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2017/05/06 20:47
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  • Nori is not something you eat by itself, you wrap rice with it

Nori is not something you eat by itself, you wrap rice with it =海苔は単体で食べるものではなく、ご飯を包んで食べるのよ wrap =包む サランラップのラップです 今では海外でも和食は結構あるのでnoriでも伝わるかと思うのですが、そうでなければdried seaweed (感想されたワカメ)と表現するといいでしょう。
  • You don't eat it by itself, you wrap it around rice

  • Seaweed is supposed to be wrapped around rice

  • Nori is not supposed to be eaten by itself, you wrap it around rice

Nori is also called seaweed and use the wrap around rice when making sushi so you wouldn't eat it on it's own you could say you don't eat it /your not supposed to eat it by itself' by adding 'you wrap it around rice' this explains what you do with it
nori' は 'seaweed' ともいいます。これはすしを作るときにご飯を巻くのに使われます。'nori' だけでは食べません。 'you don't eat it/you're not supposed to eat it by itself'(それだけでは食べない)と言えます。 'you wrap it around rice'(ご飯に巻いて食べる)は、その食べ方を伝えています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Seaweed isn't meant to be eaten on its own, you should eat it with rice.

  • Seaweed is supposed to be eaten wrapped around rice.

For Native English speakers, the word "supposed" tells people how things should be done. Similarly, the word "should" implies the right way to do things as well.
ネイティブスピーカーにとっては、"supposed" は本来なすべきことを示します。 同様に、"should" も物事の正しいやり方を暗示します。
Chinique DMM英会話講師
  • It isn't meant to be eaten by itself, but as a wrap for rice.

  • By itself, it's not as palatable as when wrapped around rice.

When talking about the purpose of something, you can say "meant to be." In this instance, The seaweed is not "meant to be" eaten by itself. When something is edible but not tasty, you can say it isn't "palatable."
物事の目的について言うときは、"meant to be"(~のために作られている)が使えます。この例では、ノリが「そのまま食べるものとしては作られていない」ということです。 何かが「食べられるけどおいしくない」なら、それは "not palatable" と表せます。
Jae C DMM英会話講師
  • Seaweed is often eaten with with rice, not by itself.

  • seaweed should be wrapped around rice and not eaten alone.

Wrapped' can also be used aswell as 'wrap', depending on the context of past, present and future. 'should' usually used when something has to be done, or used properly and correctly.
それが過去の出来事なのか現在なのか未来なのかによって 'Wrap' に加えて 'Wrapped' も使われます。 'should' は何かをしなければならないときや、あるいは何かの正しい使い方を示すときに使われます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • You may find that seaweed is best eaten wrapped around rice rather than by itself

To a child who is eating seaweed by itself - and you want to explain that seaweed isn't eaten by itself, but eaten with rice (wrap rice with seaweed), then the above example statement may be suitable for this scenario. However, since taste is a very personal thing, and this is a child, you may moderate your advice by beginning: 'You may find that...' Perhaps the child is tired of rice and likes to eat seaweed on its own!
ノリだけを食べている子に、ノリはそれだけで食べるものではなく、ご飯に巻いて食べるものだと説明したいなら、上記の文が使えます。 しかし味覚というのは個人的なものですし、相手は子どもですから、'You may find that...' で始めて、アドバイスを和らげた方がいいかもしれません。 もしかしたらその子はご飯に飽きて、ノリだけを食べたいのかもしれません!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Seaweed is not eaten on its own, it is eaten with rice.

  • Seaweed is eaten together with rice.

  • To eat seaweed correctly, we wrap it around rice.

Certain meals are eaten in a specific way. To enjoy seaweed, we must first wrap it around some rice. The word 'should' expresses the correct way in which something must be done.
決まった食べ方のある食べ物というのはありますね。 ノリ(seaweed)はまずご飯に巻かないといけません。 'should' は、物事の正しいやり方を示します。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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