世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/04 17:30
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  • Mind if I come along with you?

  • Would it be alright if I came shopping with you?

「行っていいですか?」の言い方は場合と目的によってだいぶ違います。 押し付けたくない時:Would it be alright if I… このフレーズは相手の面倒になりそうな時によく使います。距離感があります。 Would it be alright if I came shopping with you? 押し付けたくないけど距離感にならない時:Would you want me to… Would you want me to come shopping with you? 普通の時:Mind if I…または Can i... Mind if I come shopping with you? Can I come shopping with you? Come と goの違い 日本語のバージョンは「行く」と使うのですが、英語は「来る」を使うのはなぜでしょうか? 「Come」=相手に近づく 相手は1人で行く場合、遠くなるのですが一緒に行くのである意味で相手に近づきます。 「Go」だと、相手と一緒に行くことではなく、買い物に行くのを強調します。 Come Long = 一緒に行く. 注意!!「一緒に」の英訳は一応「together」ですが、「together」の場合は主語が必ず複数にならなければいけません。 Can we go together? O Can I go together? X He went with her together X They went together O
  • Can I come (shopping) with you?

  • Do you mind if I tag along?

①Can I come (shopping) with you? 私も一緒に(買い物)行っていい? ここであえて"go"ではなく"come"を使っているのは、すでに相手が行くことを決めていて、そこに便乗し自分で自分を招待してる感じなので、「行く」という意味の"go"でなく「ついてくる」というニュアンスの"come"を使ってます。 ②Do you mind if I tag along? 一緒にくっついて行ってもいい? "Tag along" =ついていく 少しくだけた言い方でよければ、このフレーズも自然です。 話の流れで「買い物」の話をしてることがわかっているという前提であえて"shopping"は入れていません。 "Do you mind~~~?"の方が"Can I ~~?"よりも遠慮してる感じがあるので、ここでは"Do you mind"にしました。
  • Do you mind if I keep you company?

  • Is it OK if I tag along?

To keep someone company = to spend much time with someone; to associate with or consort with someone. "Bill has been keeping company with Ann for three months. ..." To be courting someone. "Mary and Bill are keeping company. ..." To sit or stay with someone, especially someone who is lonely. "I kept my uncle company for a few hours." To tag along =to go somewhere with a person or group of people, esp. when you have not been invited: "James doesn't want his little brother to tag along."
To keep someone company = 誰かと一緒に過ごす、配偶者をもつ "Bill has been keeping company with Ann for three months. ..." ビルはAnnは一緒になって3か月だ。 ーと付き合う "Mary and Bill are keeping company. ..." マリーとビルは付き合っている 1人でいる人に寄り添ってあげる。 "I kept my uncle company for a few hours." おじさんに数時間一緒にいてあげた。 To tag along =誰かと、グループに連れ添ってどこかにいく(特に誘われてもいない)。 "James doesn't want his little brother to tag along." ジェームズは小さい弟がついてくるのが嫌だ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "Can I come for shopping with you?"

You can ask them directly if you can go with them.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Can I go shopping with you?

  • Can I go too?

  • Can I come along?

Can I go shopping with you? 一緒にショッピング行ってもいいですか? Can I go too? 一緒に行ってもいいですか? Can I come along? 一緒について行ってもいいですか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 Can I ... で「〜してもいい?」のような意味です。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
  • Do you mind if I accompany you to the shops?

  • Is it fine if I come shopping with you?

In the first question, the phrase 'do you mind?' has been used. It has been used here as a request for permission to accompany him/her. The verb to 'accompany' has also been used in its present tense, meaning, 'to go to the shops with the crush'. So, you may say: Do you mind if I accompany you to the shops? You may also politely ask in a straightforward manner and say: Is it fine if I come shopping with you?
最初に質問では"do you mind?"(気にしますか)というフレーズが用いられています。これはここでは彼または彼女に付き添っても良いか許可を求めるために使われています。 動詞"accompany"(付き添う)も現在形で使われています。好きな人と店に行くという意味です。 したがって"Do you mind if I accompany you to the shops?"(それらの店に付き添っても良いですか)と言うことができます。 丁寧に直接的な方法で"is it fine if I come shopping with you?" (あなたと買い物に行っても良いですか)と尋ねることもできます。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • To tag along, join in an activity

  • To join in or tag along with a person or group

if you wanted to join in or accompany a person or group, you could say something like "Can i come". or "Do you mind if I tag along". More formally might be something like "do you mind if I join you". or "may I accompany you?".
誰かまたはグループに加わったり同行したりしたい場合は、下記のように尋ねることができます。 例文: "Can i come?" 「私も行っていい?」 "Do you mind if I tag along" (私もついて行ってもいいですか?) ※ tag:服などについているタグのように、ずっと引っ付いてまわるイメージ もっとフォーマルな言い方を好まれる場合は次の表現があります。 例文: "Do you mind if I join you?" "May I accompany you?" (私もご一緒してもいいですか?)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Do you mind if I come along, I quite fancy a shopping trip?

  • I'd love to go shopping too! Can I come?

  • Aren't you going to invite me to go shopping with you?

The first answer is more polite and less obvious. The second is a little obvious that you are interested in the other person and spending time with them. The third answer is very brash and obvious that you like the person. You need to have had hints that they like you to use this one.
Selina M DMM英会話講師
  • May I go to the shops with you?

  • I would like to go shopping too, may I tag along?

Both of them would suffice well in this situation. The first sentence is clear and it is easy to use if you just want to keep your crush company on their shopping trip. We use the word "shops" when we are referring to the stores in the are in general. You could also use the word "mall" if you wish. This refers to a building with all the shops built in inside it. The second sentence you could use when you also have some shops to go to. We use "tag along" when we just want to join someone in an activity.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Can I join you?

  • Mind if I come with you?

  • Mind if I join you?

Notice that in the second and third example, we can either use the verbs, "to join," and, "to come," interchangeably. We can either use the verb, "to be able to," or, "to mind if," in a similar way depending on how we structure the sentence.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Can I tag along with you to go shopping?

  • Could I join you to go shopping?

if you would like to ask your crush if you can follow her shopping, you can say something like "Can I tag along with you to go shopping?". The phrase "tag along" in English means to follow someone somewhere or to go with them. Another sentence using the phrase tag along could go something like "Isaac will be tagging along with us to go to the carnival later".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Can I come shopping with you?

  • Do you mind if I come shopping with you?

Here is an example of a dialogue: Hey what are you doing today? I'm going to go shopping, I want to check out the new mall in the city. That sounds great, do you mind if I come shopping with you? Yeah no worries! It will be good to have your company.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Join

  • Tag along

Both of the examples i'm about to give your can be used when asking someone if you can go with them. Examples; - Can I join you when you shopping later on? - Do you mind if I tag along on your shopping spree?
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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