世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/04 18:42
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  • Would you kindly tell me several convenient dates so that we can arrange our meeting schedule?

  • Could you give me some convenient dates for you for our meeting schedule?

Would you kindly tell me several convenient dates so that we can arrange our meeting schedule? Could you give me some convenient dates for you for our meeting schedule? 丁寧に聞く場合の定型表現は、Would you...? Could you...? を使います。 いくつか、は、"several"を使うとよいでしょう。 convenient dates と言うと「[都合の良い](日程」となります。arrange で「[調整する](」です。
  • Can you please send me your availability so we can schedule a convenient time to meet?

  • Let me know your schedule is so that I can look into a good time to meet together.

Asking for someone's availability is a great way to see all your options compared to their schedule to arrange a meeting. This is a polite and professional way to arrange a meeting, that also sounds very accommodating. To "look into" something means that you will spend time to find out information. It also tells them that you need to look at two schedules, yours and theirs. So if someone is demanding a time that you are not available for, this language politely informs them that you need to consider when you are available as well.
相手の「availability([都合のいい](日時)」を尋ねることで、丁寧、プロフェッショナルに打ち合わせを調整できます。 "look into" は「[検討する](」といった意味です。ここ(英訳例)では、相手とこちらのスケジュールを照らし合わせるという意味も含みます。 相手がこちらの都合の悪い日時を要求している時にこの表現を使うと、「こちらのスケジュールもある」と丁寧に伝える言い方になります。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please give me a few convenient times so I can arrange a meeting together?

「都合のいい時間をいくつかください」の部分ですが、2〜3くらいオプションを貰えばいいかなと思うのでa fewという表現にしました。 「打ち合わせ」はa meeting 「日時を決める」という表現はarrangeの方が自然です。スケジュールを決める時も。 Let’s arrange our schedules so we can meet. 「じゃ、会うスケジュールを決めましょう」
DMM Eikaiwa バイリンガルチーム
  • Could you kindly tell me as soon as possible when you would be available for a meeting?

  • Will you kindly give the date and time you are available for a meeting?

  • Would you possibly be able to tell me a convenient time for us to meet?

"Could you kindly tell me as soon as possible when you would be available for a meeting?" This is a great formal phrase to use every day, during business and other situations. The addition of "could you kindly" makes this a very polite and respectful sentence. "Kindly" asking someone to do something is always a wonderful way to add politeness to a sentence, especially in business. This phrase, however, does not specify directly that you are asking for a date and time for the meeting, but it is implied. Adding "as soon as possible" lets the person you are speaking to know that it is important that they get back to you quickly. Example: You: "Could you kindly tell me as soon as possible when you would be available for a meeting?" Branch Manager: "Absolutely. I will have my secretary check my schedule and contact you within the hour." "Will you kindly give me the date and time you are available for a meeting?" This is also a great formal phrase to use, and it is similar to the last one. The biggest difference here is that you are explicitly asking for a date and time, and leaving no room for misinterpretation. Again, the addition of "will you kindly" makes this a very polite sentence appropriate for business. Example: You: "Will you kindly give me the date and time you are available for a meeting?" Business Partner: "Gladly. Give me a moment to check my schedule. I have an opening on Tuesday at 4 o'clock. Will that work for you, Sir?" "Would you possibly be able to tell me a convenient time for us to meet?" This is a slightly less formal phrase you can use to ask someone about what time would be good to meet. You could still use this in business, but this would be something you would use with a business partner or other business associate you are more familiar with. "Would you possibly" implies some degree of familiarity, and doesn't express the utmost politeness. However, it is still considered polite. If you are speaking this phrase instead of using it in an email, be sure to use a cheerful tone of voice. If used in an annoyed or upset tone, this sentence can be considered rude in some cases. Example: You: "Would you possibly be able to tell me a convenient time for us to meet?" Business Associate: "Yes, of course! Hold on one moment and I'll check my schedule."
"Could you kindly tell me as soon as possible when you would be available for a meeting?" (打ち合わせはいつが都合がいいか教えて頂けますか?) これはビジネスシーンなどで日常的によく使われる素晴らしくフォーマルな表現になります。 この"could you kindly"を付け足すことによって丁寧でしかも尊敬する表現になります。 特にビジネス上では,誰かに何かをお願いする時にこの"Kindly"を使うと素晴らしく丁寧なで尊敬する表現になります。 しかし、このフレーズは打ち合わせの日時を明確には尋ねていません。 ただ、少しほのめかしているだけです。 "as soon as possible"を付ける事によって、できるだけ迅速な回答が重要だという事を伝えることが出来ます。 【例】 You: "Could you kindly tell me as soon as possible when you would be available for a meeting?" (あなた:打ち合わせにご都合がいいはいつか教えて頂けますか? Branch Manager: "Absolutely. I will have my secretary check my schedule and contact you within the hour." (支店長:もちろろん!秘書に確認させて正時までには知らせるよ) "Will you kindly give me the date and time you are available for a meeting?" (打ち合わせに都合がいい日時を教えて頂けますか?) これもまた、素晴らしくフォーマルに使う表現です。 そして、先の表現とよく似ています。 一番大きな違いは、 ここでは間違って誤解することなく、日時をはっきりと尋ねているところです。 この場合も先と同様に "will you kindly"を付けてビジネスにふさわしいようにてても丁寧な表現にしましょう。 【例】 You: "Will you kindly give me the date and time you are available for a meeting?" (あなた:打ち合わせに都合がいい日時を教えて頂けますか?) Business Partner: "Gladly. Give me a moment to check my schedule. I have an opening on Tuesday at 4 o'clock. Will that work for you, Sir?" (仕事のパートナー:喜んで!ちょっと予定を確認するので時間を少しください。 火曜日の4時が空いています、そちらのご都合はどうでしょうか?) "Would you possibly be able to tell me a convenient time for us to meet?" (打ち合わせに都合のいい時を教えてもらえますか?) これはそれほどフォーマルではない表現です。 会合するのにいつが都合がいいか尋ねる表現になります。 ビジネス上でも使うことは出来ますが、仕事のパートナーや仕事関係者などの親しい間柄に使う方がいいでしょう。 "Would you possibly"とはある程度の親密さを 示し、最高の丁寧さは表現されていません。 ですが、比較的丁寧だと考えられます。 このフレーズをメールなどで使用する代わりに話す場合は、声に愉快なトーンで話しましょう。 もし、怒ったような、むっとしたような声のトーンで話すと、失礼に値することがあります。 【例】 You: "Would you possibly be able to tell me a convenient time for us to meet?" (あなた:打ち合わせに都合のいい時を教えてもらえますか?) Business Associate: "Yes, of course! Hold on one moment and I'll check my schedule." (仕事仲間:もちろん!ちょっと待って、予定を確認するから)
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to set up a meeting for next Monday.

