You insist that you aren't upset, but it's obvious that you are
You're a terrible liar, I can tell that you are angry
You insist that you aren't upset, but it's obvious that you are =怒ってないと言い張るけど明らかに不機嫌だよね
insist =言い張る、言い切る
upset =落ち込む、不機嫌
obvious =明らか、明らかに
You're a terrible liar, I can tell that you are angry =本当嘘が下手だよね、怒ってるって分かるよ
少し挑発的な言い方なので相手を見極めて言いましょう!怒ってる人に対して「怒ってる?」って質問は火に油です、don't play with fire!