する又は言う必要があります。大学時代に何をしていたかを尋ねる場合、相手はしていたことを話してくれるでしょう。例えば、I spent my time studying in college(大学では勉強していました)/ I spent my time drinking with friends in college(大学では友人とお酒を飲んでいました)のような感じです。
Lesang DMM英語講師
  • What was your college life like?

  • What as your university life like?

  • Tell me about your university life.

The first two examples are to show that we can use two different words when referring to this level of education. College is used mainly in the US where as University is used in other parts of the English speaking world.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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