  • Let's schedule a meeting as soon as possible.

  • Shall we arrange a mutually convenient time for a meeting?

Making a suggestion in question form is a more subtle way of proposing a meeting.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could you tell me the most convenient time we can book/schedule an appointment/meeting

This is a formal you say it. Please note you can say book/schedule or appointment/meeting. So you can use these words interchangeably.
例文は、フォーマルな表現です。T book/schedule orやappointment/meetingなどと表現できます。どれでもOKです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Availability:

  • We really need to finalise the contract details , what is your availability for a business meeting.

Most business men keep a strict diary or appointment book...There are slots and times that are marked as " available"...IE free to be filled. So when we need to gather information on potential dates...We just need to ask: "what is your availability? "We really need to finalise the contract details, what is your availability for a buiness meeting?"
多くのビジネスマンは、きちんと予定を管理していて、人と会う約束があります。" available"(空いている)と書かれている時間枠や時間があります。ですから、会う可能性のある日の情報を集める必要がある時は、"what is your availability? (予定はどうですか)とだけ聞く必要があります。 例文 "We really need to finalise the contract details, what is your availability for a buiness meeting?" 契約の詳細を決定しなければいけません、ミーティングをしたいと思うのですが、予定はいかがですか?
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Please advise your availibility for the meeting.

  • Can you please tell me when this meeting fits best with your schedule?

  • What times and dates suit you best for this meeting

This question is common nowadays emailing between companies around the globe. In a formal email where the email is to a client or your superior I would say "please advise times and dates that best fit your schedule for this meeting". If you are the boss or have the upper hand, and still want to ask when suits them you can also give them a specific time, like "Does Monday morning suit your schedule/diary?"
これは、世界中のメールで現今よく聞かれる質問ですね。 取引先や上司などへのフォーマルなメールでしたら、次のように言うことができます: "Please advise times and dates that best fit your schedule for this meeting" [訳]打ち合わせに、ご都合の良い日時をいくつかください もし、あなたが上司か立場が上の場合は、次のように特定の日時を指定することもできます: "Does Monday morning suit your schedule/ diary?" [訳]月曜日の朝は都合はどうですか?
Bronwyn D DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to schedule a meeting. When are you available?

例えば下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: ・I'd like to schedule a meeting. When are you available? ミーティングの日時を決めたいです。いつがあいていますか? available は「あいている」というニュアンスを持つ英語表現です。 シンプルですが使いやすい英語フレーズだと思います。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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