There are many ways to say someone is telling a lie: falsehood, untruth, fib, lie, fable, fairy tale, fabrication, made up.
"He always tells fibs. I can never believe him."
"She told me an untruth so as not to hurt my feelings."
"The history books are full of falsehood."
"This book is just a fairy tale."
"Everything that he tells me is a fable. I can't believe anything he tells me."
"Everything was a setup, full of fabricated stories and made up lies."
falsehood、untruth、fib、lie、fable、fairy tale、fabrication、made upです。
He always tells fibs. I can never believe him.
She told me an untruth so as not to hurt my feelings.
The history books are full of falsehood.
This book is just a fairy tale.
Everything that he tells me is a fable. I can't believe anything he tells me.
Everything was a setup, full of fabricated stories and made up lies.
嘘は lie ですね。それ以外だったら fib
A: Do you believe what he said?
B: No. I think he is fibbing.
A: 彼の言ったこと信じる?
B: いいえ。彼は嘘を言ってる。
Children are taught not to fib.
He knew that her statement was false.
These are synonyms for the word lie. Which is an untrue statement. It can also be a statement meant to mislead or deceive. You can also lie by omission.
You're not telling me a fib, are you?
I think you're fibbing.
I think he's fibbing.
A fib is usually an innocent lie that children tell because they don't understand the seriousness of a big lie. A statement can simply be "not true" or "it is not the truth" can be more polite than accusing someone or something of being a lie. A false phrase, sentence or statement is a more formal way to say it's a lie, good for business situations or formality. Also even more polite is to express that the statement is "misleading" which means it is not leading to the truth, but not exactly false or a lie. It seems that the statement creates more confusion then telling a direct truth about something. Politicians usually make misleading statements.
"fib" は普通、大きなうその深刻さを理解していない子どものつく罪のないうそを言います。
"not true" や "it is not the truth" と言った方が、"lie" を使って追求するよりも丁寧になるかもしれません。
"false phrase/sentence/statement" は、うそを表すよりフォーマルな言い方で、ビジネスやフォーマルな場面に適しています。
さらに丁寧な表現が "misleading" です。真実につながらないという意味で、必ずしもうそを表すわけではありません。混乱を招くようなことを言うという感じです。政治家はよく "misleading statements"(誤解を招く発言)をします。
Falsehood: is another word for lie but is very rarely used during conversation. You may come across it while reading.
Untruth: the exact opposite of truth. People usually say "That is untrue!"
Fiction: relating to works of something that is not real. Like an alien invasion would be a work of fiction. Reality is called non-fiction.
A more slang term to call someone's story a lie is "A cock and bull story" and is commonly used.
Hope this helps!
これは "truth" の反対の言葉です。
よく "That is untrue!"(それは真実じゃない!)と言います。
例えば、宇宙人の侵略などは "fiction"(フィクション)の作品です。
"Reality"(現実)は "non-fiction"(ノンフィクション)と呼ばれます。
"A cock and bull story" (うそっぱち/でたらめ)
Fibとも言います。例えば Are you fibbing?(嘘をついている?)と言えます。しかし、fibは大体子どもに使うような言葉で、fibは軽いイメージがあります。
False statementとも言います。False statementはわりとフォーマルな言葉で裁判とかの場面で使います。例えば He made false statements in his testimony(証言に虚偽の言明があった)と言えます。
一般的に「」が「」と言いますが、「falsehood」と「fib」という言葉もあります。「Porky pies」という表現もあります。
「Porky pies」は「lies」と韻を踏みますので、「to tell porky pies」がよく聞かれています。これがとてもカジュアルですね!
嘘をつく ー To tell a lie ・ To tell a falsehood ・ To fib ・ To tell a fib
lie 以外、"untruth" と言います。「嘘」を表します。例えば、"That's an untruth, I don't believe that." 「それはうそだ。そんなことを信じれない」
「嘘の塊」の場合、"pack of lies" と言います。相手はうそばっかりを言ったら、"That's a pack of lies" と言います。
初めのStretch the truth は直訳すれば、事実を(引っ張って)伸ばすということで、本当のことを色々ごまかす感じで嘘をつくという感じです。事実を含めた嘘という言い方も過言ではありません。
White lieはちょっとLieと違って、いい理由の嘘になります。例えば、奥さんが旦那に『今日の化粧はいい感じ?』と聞いてきて、奥さんがひどく見えても、旦那は、『綺麗だよ』というWhite lieをいいます。
Fib は lie と同じ、動詞と名詞として使われているけど、使い方はすこし違います。
She lied. / She lied to me.
She told a lie.
She fibbed. / She told me a fib.
She told a fib.
Mislead は悪意がある嘘を言うということですが deceive の方はそれより悪いです。
She misled me.
She was being misleading.
A little white lie は悪意がない嘘です。
Make up はいろいろの意味があるけど、この場合には、嘘という意味になります。
She's making that up! = She's not telling the truth! = She's lying!
Stop telling lies.
I am not, everything I say is true.
That is such a fib, you are the world's biggest fibber.
I am not.
Are too.
Am not.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
Here are some examples of these words being used in context. That story she told you was a fib, it was not what happened at all. That was a false statement, he was trying to provide misinformation so that he would not get in trouble.
deceive: to make someone believe something is true.
misinform: is to give someone inaccurate information
falsify: to change something in order to mislead someone
Lying can be the act of deceiving someone. So you can use it to show that someone believed your lie."I didn't intend to deceive people into thinking it was French champagne."
Misinforming someone is not always intentional. You may think something is right or true so you pass along the information. When it turns out to not be true, you have misinformed someone. "I was misinformed about when the meeting would be today."
Falsifying something is meant to deceive someone. It is usually done to make someone look better or someone else look worse. It is used mostly for self- image. "He falsified the documents to make himself look innocent."
「嘘」の “lie”以外の翻訳は “fib”や “white lie”です。
“Fib”は普段に重大ではない嘘です。例えば、冗談している時に、よく “fib”をします。
He told me that I had a stain on my shirt, but he was just fibbing.
“White lie”は他の人の面を立てるために使う嘘です。例えば、ある彼女が彼氏の作ったご飯を食べている時に、味がむずいと思ってしまいました。でも、「まずい」という代わりに、「美味しいよ」という嘘をつきます。それは “white lie”と言います。
Situations where these words are used: social, business, formal, informal
Type of word/phrase: standard language. 'A gross exaggeration' is a euphemism for 'untruth'
Example of this word/phrase:
"Mary's children are always telling fibs. You don't know what to believe!"
lie 以外の「嘘をつく」に似た表現には made up, fabricate, invent などがあり、「でっち上げる」とも訳されます。
I doubt whether he made up a story!!!
She is fabricating an excuse for being late.
He always thinks and talks subjectively, so his stories are often thought as invented ones.
He lied to me when he said he wasn't at the pachinko parlor.
Don't lie to me, you were seen on video camera causing the accident.
You have lied to me so many times I can't trust you anymore.
嘘 falsehood, fib, lie
He lied to me when he said he wasn't at the pachinko parlor.
Don't lie to me, you were seen on video camera causing the accident.
You have lied to me so many times I can't trust you anymore.